Throne Room post R2

Title: Throne Room post R2
Author: Stephen "Texan" Beckham
Date: Feb 22, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (9)

Tatooine Docking Bay

Dagobah Yoda’s Hut

Home One Docking Bay

Rendevous Point

Hoth Echo Docking Bay

Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room)


Yavin 4 Docking Bay

Yavin 4 Massassi Throne Room

Characters (19)

Admiral Ackbar

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol

Captain Han Solo

Corran Horn

Chewbacca Protector

Dash Rendar

Lando With Vibro Axe

Leia With Blaster Rifle x2

Lieutenant Blount

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x2

Luke with Lightsaber

Major Haash’n

Ben Kenobi x2

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber


Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Starships (4)

Home One

Millennium Falcon x2


Weapons (2)

Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Luke’s Lightsaber

Interrupts (16)

On the Edge x3

Fall of a Legend

Throw me another Charge

Run, Luke Run

Glancing Blow

Fallen Portal x2

Gift Of The Mentor

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Sorry About The Mess/Blaster Proficiency

The Bith Shuffle/Desparate Reach

The Signal

Out of Commission/Transmission Terminated x2

Effects (10)

I hope she is Alright


Order to Engage

Staging Areas

Wise Advice/Do or Do Not

Goo Nee Taa x2

Order to Engage

Ounnee Taa

Menace Fades

Strategy: ‘


Stimmed Jim made a very good point. With None Shall Pass and no protection from it, I will have a tough time getting into the Jabba’s Palace Sites. I have one solution to this. DONT DEPLOY THEM TO IT. All you have to do is lay the Tatooine Docking bay down, deploy a few good men and march in. If they have non-jabba sites down, just deploy them to the closest one. Is that all that hard? You take some drains, but you make some yourself as you move in.

This is the deck that I have been working on for the state championships. I have not quite decided on it or my training but anyways. This deck is serious force denial. I find that when I play Scum decks and Hunt Down they thrive when I give them so much. I usually do not play Kessel until mid game when I have to. I know the down side to this is lack of draining. Well with my two sabers and with Kessel down I will drain enough. You start is this

Yavin IV Throne Room

Heading for the Medical Frigate


Staging Areas

Wise Advise/Do or Do Not

As fast as you can you want to signal or draw Goo Nee Taa. This card will seriously hurt your opponent as they are already getting denied force. You can set up for force retrieval mid game with the edges. I only pack two sixes because I do not want anymore “wasted slots”. Two is enough with all the fives I have in here. With Secret Plans out, retrieving four a time is not that bad of a hurt either.

Cards I really want to add

Ill take the leader

A high drain site or some revos

A Grabber

Go where you opponent is and attack him on his own turf. Pull your docking bays and draw up twix sites for a huge activation.

Cards that are suspect

Locations (9)

Dagobah Yoda’s Hut. Rendezvous Point,

Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room)=Huge Activation where I they either cannot drain, cannot deploy to or are lessened on drains

Yavin 4 Docking Bay=I have this in here because it denies and Mara sucks @#$% when she drains you for three here.

Lieutenant Blount=ISB is still out there and him piloting Home One with Ackbar and Hashn rocks

Luke with Lightsaber=No more Jedi Lukes and suicide missions are sweet

Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader=Let him fly the Outrider with Dash and you will see a serious beat down. Or fly him with Corran and you cancel a destiny. GRAND MOFF WEDGE

Fall of a Legend, Throw me another Charge=I still like to have the sixes floating around. They are real nice

Run, Luke Run=because losing Luke to Epic Dual Sucks

Glancing Blow=I play this instead of courage because when you are getting dualed you will see a 6,7,5 or 6,6,7 usually so I would rather cancel a high card than add a crappy one

Sorry About The Mess/Blaster Proficiency=I really like swinging and making them immediately lost. That really messes people up

The Bith Shuffle/Desparate Reach=It is a cool five that can be devastating to a Hunt Down

Ounnee Taa=RalOps is showing up again because no one plays this card.


VS Ties

Pump up home one with Ackbar, Hashnn, and Corran. Get Wedge and Dash into the Outrider. Then use superfalcon. Of course this is all if you draw them all but that is what I strive to do. This deck does have a hard time with ties because you will have a hard time out draining them. Use your multiple destinies in the skies to take out what you have to. Use I hope she is alright to the best you can.

VS Hunt Down

I tried to hurt hunt down the best I can. He cannot deploy Vader first turn cause of the whole not enough force thing. You will get first go so take advantage of it. Do not put Tatooine Docking bay down first turn. Goo Nee Ta will be huge if you can get him. Use your anti dual stuff the best you can and hope for a good go. His lack of retrieval and your decent amount should be the deciding factor.

VS Scum

You will do well here too. Goo Nee Ta will not matter as much here. Your denial will be huge since they need a lot of force to keep running around with their dozen+ characters.

VS RalOps

Well start Ounee Taa of course. Game should be pretty simple. Goo Nee Ta will hurt when they try and bring bigger guys like Vader and Emp and your cheap deployment will swarm them pretty nicely. I hate to make the matchup so short but I really do not know what more to say. Do not let them flip.


I am thinking about taking out EPP Luke for Scout Luke for this deck. I hate it when they take Luke and run around all day with him. That really stinks. Making them duel would change it a lot. I really do not see myself losing enough battles to make the difference. With the loss to their own objective, I do not see much hope now that sac is hurting.