Deceitful Duel Ver 2 0

Title: Deceitful Duel Ver 2 0
Author: Ryan "Cradossk" Mathison
Date: Feb 22, 2001 Rating: 4.5



Starting (8)

Set your course


Death Star

Death star Dock bay

Prep defenses

Secret plans

Battle order

Mob points

Locations (5)



Ds war room


Judland wastes

Starships (5)


Zuckuss in MH

Dengar in push 1

Bossk in bus


Weapons (3)

Jade’s saber

Darth vader’s saber x2


Lateral damage

Search and destroy

There’ll be hell to pay

First strike

Reactor terminal


Vader’s obsession x2

Masterful move x2

Weapon lev x2

Elis helrot x2

Imperial barrier x2

Focused attack x2

Counter assault x2

Alter/collateral damage x3

Sense/uncertain is the future x4


You are beaten

Ghhk/those rebels won’t escape us

Characters (10)

Emperor x2

Lord vader x2

Mara jade x2

Sim aloo

Janus greejatus

4-lom w/gun

GM Tarkin ‘

Strategy: ‘

OK onto the strat section, well I really love hunt down but sometimes visage hurts me more then the opponent. I also wanted a lot of activation - And Sycfa provides all of this. A guaranteed 9 force second turn and if I get the emperor in my opening hand- tack an extra 3 force onto that. So I decided to go with the non-epic duel, if you set this up properly, it can be a 12-17 force swing (the opponent loses 17force and you retrieve 17) so you basically want to set up early, get the emperor and his buddies at the DS docking bay and start to fortify in space - you can then drop Mara with stick at a ground site and bait the opponent. With the reactor terminal and janus you can very easily stack 3 sixes - inniate Vaders obsession and throw his light saber each 6 becomes a 7 - make sure and use sims game text to look at the top card of the LS reserve deck. Often I will lose the grimtaash, to view the opponents hand and make sure he has no duel protection. If the opponent doesn’t bite, or he doesn’t have a Luke in his deck - just start battling or draining at the cantina and judland. - Now onto some card selection.

Elis helrot - In order to inniate the vaders obsession, you have to move to lukes site - so if your opponent has insurrection out, play elis during your move phase and then start the duel. Also great if they don’t play Insurrection

Counter assualt - This is a bit of anti-wys and anti-ebo swarm — you can set up all of your high destinies, and then play your interrupts (very effective against an X-wing swarm) - also just a nice Jank card to fool with the opponent.

Weapon lev - get Lukes stick, that’s about all.

Janus and sim - they are gods in this deck, sim and his viewing, Janus and his stacking - crazyyyyy

Sense/ Alter —- stop you opponents stupid interrupts / basically save it and cancel their duel protection.

Now I will go onto deck matchups - I don’t really like doing this because each Meta is sooooo different, but here goes.

EBO- save your space for a beat down - use your lat damage/ sense their dumb interrupts and set up for a mad counter assault. Can be a difficult match up.

Agents - most agents don’t play insurrection, so you can have your way with Elis helrot - counter assault is cool against swarms - just use your big hitters - maybe keep the emp and his crew in the cantina. Easy match up

WYS - one of the tougher matchups, try and keep them from flipping - bait the opponent into playing their interrupts from the lost pile, and duel Luke - this can be a game breaker - I recently read a review in which a guy said “ if vader ‘s close enough to get Luke, I won’t be dumb enough to use a interrupt from the lost pile” easier said then done - I played a game recently in which I sacrificed Mara, 4-lom and sim in a fight with Luke - my opponent played a interrupt from lost pile - I ghhhked, and then walked over, dueled and retrieved 12 force - so don’t be afraid to lose some cards, you will get them back when you duel.

MWYHL - set up fast and get S&D going.

TIGIH - toughest match up - if played properly, you can win - the only problem with this match up, is Luke is out of the game - you can’t duel, so you will have to use your other resources.

And there you have it - my Deck, extremely fun to play - used to be great when profit was big, Luke was usually out first turn and was the wimpy Master Luke – — The power of this deck is the fact you can be losing and turn the game around - no problem, with a nicely timed fight - props goes to Nick burke, who help me develop the first version. Any questions drop me a d-mail - I will gladly reply ‘