The Thieves of Yavin

Title: The Thieves of Yavin
Author: Stephen "Texan" Beckham
Date: Feb 23, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (7)

Imperial Occupation/Imperial Control

Yavin IV


Prepared Defences

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

Something Special Planned for Them

Locations (5)

Yavin IV Docking Bay

Yavin IV Jungle

Coruscant Docking Bay



Characters (20)

Emperor Palpatine x 3

Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith x 3

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x 2

Grand Moff Tarkin

Commander Igar

Myn Kyneugh

Kir Kanos

Royal Guard x 7


Starships (4)


Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

Dengar in Punishing One

Vehicles (2)

Blizzard 2

Tempest 1

Interrupts (10)

Force Lightning x 3

Trample x 2

Twilek Advisor x 3

Masterful Move x 2

Effects (8)

Oppressive Enforcement/There is No Try

Organa’s Ceremonial Necklace x 2

Presence of the Force x 2

There’ll be Hell to Pay

Search and Destroy

Bad Feeling Have I

Rebel Base Occupation

First Strike

Weapons (2)

Vader’s Lightsaber

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Strategy: ‘

Update After careful consideration I am taking out three Royal Guards. I will be adding in Dengar with Blaster Carbine, Boba Fett with Blaster and Dr. E/Ponda Boba

Alright, to start off I cannot take full credit for this deck. My friend Mike has always been a beast with the Ceremonial Necklace decks, but never has he made it into this. This deck is a beast that deals a huge amount of potential force drains and a nice extra amount of direct damage with some character elimination. As we all know the biggest challenge for this deck is keeping cards in your hand and out of your lost pile. In case you do not know how the Necklace works, you force drain at plus one then it moves to an adjacent site to add +1 there too. Can we say sweet. Yes we can

Make sure you remember to…

…Make them lose cards to SSPFT

…Lose to Search and Destroy and RBO

…Read your Non-Unique Sites info

Now to go ahead and address the critics out there.

What about force activation? I pull the docking bays the first two turns and I will have all the <> sites out by turn three. That is awesome. With mob points you will have a huge amount of activation on your second turn.

What if they play Ounnee Ta? Well then you might get hurt but not automatically. Get Bad Feeling Have I out at the very beginning of the game. This will add to virtually every character in their deck. Anyone that it does not effect will be taken easily with Trample, Force Lightning. Most people do not even include Ounnee Ta around here anyways.

What if they play Menace Fades? Well that one hurts. Suddenly the Organa thing is crap. OUCH Well you will still hit them with drains of one at each site and two where you have your PotF. Also the RBO will damage them enough to make them come after you.

Why No Force Pikes? Well if the deck number goes up to 65 I would add in three pikes, and some cool aliens like Dengar,Boba or Dr E Until then I do not have room.

Where are all the cool aliens? Read above. No room. They are cool but not cool enough. Royal guards have forfeit of five with IAO. That is cool.

Destiny in here is mad huge. The destinies of my interrupts are enough to track and deal some good damage. Even if you cannot track, use Force Lightning to lower the defense value of some guy, then trample or choke with Vader. Easy enough I think. Even Jedi Luke will fall most of the time without tracking. Force drains are substantial enough along with RBO to make them come to you. Just battle them out at this point. This is a drain/battle deck in case you are still wondering. Your opponent will be forced to come to you and until he does, he will be losing mad force.

If you find you need more sites, throw in the Swamp for more drainage. I really have not needed it yet. Let me know what you think on that subject.



This game ought to be fun. They are going to stay on Tatooine and drain for you around four on ground and one in space. Big whoop. That will hurt but set up on Yavin IV first then go after them. You need to get the RBO damage going and make them give up on their idea. They will eventually come to you leaving a scrub in the Cantina (done a million times). At that point drop Guri and use your intterpts to take out big guys and battle the rest. Not all that hard. Space will be rough and you could potentially lose your RBO but by that time you should be sitting pretty with ground drains.


This one is difficult. They have the mad force drains in space. You have the mad force drains on ground. The cool thing is they usually do not play Menace. This way you can get a potential drain of 14 a turn with Necklace, PotF and sabers. Sweet. Plus RBO loss until they hit you hard on Yavin IV. Use First Strike where ever you can.


Not cool but oh well. Let them come to you and use your cool character removal to get rid of all the scrubs they send at you and even some nice ones like Solo and Leia. Once they give you Luke you will feel their burn but you will out drain them easily and their space is usually pretty pathetic and you can handle it. Just take it out without losing your RBO.

VS Mains (Hidden, TRM)

Cannot say much that I have not have. These decks will come after you and you should be ready. Your battle interrupts will make the diffence in this game and Bad Feeling Have I will slow them down enough to make them not as much of a threat. That is why that card rocks. Choke, electrocute and walk all over them. These decks do not do a huge amount of draining in themselves so they will be forced to come to you. Do not let them control the PofFed sites.


Ouch test 1. Ouch. Oh well, RBO and Search and Destroy will make these guys look like punks. Take out their little amounts of guys. Twilek for Bad Feeling ASAP so you can possibly slow them down even more trying to get DoS and Yoda out. TECH BABY

Agents and Profit

Not that much of a concern. I don’t even think about them anymore. Sure a swarm of fans will hurt but bleh. Sith Vader and Trample will whipe them out. As far as profit, you don’t have any aliens expect Mara and I would be dumb to stick here there alone.