
Title: JediStoppa
Author: M "ISBOPS" C
Date: Feb 21, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (7)

Executor Docking Bay

Executor Meditation Chamber

Coruscant Docking Bay

Executor Holotheater

Death Star Docking Bay


Cloud City Docking Bay

Characters (19)


EPP Vader x3

Darth Vader

Snoova x2



Grand Admiral Thrawn

Prince Xixor

4-lom W/ Concussion Rifle

Janus Greejatus x2

Grand Moff Tarkin x2

Dr. E x2

Dengar with Carbine

Starships (4)

Zuckuss is Mist Hunter

Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

Boba Fett in Slave 1


Interrupts (14)

Prepared Defenses

Circle is now Complete x2

Sense x2


Masterful Move x2

Vader’s Obsession x2

You Are Beaten

Focussed Attack x2

Twilek Advisor

Effects (12)

Visage of the Emperor x3


No Escape

Secret Plans

Can’t Hide Forever

Search and Destroy

Bad Feeling Have I


Battle Order

Mob. Points

Weapons (1)


Objective and other purple jank (2)

Hunt Down

Epic DUel

Strategy: ‘

Also, I did have two Guris in my deck before, and I think Snoova is just so more powerful. He can capture, has at least an ability and one more power.

In response to reviews I have already explained clearly why I do not play Mara. She would even have less of a chance in winning duels because of the ability. Also, as you can see, you dont ever lose in duels when your numbers are appropiately tracked.

Okay, first of all, starting stuff.

 Hunt Down and Destroy the Jedi, Med Chamber, Holotheater, Epic Duel, Prepared Defenses, Visage, IAO, and Mob. Points.  The third card is pending on what deck you play.  Against Mains, start YCHF.  Against a swarm, start Battle Order.  Against MWYHL or any other retrieving deck, start Secret Plans. Right now I usually start YCHF because a lot of people play mains.  

Okay, first turn before you activate take Rendili, then activate. After that, deploy a 1/0 docking bay from RD. Do this each turn until you have all of them out. When you have enough force for Vader and a couple of other dudes, deploy to the docking bay, then flip. Draw enough each turn until you get your dueling stuff (ie Circle, Obsession, Vader, Focussed, Janus). When you get out Janus, start usin his text and stack your sixs and sevens. If your not feeling comfortable about doing anything until youre destinies are stacked 1 and 2, then go to a 1/0 site but deploy Arice to them (that’s why she’s in there). This deck has gone about 12-2 in dueling so far, I think the one time I lost was when I didnt even track but I had a Focussed.

Card I have been thinking about taking out are Battle Order and You Are Beaten. The cards that would be going in are Focussed Attack and Janus. If you think I should, give me a dmail or something.

Why I have certain cards

3x Visage, destiny 7, can be taken with Twilek and Masterful. Then stacked nicely with Janus

Arica When Im not doing too good in battles and am weeping like a little baby, I deploy her to them and try to remember to move her with the opponent ( I rarely remember though)

NO Executor Then only time I would really ever get this out was when I would play a swarm deck of some sort, then I would usually lose it, along with Visage and whoever was in the X. I have plenty of space though.

3x Epp Vaders Plus 1 for each destiny in duels, thats all I have also.

NO HT I do not rely on Visage for making my opponent lose force, because it usually hurts me too. I did have 2 of these in the deck earlier, but x2 of a destiny 2 card you dont need isnt great.

This decks average destiny without tracking is 3.


New Age Mains Start Hide and Seek, should be good because they play with Obs and Luke. Makes for a good game.

MWYHL Start Secret Plans, or, if youre feeling lucky, start YCHF to get S and D. I usually start Secret Plans. Should also be a good match, just remember to have ability greater than five at each site, also not hard, and try to get our Bad Feeling ASAP. Hurts this deck in a very bad way.

OMDH Same as TRM, except start Secret Plans. Spread out in space but be continually on the move.

Ebo/Swarm I dont start Decree because I never keep it up. Stay concentraded in space and kill em off.

Profit Get two aliens to the Chamber, and just beat them down on land. Oh, dont forget to duel

If Ive missed a deck tell me, and Ill put ut up THX.