Afraid of The Dark

Title: Afraid of The Dark
Author: Mike "Rushe" Blumberg
Date: Feb 23, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Watch Your Step

Starting Cards



Tattoine DB

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Battle Plan

Squadron Assignments

Staging Areas


Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight x3

Ralltiir Freighter Captain x2

Dash Rendar x2

Melas x2

Lando w/vibro-ax x2

Captain Han Solo

Han w/blaster pistol

Chewbacca Protector

Wedge Antillies

Corran Horn


Talon Karrde

Mirax Terrik


Pulsar Skate

Outrider x2

Millenium Falcon x2


Order To Engage

Bacta Tank

Legendary Starfighter

What are you tryin to push on us

Tatooine Celebration

Nightfall x2


Noble Sacrifice

Punch It


Run Luke Run x2

Fallen Portal x3

Rebel Barrier x2

The Signal x3

Out of Commission/Trans.Term x2

Houjix/Out of Nowhere

Weapon Levitation

Admirals Order

I’ll Take the Leader


2x-3KPR (Tooex)


Lukes Lightsaber x2

Strategy: ‘

This deck has been an absolute blast to play.

I know there are some real WYS critics out there who dont think it is good but I have not played a deck yet to prove me wrong. It is very competitive against all different dark decks. Strategy and matchups below.

Get all your guys out….drain a lot…battle…win

Just kidding.

Set up at the docking bay first for force generation. Getting the Nightfall out fast is not necessary I have had to wait till midgame before I finally drew one up. The key is getting multiple smugglers at either site and protecting them. The multiple destiny scares the c.rap out of people and there are so few cards that counter it. Guri and Imperial Command are tough but just be prepared for it.

Fallen Portal is the worst card in Star Wars. I love itBut only when I am using it. Use this card wisely. Track destiny with Mirrax if possible and drop the door on whoever comes around. There are several high destiny in the deck. I have dropped the door on Vaders head a couple of times. Nasty.

Just drain away after setting up. Luke at the bar with a stick for 3…any others at the DB drain for 2 with Ill Take The Leader. Thats enough.The lack of sites is not a problem I generate 8 force plus whatever opponent gives. Thats enough for the deck. Luke is pricey but worth it or hadnt you heard? Im never saving more than a couple of force anyway…for a barrier. First Strike is good against that but just save more force

Do you guys really know how powerful playing interupts from your lost pile is?? I dont think you have seen the power of it or you wouldnt diss this deck in any form. Lose your fallen portal to a drain? Drop the door from the pile…..its bulls.hit. What was decipher thinking? Run Luke Run is a key card as well. You may cancel the duel up to 4 times I have not been dueled with this deck yet. Not once No other anti duel cards needed. Since Decipher was kind enough to foil Run Luke Run it is popping into almost every deck when before you couldnt even find them.

Nightfall….this makes the deck really nasty. With the high destinies in the deck you get to draw another for power. Thats great. How bout dropping Lando w/ax for free Ok Ill add still another destiny. That b.itch Arica hiding in the Cantina? Corran Horn pops in for free and bends her over. Getting hammered on the ground? Boushh kills the drain for free Get it? Free Afraid of Nightfall being altered? Duh…read the objective on side 2. I have deployed a second nightfall to my opponents planet as well. I dropped Nightfall…Lando and Corran Horn to Ralltiir and put a beating on some scrubs and made him flip. Oh yeah…it was all free

The number of ships is proportionate. 2 Hans…2 Falcons…2 Dash… 2 Outriders.1 Skate 1 Mirrax and 1 Wedge. He pilots that ship or didnt you know.

Why not play Kessel? Good question and I agonize over it whenever Im in late game and Ive already blasted all of the bounty hunter ships into oblivion and Im only draining for 1 at Tatooine and maybe 1 at Rendilli. I hate giving up the 2 force to them. Kessel has a big fat bullseye on it to. Maybe thats good. Some dark players will panic to avoid the drain of 3. My strategy is to deploy to Tatooine only. Set up Tat Celebration later in the game because I actually do want cards in my lost pile. Please drain me….Ill drop good cards out of hand so I can play them again.

I prefer Tatooine Celebration over the other forms of retrieval. I might think differently later on but the effect doesnt get put out of play and will only cost 1-2 a turn against Secret Plans. Something Special planned does nothing except put Noble Sacrifice out of play and I probably played it from my lost pile anyway. boo hoo Oh and you lose 3 to order to engage.

The little droid 2-X is really nasty in this deck. If you bother to read the game text for Melas…you will see he is power +2 under night time conditions. Oh yeah…he is power +1 in the Cantina. With Talon Karrde in the Cantina and 2-x Melas is power 7 defense value 6 and forfeit 8. Thats sick. I know it is a 3 card combo and all but that is pretty strong. Melas can look Vader in the eye. Maybe not choke Vader ok. Ive had people trample my little b.astard droid before too. Its hilarious. With 4 guys there he adds 8 power? wow


Bring Him Before Me…I have played this once and it was a good long game. I was worried when he got 3 cards stacked cuz I was to impatient in space and lost 2 battles. When Vader finally came over to grab Luke…I dropped Nightfall…deployed en mass and stomped Vaders guts out. It was ugly. There was like 14 spill over or something with these weak little smugglers and chumpy Lando. That was game. The other player was demoralized. Tough match up though. Be patient and wait for the beatdown. Go over to the Throne Room and knock the Emperors d.ick in the dirt. Why not? yeah yeah force lightning…whatever

Hunt Down….Hunt Down is never an easy game. I have not lost to Hunt Down yet with my deck in its current form. Dueling is dead. I hope they are playing dueling I know there are some nasty versions of Hunt Down with like 6 Visages and all that but that is not happening here. Maybe it should??? I have cards like Dodge and Weapon Levitation that are real strong aginst Hunt Down. I dont rely on Out of Commission either. Like I said…I dont mind losing cards that much and Luke will be out before you know it.

Ties/Set Your Course Ive played a few games against Ties but not what you would call a quality deck. However….any Tie deck with Cannons in it can be murder The new ships get hammered by cannons. And Baron Soontir Fell is my hero. He kicks all over the place.

Court have not played it yet

Ralltiir This is also a pretty tough matchup. I guess I played it just right and stayed on Tatooine till the time was right for a beating. I played against a nasty trooper deck with reacting walkers. This deck can generate up to 50-60 power in a battle but I stayed away at the right times I guess. I got a hold of the system and stayed put and did a hit and run to make him flip back and it was over.

This deck has been very successful so far. You can also change the deck any way you see fit. It is very versatile Palce Raider types….Kessel Run decks…all space…all ground…Harvest..whatever. Its all pretty good and a tough match for any dark side deck.If you tell me to take out a card here or put in a card there you would be absolutley correct. It is very interchangeable especially to certain areas.

Thanks for reading and give the deck a try.