PKOS (Phil’s kind of scum)

Title: PKOS (Phil’s kind of scum)
Author: Phillip "Karrdeshark" Aasen
Date: Feb 21, 2001 Rating: 4.0






JP Audience Chamber

JP Lower Passages

JP Entrance Cavern

Tat Jabba’s Palace (start)

Tat Desert Heart (start


Evazan&Baba (combo)


Fett w/gun

Iggy w/gun

Jabba The Hutt x2


Dengar w/gun

Bib Fortuna x2

Myo x3

Abyssin x8




Bossk in ship

Iggy in ship

Dengar in ship

Jabba’s Sail Barge




Well Guarded (start)

YCHF (start)

First Strike (start)

Power of the Hutt (start)

Hutt Influence

S&V x2

Den of Thieves

Reactor Terminal

TINT& Opressive Enforcement (start against SAC)

No Bargain (start against Profit and AITC)


Jabba’s Twerps x2

Ghhhk x2

Abyssin Ornament&Wounded Wookie (combo)

Abyssin Ornament x2

None Shall Pass x2

Projective Telepathy x2

Twi’lek Advisor x2

Prep. Defences (start)

Strategy: ‘

I have played this deck and it whips serious buttocks. Now, here’s the strat. First turn, go

get Hutt Influence and Audience Chamber using Power of Hutt and Tat JP. If you have

any Twi’lek Advisors, this is the order you will find your effects S & V, Den of Thieves,

No Bargain, Reactor Teminal. Don’t use the AC’s game-text until your second or third

turn, so that you don’t search for a Jabba and then draw one. You don’t want to flip until

you have at least one of the “enforcers”, Snoova, Boba Fett, Evazan&Baba in your hand. Ideally,

after three or four turns, your set-up should look like this Tat DH, nobody, Tat JP, one

Enforcer and an Abyssin, JP EC, Bib and Boelo, JP AC, Jabba, Gailid, Mosep,

Myo, JP LP, an enforcer and one Abyssin. Don’t deploy Iggy or Dengar until

you are sure you won’t need them in space. Keep to your own ground, except in space,

and only deploy Enforcers when they try to battle you in Jabba’s Palace. Your drains will

be uncancelable (Hutt Influence) and at the AC, Lower Passages and Entrance Cavern,

you will be draining them for five off the top of their reserve deck and they cannot cancel

it. Ha Ha Every time you initiate battle you retrieve 3 force and they lose one. If they

overpower you, cancel it with a Projective Telepathy or, if you are using an Abyssin to

fight, regenerate him and Ghhhk away the damage. By your sixth turn you will have

canceled quite a few drains with your seemingly endless stock of Abyssins in your Den of

Thieves. Deploy all of them+ one or two enforcers to a sight where the opponent is weak

and the resulting battle damage is astronomical. What ever yoiu do, deon’t forget to be pulling stuff each turn with Power Of The Hutt Jabba’s Twerps is AWESOME Retrieves force (like I need more retrievel), it is a 6 destiny (track it for Fett’s gun, YCHF makes Jedi -1 defense value, so you can hit that LS, JK), and how’s this Myo is all by his lonesome at the AC. Some EPPs drop by kick him in the butt. You suddenly get out three Abyssins and WHAM The power reverses in your favor Boelo is great in this deck. Let’s say your Obj. is flipped. You have Bib+Boelo at the EC. The opponent has Han and Chewie their and plays a Life Debt. You play that A.O.& Wounded Wookie. Canceling all but 2 of their battle destiny. Use Boelo’s text and a Myo to the Obj. and they have no Battle Destiny. Your draw a +2 destiny that is likely to be a 5 or 6. You win I don’t have any Mara’s in the deck because they hurt No Bargain. I also don’t have room for her and her Stick anyway. I can’t think of anything else to say, so enjoy