Jeeps` Garrison of DOOM 2 1

Title: Jeeps` Garrison of DOOM 2 1
Author: Peter "jeeps" Jacobson
Date: Feb 26, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Admiral’s Orders (2)

1x Battle Deployment

1x We’re In Attack Position Now

Characters (13)

1x Admiral Motti

1x Admiral Ozzel

1x Admiral Piett

1x Captain Gilad Pellaeon

1x Commander Igar

1x Commander Merrejk

2x Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith

2x General Veers

1x Grand Admiral Thrawn

1x Grand Moff Tarkin

1x Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand

Effects (8)

1x Battle Order

1x Failure At The Cave

1x Imperial Arrest Order

1x Imperial Decree

1x Mobilization Points

1x No Escape

1x There Is No Try & Oppressive


1x There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Interrupts (14)

4x Imperial Command

1x Prepared Defenses

2x Trample

3x Twi’lek Advisor

4x Walker Garrison

Locations (9)

1x Dagobah Cave

1x Executor Docking Bay

1x Fondor

1x Hoth

1x Hoth Defensive Perimeter

1x Hoth Echo Corridor

1x Hoth Echo Docking Bay

1x Hoth Mountains

1x Rendili

Starships (6)

1x Chimaera

1x Dengar In Punishing One

1x Dominator

1x Executor

1x Victory-Class Star Destroyer

1x Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Vehicles (7)

1x Blizzard 1

1x Blizzard 2

4x Imperial Walker

1x Tempest 1

Weapons (1)

1x Mara Jade’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

Edit 2/27/01 After reading the reviews, I realize that the Tramples, although GREAT cards, didn’t make the cut in this newer version of this deck (I took them out to add a Rebel Base Occupation and a Combat Response). RB Occup. makes my opponent come down to me, and the other card was in my strategy section (Thanks for pointing this out Gand). I also took out Search and Destroy for No Escape. This makes Honor of the Jedi relatively useless… except for the force drains non-battle ground locations.

Response to reviews Thanks for the great props for being creative with this deck. I rarely have problems with generation with this deck because I do have the 5th marker. The 5th marker makes my characters deploy for -1 less. This means I can get Vader/Tarkin for 8 force at the 5th… with a Imp Walker for 11… and move them all for one force… It wasn’t a problem.

YEs, Revolution would be a problem, but I haven’t seen it much and the card Evader/Monnok seems to have scared a lot of people away from heavy Revolutions…

Again thanks for the reviews

…End Edit….

This deck is fairly simple to play. You have to be watchful of what your opponent starts to make your first move.

Against most decks, the start is the same. Get the 5th marker as your starting location and then use Combat Readiness to get teh 3rd Marker. This is done to give you a Rebel Base location and all you need after this is just to pull the Echo Base Docking bay and ”BINGO” you have your three sites (two battle grounds) to get Rebel Base Occupation going. I have threeTwi’lek Advisers in this deck to pull the 8 effects during the game. Usually, you get an effect in your starting hand, so the three Twi’leks are definitely enough.

Against EBO, you must start the 5th marker. I make sure that the opponent doesn’t start with the 4th marker too… 9 times out of 10 they will try because no one starts with the 5th marker. Shield rules ask that when the generators are played the player checks for markers 4-7 on the table. If there is, then they don’t automatically ”search” for the 4th marker. This rattles EBO players and it is fun to do too. After this simple start, start IAO, Mob Points, and TINT/OE. It gives you the right ammount of SAC protection. Before you activate, look for Rendili. This is key because it is helpful generation. Get your docking bays out. Deploy to them to get extra activation and don’t forget that th 5th marker makes your Imps and Vehicles deploy -1. Nice.

After your start, build a force of AT-ATs at the 5th marker. Once you get two there, make sure you have Veers on the table (or get Veers down first, then your AT-ATs with Walker Garrions.). Imp. Command lets you get Veers. He is cheap and so are the Imp. Walkers… so for 5 force you can get a Veers laidened AT-AT on the ground. He draws a destiny and with Imp Command, lets you draw more than one. Try to keep your admirals in space against the EBO decks. Thrawn on CHimera or Executor is nice stuff. Get the AO’s out ASAP. Early in the game I like to get Battle Deployment out first, so I can deploy my AT-ATs then switching it for We’re In Attack Position Now. With this new AO, Cmmdr Merrejk and Igar, along with Veers hurts them for an additional three a turn if you use the Echo Corridor as a third battle gound site. Not mention, WIAPN adds to immunity of capitals… making the Executor immune <14 and the Chimera <8. Love it.

This deck went three and zero in it’s last tournament. The original incarnation (V. 1.0) was quite a bit different (read weaker) and this one is just TOUGH.

Enjoy & any suggestions are welcome ‘