The Dark Plague BHBM Revisited

Title: The Dark Plague BHBM Revisited
Author: Alex "george3785" George
Date: Feb 21, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

BHBM/Your father is a weak Ba$tard

DS2 Emperors Romba Room

Your Destiny

Insignifigant Rebellion

Prepared Defenses


Mob. Points

First Strike (may vary)

Locations (4)

Tat Docking bay

Cloud City Docking Bay


DS2 Docking Bay

Characters (18)

Emperor Palpatine

EPP Vader x2


Lord Vader

EPP Fett x2

Guri x2

Malcolm X the dark prince x2

Mighty Jabba

Jesus Greejatus “GOD”

Jizz Aloo

DR.E and Fuck Face

Mara Jade THO

Da Grand Moff of them all

Snoova the fuzzy Racoon

Weapons (3)

Mara’s Chopsticks

Vaders Vibrator

Snoova’s Favorite AXE

Starships (6)

Bossk in da magic school bus

Zuckuss in Piss Hunter

Dengar in Da ONE




Effects (8)

Emperor’s Power

No Escape

Sex Precautions

Some Stuff planned for them

Vewy quiet plans

Lateral Damage

Search and Destroy

Crush the Rebellion

Interrupts (13)

Twilek Advisor x2

Sense x3

Alter x2

Circle Da Obi Exterminator

Emperors Static Electricity

Evader/Monnok x2

Imperial Barrier


Strategy: ‘

This BHBM deck is very powerful and can run through most deck types out there right now. It is a great deck with many of your average BHBM cards, but also some new powerful boosts that make this deck very strong. It has many strong points to it that make it better than your average BHBM deck and can also provide more wins. I think that BHBM is one of the better decks when facing WYS the current bane of all dark side decks. BHBM has many counters to it, mainly taking away their power character, Luke, and the ability to get extra destinies, so that you can win more battles over the smugglers. When facing a WYS deck you can win battles but their retrieval is never ending so they usually outlast you in the end. Also the ability of Guri to limit them to one destiny and crush limiting them to two on cloud city you can also stop their never ending destinies. Zuckuss in mist hunter also can be very helpful because of its ability to reduce battle destinies. If they have the outrider with Dash and the Falcon with Han they still will not be able to get a destiny, so the extra destinies have no effect on you. If you play smart you should be able to beat most deck types including WYS.

Now on to the start

This deck sets up like a normal BHBM starting Mob Points, IAO, and usually first strike. First strike can be very helpful when using emperor”s power because you will not lose an extra card because you are retrieving a card. On the first turn you want to get your normal stuff, DS2 docking bay, Palpy there, Emperor”s Power, and Rendili. This will help provide nice force activation during your game. Second turn you want to get out more characters and just try to hold docking bays. When they first come down you want to battle fast, so that they are not able to build up their forces over a few turns. You should also not deploy Vader until they deploy so that you get at least one battle with him before the Rebel Scout whisks him away to the Throne Room where the Emperor is waiting. You should try to win battles and track high destinies so that you can win duels and make opponent lose 3 force. I also pack S+D for added damage and other cards to help you win the game. During a game where opponent is retrieving like mad, don”t worry because turning Luke depletes his whole deck and gives you the win.

Reasons for some cards

Force Lightning- you are able to get it out with the emperor and it can fry those pesky spies that will set up a beatdown on old wrinkly. This card can really help stop a huge beatdown.

Overwhelmed- This card is a great card that I found the other week that allows you to put opponents starships in used pile if you have double their power. This way you do not get mowed down by attrition loss.

Evador/Monnok/Crush- Nowadays people are getting sloppy and getting more than 12 cards so it is being more usefull. There are also may decks that usual multiple doubles which can be lost when you use monnok. Crush is also helpful because it can get out monnok.

Snoova and his Axe- There is no reason to not have him in this deck to help you win battles. He is power plus one and can capture characters with ease while deploying for 2 with DR. E. He is a great battle card and can gain you a card for insignificant rebellion.


WYS- This is the new favorite Lightside deck. It is also your toughest matchup. You should wait and deploy a beatdown on a little squad. Capturing Luke will also give you an edge when you duel and cause force loss. Overwhelmed can also help save you in space for a few turns, as well as Zuckuss. You should try for beatdowns to get rid of opponents characters and run him low on power. If you get all of his characters gone then he will not be able to use On the edge anyway. It is necessary to hold tatooine, and only enter the cantina if you have a sense or if his cantina brawls are lost. Make sure you do not make stupid mistakes and lose many characters to cantina brawl. Guri will also be helpful in this deck to limit his monster destinies. Make sure you do not leave characters lying around tempting the opponent to beat you down. Also, you should start Something special planned for them so that they can only play on the edge once. Crush the rebellion will also help get monnok”s which will hurt him badly, as most WYS play many doubles of interrupts and characters.

EBO- You should get out executor with mob. Points instead of Rendili. You should also deploy starships fast, because in the late game you will lose if they are not already on table. You should also try to invade their base to take out some forces, because going in can hamper their plans greatly. Monnok will be helpful against swarm, and make sure to kill those pesky baragwins as fast as possible. Win battles at all costs.

MWYHL- Start Secret plans. Deploy fast and heavy. Get some drains going and get out S+D. If he gives you luke duel quickly in order to cause major force loss. Try to get out something special planned for them to stop infinite on the edging. MONNOK will help while they hold multiple mains and OTE”s before testing is done. Make sure you don’t play stupid and set yourself up for a beatdown. You have to get rid of their force as fast as you can because once they flip you are in trouble.

Well that is all I am going to get into right now. This deck has been modified many times and is very good. I hope you like it. Please give help on how I could make it better and not just say it is stupid or bad. Tell me what I should do to make it GOOD.
