The Balance

Title: The Balance
Author: James "Wraith One" Hsu
Date: Nov 23, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations Death Star (starting) Tatooine Cantina Endor Forest Clearing Endor Back Door Hoth Defensive Perimeter Endor Kashyyyk Coruscant Corulag

Characters Darth Vader x2 Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith x2 Darth Vader With Lightsaber Grand Moff Tarkin Brangus Glee Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Admiral Ozzel Captain Needa Admiral Motti Commander Igar DS-61-2 DS-61-3 Officer Evax Dr. Evazan Lieutenant Cabbel

Starships Devastator Executor Avenger Bossk in Bus Dreadnaught x2 Vader’s Personal Shuttle

Vehicles Tempest 1 Blizzard 2 Blizzard Scout 1

Interrupts Twi’lek Advisor x2 Masterful Move Monnok x2 Sense x2 Alter x4 Always Thinking With Your Stomach Sniper You Are Beaten

Effects Battle Order Imperial Arrest Order Come Here You Big Coward There’ll Be Hell To Pay First Strike Imperial Decree Security Precautions

Creatures Bubo

Weapons Vader’s Lightsaber x2’

Strategy: ‘

The first thing you may be wondering is, why isn’t this a Hunt Down deck?

  1. The Death Star is safe from revolutions. Until the release of ECC, evaders usually have to be used in multiples, and this limits deck space.

  2. The ability to use Sense/Alter. Sense/Alter are versatile, cancelling cards like OTEngage, Rebel Barrier, and Revolution. Even with MWYHL, you’d be surprised how often these cards go through. If not, they’re recycling 3’s and 4’s.

  3. The Death Star is not a major liability, even with the Tantive, due to Coward and Battle Order.

  4. The LS deck’s spies and Transmission Terminateds will be rendered next to useless, and wasted space.

  5. The Death Star is an easy system to control for the purposes of fulfilling Imperial Decree.

Generally, the deck will start with Battle Order, unless LS is playing Hidden Base. Vader will come down early for Sense/Alter.

Basically, go where the opponent is. Maximize Battle Order by knocking out the opponent in a weak area, either in space or on the ground. Attack agressivesively, and fortify important sites and systems. Imperials in vehicles are great counters for EPPs, especially when it’s Igar in Tempest 1.

Decree should be easy to setup given the amount of space and ground. Use Masterful Move with Vader to either hit or choke an important character, such as Luke. Most importantly, when playing the deck make sure that it adapts to the opponent’s strategy and it will do great.’