My Kind of Pigs/Fearless and Inventive 2 0

Title: My Kind of Pigs/Fearless and Inventive 2 0
Author: Mike "SpaceSlug" Shumaker
Date: Feb 24, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting - 8

My kind of Scum/Fearless and Inventive

Tatooine Deserts Heart

Tatooine Jabbas Palace

Prepared Defenses

Well Guarded

Power of the Hutt

Inconsequential Losses

No Bargain

Locations - 5

Jabbas Palace Audience Chamber

Jabbas Palace Entrance Cavern

Jabbas Palace Lower Passages

Tatooine Tusken Canyon

Tatooine Jundland Wastes

Characters - 22

Jabba the Hutt

Ephant Mon

Bib Fortuna





Mara Jade

Bane Malar

Dengar w/ gun

Ortugg x2 (my rep)

Gamorrean Guard x10

Weapons - 10

Gamorrean Ax x8

Maras Saber

Vibro Ax

Vehicles/Starships - 3

Bossk in HT

Zuckuss in MH

IG-88 in IG2000

Effects - 5

Presence of the Force

Expand the Empire

Hutt Influence

Den of Thieves

Scum and Villainy

Interrupts - 7

Abyssin Ornament x3

None Shall Pass

Imperial Barrier

Weapon of an Ungrateful Son

Twi’lek Advisor ‘

Strategy: ‘

First off, let me say to the person who gave this deck a one star rating (you know who you are); The original version of this deck was 3-0 and the slightly revised version is 3-0. This version has beaten TIGIH, EBO and MWYHL. Don’t you think a one star rating was just a tad unfair? Please take a look at it again and if you still think it sucks that bad, let me know what you think I can do to improve it. I appreciate honesty, but one star should be reserved for decks that can’t win. This has proven that it can. Thanks

First turn, pull Audience chamber, Jabba, Ephant.

If I have Jabba in opening hand, get Gailid. If I have Ephant in opening hand, get Hutt Influence. Bottom line, by second turn I have at least AC, Entrance Cavern (pull second turn) Jabba, Ephant, Hutt Influence.

Third turn, pull JP Lower Passages, Bib. Start deploying pigs with axes. The Gamorrean axes make this deck quite good. My pigs draw battle destiny,

are power 5, swing for free, and the ax can forfeit for 3 and go to the used pile. Not much chance of a beatdown in this deck.

Just to clarify; Gamorrean axes allow a pig to draw Battle destiny. That is a very important thing to remember when reviewing this deck. (Its too bad that pig on Survivor didnt have one. He could have drawnm destiny against that guy lol)

Deploy the other characters at key locations where you think your opponent might try to battle you. If it looks as though your opponent is not interested in coming to play on Tatooine, save your big boys (and girls) for thier locations if you deem it necessary.

Presence of the Force is in there for obvious drain reasons.

I put Expand the Empire on the Entrance Cavern. Between that,Gailid, Presence of the Force, and bonuses on my 2 exterior sites, I drain like mad.

The BH ships for temporary space defense and to slow space drains from those wicked space decks. I dont have Fett in ship or he’d be in here too. I will try to trade for him tomorrow.

When its at the point where I feel the game is in hand, I use Weapon of an Ungrateful Son to put all my weapons back in my deck. this can be very useful in a close game. believe me, I did it last night to the EBO deck. Its the only reason I beat him.

So, thats it. I really appreciate any reviews. Thanks