Scanning Crew 101

Title: Scanning Crew 101
Author: Jayson "Rak" Benjamin
Date: Feb 20, 2001 Rating: 2.5




   Imperial Occupation/Imperial Control



   Surface Defense

   There is No Try & Oppressive Enforcement

   Secret Plans



   Lord Vader

   Darth Vader

   Corporal Avarik

   Sergeant Irol

   Grand Moff Tarkin

   Corporal Oberk

   Corporal Drelosyn

   Sergeant Elsek x2

   Sergeant Barich

   Corulag Operative x6

   Miiyoom Onith






   Spaceport Prefects Office



   Spaceport Docking Bay

   Spaceport City

   D2 Throne Room


   Vaders Lightsaber


   Scanning Crew x13

   Twilek Advisor

   Abyssin Ornament

   Monnok x2

   Evader & Monnok x2

   Control & Set for Stun x4


   Hyperwave Scan

   Ability, Ability, Ability

   Reactor Terminal

Strategy: ‘


I took out Darth Vader for a Vader with stick

——–end update——–

This deck is very basic in design. You use the objective as a front and Scanning Crew their hand away. Now, before you say well what about YISYW, here me out. Well most people who play with this card start it and by their second turn dump it for something else. Now all you have to do is play smart and conservatively. Now you first couple of turns it will be spent on getting sites and playing SCrew. Most of the time your opponent will try to out draw you in this case Monnock him. Always SCrew the highest ability characters from their hand leaving the scrubs(they are easier to deal with after all). After you are sure they cant amass you start deploying. I usally deploy to sites where characters have “gotten trough”. Deploy to Corulag only enough to flip the objective and get Mosep there ASAP.

Now one game a person asked me what would happen if I went up against aliens or an X-wing swarm deck.  That is where Monnock lost comes in. Making him loose his hoard of cards can be devastating.  Also always play Monnock(whether used or lost) before you drain that way if they have Yarna out you wont make them go below 13 cards.

Now,  for some explanation of cards.

Evader & Monnock- Because just in case I come up against decks that play revolution on there own sites i.e. throne room

Mosep- so the drain has to come from the reserve deck where all those wonderful mains are whooda thunk

Control & Set for Stun- Remember why I said high ability characters earlier this is why

There is No Try & Oppresive Enforcement-So if they try to Sense either Monnock or SCrew I still get it back and they loose 3 force

Hyperwave Scan-SCrew immune to sense and all cards with rebel in title are lost when opponent has 13 or more cards in hand. 1 SCrew, 2, LSRS and Obi hmmmmmm decisions decisions

Ability, Ability, Ability- I find more often than not that my opponent doesn’t have any characters to deploy cant figure out why though

2 Elseks- Because I find that he gets forfeited the most

13 SCrews- well to be honest with you that’s all I had. Now seriously, many people have watched this deck being played, yet when they play me they get burnt. Why? Because they don’t realize how many SCrews I play and how fast they get recycled. It happens every time.

Now time for some match-ups.

TIGIH- Dont let anyone hit the table besides Luke (not like you have a choice). Let him go where he wants until you pull Vader (preferably Lord Vader),his stick, GMT, and some scrub. Then go kick some butt. Let him hit try to hit whoever cancel it and sac the scrub. Other than that easy you just SCrew like a mad man.

Throne Room-Again SCrew and only let low ability characters hit the table if it comes to that. This will be tough (since they normally carry one butt load of characters) but doable just play smart and you should win.

WYS/TPCBALR-Well Ive never had to play one yet but it shouldn’t be to hard. Because most of their better ability characters will be Rebel Smugglers. So use Miiyoom Onith to get rid of the other male aliens (and these are lost). Shouldn’t be to terribly hard, but you can always force drain at their sites and use Monnock lost to get rid of their multiple Kessels.

Speederholics and X-wing swarms-Monnock lost. It works every time.

Well that’s about it. These are the major decks that are played in my region. Oh yea if someone does catch on and doesn’t ditch YISYW, SCrew makes good drain fodder and then you can play the deck almost like a normal Ops deck in which case send Vader and Tarkin to do some butt kickin.



P.S. For all you skeptics this deck is undeafeted while I was playing it. My brother used it one tournament and lost do to a bad draw on his part and a good draw on the opponent (My brother had 2 SCrews and the opponent had 2 LSJK 2LSRS Orrimarko and 2 Corran Horns). ‘