The really dreaded imperial starfleet

Title: The really dreaded imperial starfleet
Author: Ben "bennyboy" Litman
Date: Feb 18, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (5)

Death Star II (in hand)


Moff Jerjerrod (in hand)

No Escape (in hand)

Operational as planned

Locations (9)







Death Star II Cooland Shaft

Death Star II Capacitors

Death Star II Reactor Core

Characters (8)

Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Piett


Captain Gilad Pelleaon

Captain Godherdt

Darth Vader w/Lightsaber

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Major Miranda

Starships..o boy (20)

Executor (old school)




Death Squadron Star Destroyer





Imperial-Class Star Destroyer

Victory-Class Star Destroyer x6

Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser

Dengar in Punishing One

IG-88 in IG-2000

Scythe 1

Weapons (3)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

SFS L-s7.2 TIE Cannon

Superlaser Mark II

Interuppts (8)

Dark Maneuvers & Tallon Roll

Evader & Monnok

Imperial Barrier x2

Imperial Command

Scanning Crew

Sense & Uncertain is the Future

Twi’lek Advisor

Effects (5)

Desperate Counter

Kuat Drive Yards

Oppressive Enforcement

Reactor Terminal

Something Special Planned For Them

Epic Events/Other (2)

That Thing’s Operational

We’re In Attack Positiona Now ‘

Strategy: ‘

Just to let you all know, I’m a begginer. I’ve played in one tourny and got 11th out of 18. This is Supposed to be a fun deck, but it can win.

  The overall statagy is the Spread you forces and force drain for a ton. Admiral Chiranu helps alot. Arica is in there if the are playing a ground deck. No Escape helps if they’re playing The honor of the Jedi. so you can get that +2 or 3 bonus from the death star. 

Moff Jerry- to get the sites out right away

Admiral Chiranu- Force drain bonus

Vader- in case they don’t have a ground deck either can pick up a drain

Arica- undercover

Thrawn- one of the best SD caps out there

Pelion- can make superstar destroyer better than executer

We’e in attack position- makes all my piloted sds better

Godhert- gets one more hyper for thunderflare or executer.

Any tips would be appreicalted.