Operational and Dangerous

Title: Operational and Dangerous
Author: Pyry "Blizzard" Nystrom
Date: Feb 18, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Endor operations/Imperial outpost



EndorLanding platform

Operational as planned

Death Star II to hand

Moff Jerjerrod to hand

Mobilization points to hand


DSIICoolant shaft


DSIIReactor core






2xVader with saber

Grand moff Tarkin

Grand admiral Thrawn

Prince Xizor


Admiral Piett

Commander Merrejk

Dr Evazan & Ponda Baba

Boba Fett with Rifle

IG-88 with Riotgun







Bossk in HD

Zuckuss in MH

Dengar in PO

The Emperors Shield

The Emperors Sword




Tempest 1

Blizzard 2


Imperial degree

Battle order

Secret plans

Lateral damage

Therell be hell to pay

Oppressive enforcement


Twilek advisor


Masterfull move


2xSense & Uncertain is the future

3xSet for stun

Elis helrot

Dark maneuvers


Superlaser mkII

Admirals orders(1)

Battle deployment

Epic events(1)

That thing`s operational ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck is my version of DSII deck. I prefer to use the objective because its more

solid than to use only endor-system instead.

Basic idea is to build your Death Star ASAP. Then drain and cause direct damage. Direct

damage from DSII is more secure than cancellable drain bonuses from Ominous rumours. Also

it gives you much help in space war. Thats why this deck type can be exellent.

There is some major difrences between this deck and normal DSII decks. Youll notice that

i start with Mobilization points instead of Desperade counter(witch is not even in my deck).

First turn play Moff J to bunker and play Rendili, pull sector to DSII and so on…

You will get a lot of activation because of Mob.points and DSII and its sectors.

Put some badass in bunker to support Moff J incase they have a spy in hand.

Because of your tremendous fleet and many big pilots(everything supported by operational Death Star) supreme space victory should be unavoidable.

If Falcon is your nightmare, play GURI to space(Executor will really do the job).

If X-wings are coming, keep your boats in tight groups. Battle deployment with Thrawn is

iron here(-2 to power of each X-wing). If guns are suspected keep guys in capitals. Also

Dark maneuvers can save your ships.

This deck is also powerfull in the ground with its mains and walkers.

You have two auto-undercover spies also.

=So this deck should be very SOLID.


OK. Now you think how the heck can i defend my DS from being blown away There are no guns,

no Desperade counter, not many TIEs. But as you see there is 3xSet for stun Stun their

General Calrissian, Han Solo or ANY pilot(s) they send. Their ships will just be floating junk

in the DSII sectors(where no one can deploy) Ok Luke will be trouble, but who plays him to

space or sends him to blow DSII up??? You have two trackable sixes, so you can have a shot at him. = So DSII is NOT gonna blow

“Were quite safe from your friends here.”

-The Emperor

Some card explanations

Vader with saber Best vader for this kind deck(according to my opinion). Lord Vader needs

separate saber to efficient and any decent ground deck will laugh at his attrition immunity.

Choke Vader is good, but i thing auto-saber is even better.

Elis helrot with no imperial arrest order this card can be a game winner. If opponent has

insurrection, you can still move with it.

Other cards are self-explaining(Ask me if not).

Alright then here comes the matchups

MWYHL Drain heavily and battle. JT1 will do them no good When they are about to do JT5,

screw thier tracking with uncertain is the future

EBO Conquer space, rule the ground and drain. Walkers can storm Hoth if necessary. Imperial degree will help.

WYS Take space. Grap their key interrupt. Conguer ground, Thrawn and Battle deployment will

do wonders in your conquest for Tatooine. Park your Moon over their planet.

RTP Rule space, fight in ground. Imperial degree will kill them.

QMC Take Bespin=win, so A LOT OF FORCE THERE Remember to give Bespin one extra Moon.

Mains Battle and drain. Youll have the power to compete with them. And your drains and direct

damage will hurt them too much.

Agents in court Start Battle order. Aliens and droids can strike them. Imperials will probably have to move to JP.

Walkers can attack to sandstormed sites.

HP Havent played ever so ??? Your fleet is enough to create a threat or crush them.

Profit Put Boba Fett and Xizor to AC. Send more guys ASAP. Drain them from space.

Thanks for reviews Tell me what went wrong(if any). If you get interrested and want to find out more, just mail me ‘