Let’s Hear It For Boobies

Title: Let’s Hear It For Boobies
Author: James "darthbooker" Booker
Date: Feb 18, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Endor Operations


Endor Landing Platform

Endor Bunker

Prepared Defences

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

Power Of THe Hutt


2xLord Vader

2xEmperor Palpatine

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Grand Moff Tarkin

Admiral Piett

Admeral Ozzel

Commander Igar

Commander Merrejk

Officer Evax

Prince Xizor


Admiral Chiraneau

Captain Lennox




Ephant Mon





Boba Fett In Slave 1

Zuchuss In Mist Hunter

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

Dengar In Punishing One




3xImperial Command

Point Man

Imperial Barrier

Twi’lek Advisor


Alter & Collateral Damage


Ominous Rumors

Reactor Terminal

You Cannot Hide Forever

2xLateral Damage

Come Here You Big Coward

Something Special Planned For Them

Oppresive Enforcement


Vader’s Lightsaber

Homing Beacon


Executor Docking Bay






Admiral’s Orders

We’re In Attack Position Now

Strategy: ‘


I am going to throw in Decree. I have no clue why it wasn’t in here the first time. I’m still going with the Palpys because they are the @#$%. Perimeter Patrol will find its way in, but tell me what I should take out to put it in.


James Booker

This deck is tearing up the Ohio tournament scene. Jamie Abel and I have brainstormed some ideas and this is the masterpiece. Altough Jamie’s version is a tad bit more conservative than mine, this has the the same idea.

On the first turn before you activate, pull out Rendili. Then during your control phase, play an Imperial Command if you have one to take out an Admiral, but if you don’t, take out Ominous Rumors. Then deplay Ephant Mon via Power Of The Hutt to the bunker, and if you have enough, deploy Rumours.

Spend the next turns drawing, but get Merrejk out as soon as possible because of his ability to pull out systems or deploy Piett to get Merrejk.

This deck runs 9 ships, so you should get a few fast and be able to deploy due to your nice generation. You have a lot of mustard, so winning battles should be a breeze in space.

On the ground, your not too weak. Emperor Palpatine is in here for his destiny and his power. You can slap him at a docking bay alone and activate a ton. He is pretty hard to get rid of and he’s a good character.

And now for some reasoning…

Power Of The Hutt is awesome Ephant Mon is invincible at the bunker, and it’s an Endor site you’ll always occupy for that +2 drain bonus-)

Captain Lennox and Officer Evax are both a forfeit of 7, that’s just too good.

DS-61-2 adds 3 to power and is forfeit 6.

Arica and U-3P0 block drains, enough said

Xizor and Guri are deadly on their ships and on the ground. Their just too good to pass up.

Alter & Collateral Damage is great card. Everyone plays with EPPs in my area and this card does someone in-)

Homing Beacon is THE CARD. React for free and cancels Landing CLaw, hook me up.

And now for the match ups…..

Mains(HB/AITC/MWYHL) you will just simply out drain them. They won’t retreive enough even if they do retreive. Something Special Planned For Them will see that their retreiving cards don’t come back.

Hidden Base/EBO A fun game, but I’ll win. They won’t have enough power left because they’ll be more interested in stopping your huge drains.

Profit I don’t see this anymore, but if I did I’d start Arica. The drains you have will win you the game, but kill Han if the opportunity arises.

MWYHL They won’t be fast enough, you’ll out drain them before they get the chance to retreive.

D-Mail me if you have any questions.