Harvest 99

Title: Harvest 99
Author: Greg "rabidjedi" Heisler
Date: Nov 24, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations(8) Obi-wan’s Hut(SL) Lar’s Moisture Farm(SL) Cantina Junland Wastes Mos Eisley Jabba’s Palace JP Audience Chamber JP Entrance Cavern

Characters(25) 2x Ben Kenobi 1x Obi-wan Kenobi 3x Luke w/ Lightsaber 3x Leia w/ Blaster Rifle 3x Han w/ Blaster Pistol 3x Chewie w/ Blaster Rifle 3x Owen Lars 3x Beru Lars 1x Tawas Khaa 1x Orrimarko 2x Bomarr Monk

Weapons(1) Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Vehicles and Starships(1) 1x Millenium Falcon

Interrupts(21) 1x The Signal 4x Harvest 2x Gift of the Mentor 1x Don’t Get Cocky 1x Skywalkers 2x Life Debt 2x Transmittion Terminated 1x Glancing Blow 2x Nabrun Leids 1x Shocking Information 1x Careful Planning 2x Don’t Forget the Droids 1x Courage of a Skywalker

Effects(4) 1x Traffic Control 2x Frozen Assets 1x Draw Their Fire’

Strategy: ‘

The setup is to start with Lar’s Moisture Farm and Obi-wan’s Hut. then, deploy to the farm and get a stable drain and force to backup Owen and Beru. then, you can beat up others and still retrieve your lost pile. That’s it

Have Fun’