My Kind Of Pigs Fearless and Inventive

Title: My Kind Of Pigs Fearless and Inventive
Author: Mike "SpaceSlug" Shumaker
Date: Feb 23, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting – 8

My kind of Scum/Fearless and Inventive

Tatooine Deserts Heart

Tatooine Jabbas Palace

Prepared Defenses

Well Guarded

Power of the Hutt

Inconsequential Losses

No Bargain

Locations – 5

Jabbas Palace Audience Chamber

Jabbas Palace Entrance Cavern

Jabbas Palace Lower Passages

Tatooine Tusken Canyon

Tatooine Jundland Wastes

Characters – 22

Jabba the Hutt

Ephant Mon

Bib Fortuna





Mara Jade

Ortugg x2 (my rep)

Gamorrean Guard x12

Weapons – 10

Gamorrean Ax x8

Maras Saber

Vibro Ax

Vehicles/Starships – 4


Bossk in HT

Zuckuss in MH

IG-88 in IG2000

Effects – 6

Presence of the Force

Expand the Empire

Hutt Influence

Den of Thieves

Reactor Terminal

Scum and Villainy

Interrupts – 6

Abyssin Ornament x3

None Shall Pass

Imperial Barrier

Weapon of an Ungrateful Son

Twi’lek Advisor

Strategy: ‘

By second turn have the Fat Man and Ephont in the Chamber and if I’m lucky enough to pull either Jabba or Gailid in the opening hand, Gaild too. I get to look in my deck enough that I should be able to get Gailid early. Put a gamorrean and any other character at each site. Get Expand the Empire at the Entrance Cavern and drain like mad.

For the exterior sites, a gamorrean at TatJP and some muscle (Snoova, Xizor, Mara, Guri) on the skiff at one of the other sites and react to the other sites if opponent wants to battle.

When its at the point where I feel the game is in hand, I use Weapon of an Ungrateful Son to put al my weapons back in deck.

The Gamorrean axes make this deck quite good. My pigs are power 5, draw destiny, swing for free, and the ax can forfeit for 3 and go to the used pile. Not much chance of a beatdown in this deck. ‘