Your Destiny Lies With the Ties v 3 0

Title: Your Destiny Lies With the Ties v 3 0
Author: Travis "Com Igar" Rumans
Date: Feb 22, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Bring Him Before Me/Take Your Father’s Place

Throne Room

Prepared Defenses


Mob Points

Combat Response

Your Destiny

Insignificant Rebellion

Locations (6)


Endor DB





Admiral’s Order

Fighters Coming In

Effects (5)

Emperor’s Power

No Escape


Battle Order

Interrupts (12)

All Power to Weapons

Young Fool

I Have You Nowx2

Dark Maneuversx2

Rise, My Friendx2

Twi’lek Advisorx3

Weapons (2)

SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons (the ’make starfighters lost’ one)

Characters (15)

Baron Soontir Fel

Major Turr Plennir

Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sithx3

Mara Jadex2

Janus Greejatus

Lord Vader

Darth Vader

Captain Yorr

Colonel Jendon


Emporer Palpatine


Ships (11)


Saber 1

Saber 2

Saber 3

Saber 4

Onyx 1

Onyx 2

The Emporer’s Sword

The Emporer’s Shield

Accuser ‘

Strategy: ‘

Since some matching pilots and stuff in my deck don’t see much play, here’s why they rock

Saber 4+DS-181-4 Deploys FREE as a react to a battle initiated against a Saber squadron TIE. He also grabs unique TIEs from the Reserve.

Accuser A reacting Star Destroyer rocks, and it also opens the way for Onyx 1 to react down.

Onyx 2 and the TIE squadrons can react down, as well.

The Onyx guys add when together, but, more importantly, they have hyperspeed.

No Escape is a meta card, it will be changed to whatever works best against the big decks of the moment, most likely rotating around with Imperial Decree and Something Special Planned for Them.

The biggest change since v 2.0 is the addition of All Power To Weapons.This rocks, and it makes the TIE squadrons beasts. The Shield at Endor with a dreadnaugh with this card is combined power of 20

Also, the system selection’s been redone a bit, so I can get more space drains against decks that won’t challenge me. Without the Executor anymore, there’s no real good reason to use Fondor. 

Use Mob Points to grab Wakeelmui, Throne Room to get Emporer’s Power. Activate, then deploy Palpatine and a docking bay from the reserve.

Using Vader on the ground carefully is the key part of this deck. Remember that he is the man. If they have enough mains (sans Luke and the chokable Chewie) to secure a site against Vader (getting 2-3 destinies) then don’t go after them, but they’ve committed very heavily to one site and you can win anyway. Mara is good backup and is a spy, but remember the Vader chokes people and gets rid of Luke. Mara can lay down the smack when they feel safer and spread out with Vader’s gone, espcially if you track some. When Vader goes to the Throne Room you can mostly throw Mara to the dogs if you take no damage as long as you get more cards stacked.

The Endor DB is the token battleground to put Vader if they give you none themselves. 

Why matching pilots and not TIE swarm? Well, so I can use Fighters Coming In (which Saber 2 matching guy pulls) to do to X-Wing swarm what a lot of LS players use I’ll Take the Leader to do to TIE Swarm. Almost every WYS deck I’ve seen mentions I’ll Take the Leader in its strategy section against TIEs, but this deck doesn’t really care. The matching pilots do cool things, and its more card efficent to get set up at a system because almost all matching pilots get destiny if not able to do otherwise. With all the space in this deck that can react down I can leave him there with some peave of mind. Sure, Frozen Assets hurts, but few people expect to see DS space react if they don’t see a TIE Vanguard. And the Baron is just the man.

And, contrary to what it may appear, I am not deploying my guys one per turn. I can almost always get at least one matching pair in my hand, and, if worse comes to worse, I can deploy a ship with another pilot to back up a matching pair (with my AO, they still get immunity<4, total immunity with APTW). 

Oh, and Mara (since she’s a spy and a pilot) can deploy with one of the unpiloted starfighters without presence or force icons. This isn’t that big a deal, usually, but it could come in handy on some games.



The TIE Cannons can make the Outrider lost, the TIEs can smack the superfalcon around since they don’t have I’ll Take THe Leader to hide behind. You’ll probably both be getting multiple destinies, but APTW keeps you rom losing guys to attrition. Convert their Kessel to keep them from getting+1 drains and giving them bad game text. Without Luke in the picture, choke Vader pretty much rules the ground, espcially the Cantina. You should probably go for a conversion win since WYS can retreive so much. Run Luke Run is popular but few people will react Luke over to simply be captured by Vader.


Well, if they spread to drain you kill them in space, and if they don’t they have to face direct damage from Your Destiny or dueling.

EBO is the toughest matchup for this deck because Vader is pretty much nullified. They’ll either put Luke at the outermost marker and wait for you to come and get Icestormed and they’ll put a spy and block your drain at the Endor DB if Vader shows up there. If you’re very lucky, Luke will be at the Outermost marker with a friend that Vader can beat on after grabbing him. EBO is also tough because your space force can beat them down at two or three systems, but has a hard time moving around. Be careful about the hyperspeed numbers before you deploy them. If EBO is big, No Escape should be Decree. EBOx is easy to take down in space, but Big Blue or Deadbolt is much tougher.


If you’re feeling lucky, you can start Mara and hope to get Vader down soon. You can also put the Emporer at the AC, but since Emporer’s Power is a big part of this deck that may not be wise. Profit’s space is notoriously weak, so your drains will be fairly uncontested. Most of the time you don’t want to start aliens because a free recurring Masta Luke is tough to hold off. Once he’s free, though, they’ll need to spread to compete with your space drains and that’s the time for Vader to come down and smack things around. 

vs. Mains and Toys

Luke’s not around, but they’ll most assuredly try to attack Palpatine at the Throne Room. Remember Emporer’s Power makes each Rebel Deploy+2, and I Have You Know works with Palpy because he’s a Dark Jedi. If they manage to kill him, you can retrieve him by deploying a TIE and deploy him from reserve (although it might be hard to get him back to the Throne Room if the LS player has taken control). Also, a lot of peoply will use Luke to attack Palpy if Vader’s not there, and you can put Vader at a battleground and force him to lose to Your Destiny (if Luke survives). Put the main you hate most out of play with Young Fool if you’re lucky.

vs. RST

Control the system, kill Close Air Support, and Vader and Mara can wreak some havoc on the ground. No one bothers to blow up the Bunker, and without Close Air Support its dangerous for them to spread thin enough to flip. 


Test 2 hurts Mara, otherwise play like Mains and Toys unless it is test to 6. Get set up at space and drain them; you can satisfy Battle Plan, one of the things MWYHL uses to slow the game down. The superfalcon will probably put in an appearance, but without EPP Leia it won’t be as nasty. A generally non-interactive game, but you should probably drain them out before they get to test 5. AFA is annoying, but once you get set up you can kick back and not activate. '