Mike’s Hunt Down v 5 0

Title: Mike’s Hunt Down v 5 0
Author: Mike "Mikey P" Panayotou
Date: Feb 22, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (6)

Executer Holotheater

Executer Meditation Chamber

Executer DB



Death Star DB

Characters (18)

Lord Vader x2

Choke Vader x2

Tarkin x2

Mara Jade x2





Dengar w/Blaster Carbine

Dr. E and Ponda Baba



IG-88 w/Riot Gun

4-LOM w/Concussion Rifle

Starships (5)

Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter




Vehicles (2)

Blizzard 2

Tempest 1

Interrupts (13)

Prepared Defenses

You Are Beaten

Sniper and Dark Strike

Twi’lek Advisor

Imperial Barrier x2

Ommni Box and It’s Worse

Weapon Levitation

Masterful Move


Operational as Planned

Put All Sections on Alert

This is Some Rescue

Effects (11)

You Cannot Hide Forever


Mobilization Points

Visage x3

Search and Destroy

First Strike

Secret Plans

No Escape


Weapons (4)

Vader’s Lightsaber x2

Mara’s Lightsaber


Objective (1)

Hunt Down and Destroy the Jedi

Strategy: ‘

Response to Reviewrs

I don’t see why having 5 Vaders is so good. Granted, Vader may hit the table a LITTLE faster, but if I have him in my opening hand, I have a bunch of desting 1s chilling in my deck. Bad. Not necessary. I feel that WYS will eat it to HD because the characters generally lack power. I can capture/kill 3 or 4 smugglers easily in one battle with my high destinies. Guri prevents drawing of more than one destiny. I have never had a problem with WYS – unless you totally tech me out and are able to drop Ben and Leia (Beggar and I Know), then you are going to LOSE. I thought about putting Imperial Command in here, but I see it as fluff. Yes, I have a bunch of Admirals, but so what? This isn’t a space deck. I’d rather pack another Visage or a Barrier, or something else that is more useful.

In the immortal words of my bud Jonny Chu, I’d just like to say that Peacecraft is a moron. You tell me that my deck has tons of problems to it, yet list one. And the one you list isn’t even a good reason in my book If I am missing something, let me know.

Solo337 – Yes, Xizor is powerful. But PLEASE do not tell me what to put in if you cannot tell me what to take out. The deck is tight. Palpy and friends are ok, but they are not fighters. I’d rather see Snoova, Guri and someone else in my deck than those three. Plus, they can’t follow characters around (well, I can leave Palpy alone, but that is just plain retarded). Thanks for your comments, but please expand on them by telling me what to cut and put in. I think 5 Vaders is excessive, let alone 6.

End Response 2/23/01*********

I know, I know. Another HD deck. I am looking for constructive criticism on the deck, not the overuse of the Objective. Please rate the cards in the deck. Thanks )

This deck is a beatdown HD rather than dueling. Dueling is very card-intensive. It can be rewarding, but many players pack anti-dueling tech and will Bith Shuffle your deck to screw up any tracking. This deck doesn’t need any of that. It is a beatdown deck and has a lot of power to it. It is also rather flexable; it can hold Carida (or another system if the Light plays space) for a while with its ship choices. Here’s a basic strategy

Start HDADTJ, Meditation Chamber and Holotheater with Visage. Used Prepared Defenses to pull IAO, Mobilization Points and an effect of choice (generally No Escape, but it may vary). After drawing your hand, pull Carida. Activate and get Vader and pals out ASAP. Flip, enforce Visage and beat down where they go.

Explanation of some cards

Lord Vader x2 – I would play 4 LV, but I need 2 more to do so.

Thrawn – a monster in space.

Chiraneau – like Clockwork Black HD by Hoostino, Chiraneau makes Carida a system that is drain for 2 (unless MF/Test 1 is out). That is sweet. If not, he is still forfit +2 due to IAO.

Thunderflare – good power/deploy ratio for DS ship. I don’t travel between systems, so the low hyperspeed doesn’t matter much.

Guri – a monster against EPPs, WYS and any destiny adders. Flexible (can be used in space and on ground).

This is Some Rescue – tech against OOC and the new OOC/TT combo card. Plus good destiny.

Crush – destiny limiter and allows me to cancel Clash. Great card.

Dr. E and Ponda Baba – higher power than Dr. E by himself (even if opponenet has Lightsaber – which I can Weapon Lev/Cancel w/4-LOM (vs. EPPs)). Why not?

PASOA – cancel text of characters on D* or Executer for a beatdown. Destiny 6.


TIGIH – don’t lose a battle. Beatdown. W/O Luke, the Light Side loses power. Easier to maintain the flip side of your Objective.

Space – who plays light space? S+D and Visage them. Beware of EPP suicide drops.

WYS – Smugglers eat it when Guri hits the table. They are also easy to capture. Be careful of Raiders in Patrol Crafts. This Obj. isn’t too popular in my area right now.

TR/Hidden Mains – keep your guys together. Beware of fallen portal. Your Bounty Hunters, along with Vader, Tarkin, Mara and walkers should wreck house in battles. If they play Dagobah + Yoda’s Hut, get Zuckass to land at the Hut ASAP for a drain of 2 all game long )

Testing – S+D and visage. Beware of EPP drops. If they drain at Kessel with a ship or two, save up and drop ships at Kessel for the beats.

EBO – Get Resistance out. Play your own game (i.e., drop to the 2 DBs and Carida). That covers your 3 battlegrounds. S+D and Visage them to death. Drop Walkers to the 4th marker if they drop a scrub or an EPP there. Watch out for Ice Storm.

Agents – ) DO NOT play Vader to an exterior Tat. site and leave him there w/o a Walker. I have seen our hero sandwhirled many times (not when I play, of course). Choose your battles wisely and you will come out on top due to Visage and your higher power characters.

Thanks for reading.