The Fifty-Third Endor Ops Deck Ever

Title: The Fifty-Third Endor Ops Deck Ever
Author: Patrick "Fiftytwo" Mathieson
Date: Feb 24, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘-Starting (8)

Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost


Endor Landing Platform

Endor Bunker

Prepared Defenses

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

You Cannot Hide Forever

-Locations (8)

Endor Forest Clearing

Endor Dark Forest

DS2 Docking Bay






-Characters (20)

Emperor Palpatine x2

Sim Aloo

Janus Greejatus

Darth Vader with Lightsaber x2

Grand Moff Tarkin

Mara Jade x2

General Veers

Commander Igar

Commander Merrejk

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Admiral Piett

Admiral Chiraneau

Captain Gilad Pellaean

Captain Godherdt




-Starships (11)

Flagship Executor x2

Death Squadron Star Destroyer x2






Boba Fett in Slave 1

Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

-Vehicles (2)

Tempest 1

Blizzard 1

-Effects (5)

Ominous Rumors

Perimeter Patrol

Battle Order

Lateral Damage x2

-Interrupts (4)

Imperial Command x3

Force Lightning

-Admiral’s Orders (2)

We’re in Attack Position Now x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

With all the heavy beatdown decks floating around now (Hidden Base, Profit, BHBM, Court, and Hunt Down are popular in Corellia right now), a big drain deck should catch the opponent by surprise.

This deck is fairly easy to play. First turn before you activate dump You Cannot Hide Forever for Perimeter Patrol BUT MAKE SURE THE OPPONENT IS NOT PLAYING NUMBERS. So I’d say hold off with that if they’re playing TIGIH starting with Jedi Luke or Hidden Base which has “space” effects at start (squadron assignments, rebel fleet, etc). If Perimeter Patrol is in hand get Battle Order. Then you have to decide if you want to get out Rendili or the Executor. If you have a starship-heavy hand get Rendili, but if you’ve got a lot of systems get Executor. Activate, then get Ominous Rumors with the objective, and pull out the DS2 Docking Bay. Put somebody at the bunker (preferably somebody strong like Palpy, but a pilot will do) and put down Perimeter Patrol. Now they’ll want to hold off deploying to Endor for fear of losing force early. Also dump any systems in hand. Next turn put down somebody strong at the landing platform for Mob Points to help out the activation and put down Ominous Rumors. From then on hold Endor and put ships around the universe and drain with Ominous.

IAO makes all pilots forfiet +2, and that’s the ultimate lifesaver. To keep your ships around to beat on those LS scrubs. We’re In Attack Position Now gets you direct damage with Veers and Igar in their walkers on Endor. Imperial Command gets out your important Admirals. Lateral Damage is ultimate beatdown material. Battle Order slows the opponent down. Remember to retrieve the Dominator with Rendili.

Keep in mind that even with your force drain bonuses cancelled (menace fades, ultimatum) this deck can still hurt a lot. With ships at all 6 systems and guys at all 4 Endor sites and Ominous and Chiraneau out you can drain for 29 a turn, though you’ll almost NEVER do that well. But it’s easy to drain for about 10 a turn, which will basically decimate them.


Vs. Hidden Mains - if in the likely instance that they’ll play docking bays they have an intellegent way of getting to Endor without losing force, especially if they convert the landing platform. So focus your strength on the platform if they come.

Vs. Hidden Space/WYS - both you and they will be scrambling to control space, so keep those Lateral Damages handy and convert Kessel when it comes out. But watch out for beatdowns, and keep your ships more packed in.

Vs. Profit - if they’re playing traditional Profit (stay on Tat, free Han, use Profit’s direct damage function to hurt even more) they won’t come to you, and will focus on freeing Han early. Generally I’d say don’t put anybody at the AC because I’ve done that and they bring in a beatdown squad and totally smoke your guys. Just stay on Endor and in space and drain like heck.

Vs. TIGIH - this is hard because Chirpa’s hut is an interior site so it starts RIGHT NEXT TO THE BUNKER. Solution Put somebody at the landing platform. Next turn Luke will probably get captured, then move that guy to the bunker, take the direct damage until your get Vader down, and use Perimeter Patrol to hit them where it hurts.

Vs. EBO - this deck works very similarly to Endor Ops, because they need to control ground in order to control space. The only difference is that we get a faster start, but when they get it set up it hurts even more. Take advantage of your speed and get space drains up QUICKLY.

Well, that’s my deck. Review constructively.

Patrick “FiftyTwo” Mathieson ‘