spirajiras RTP mains

Title: spirajiras RTP mains
Author: Zach "spirajira" Cute
Date: Feb 26, 2001 Rating: 4.5





Y4 war room



death detention block corridor

prisoner 2187

heading for redmption

staging areas






EPP leia x2

EPP han x2

EPP luke x2

EPP obi x2

ben kenobi

ls, jk

prisoner 2187

JPSD lando x2

8D8 x2

corran horny

harc seff(the man)

kal falnl’hairy legs’cndros

tawss khaa


chewbacca, protector x2


home one

combat vehicles(4)

lift tube x4


the signal x5

fallen portal x3

glancing blow

courage of a skywalker

sorry about the mess



honor of a jedi

ounee ta

bacta tank

death star plans x3

bo shuda

O to E

uncontrollable fury

launching the assault

Strategy: ‘


harc seff-the coolest ishi tib i know, how bout you

staging areas-so my non unique mon cals can deploy to other systems(YESSSSSSS)

heading for the medical frigate- so i can add 1 to my just draw battle destiny

YISYW- cause 3,720 to 1 is canceled, phew, all my worries are gone j/k

DODN/WA- cause christina aguilera was hot at the mtv awards, but ugly at the grammy’s what do you think?

prisoner 2187- becuase she looks like a man, thats a turn on

chewbacca protector- cause ICE ICE BABY ICE(he looks like vanilla ice) KICK IT ICE

tawss khaa- cause she’s the sexiest whatever she is alive

kal falnl-cause hairy legs are a turn on

ben kenobi- because me and aljex have a fetish for wrinkly old men

lsjk- because he’s a scout, other than that he sux

epp han for the destiny 1

epp obiguess………..HE’S WRINLY AND OLD

epp leiabecause i won a foil one for prize support at the last tourny with a third place

lift tubesfor the power 0

sorry about the messsorry about the deck

fallen portal so i can play it back door

courage of a skywalker- so my whiny little skywalker will lose his immunity and be killed

glancing blow because, ouch, that really hurt

bo shuda- becuase hohahohahoha

bacta tank- so i can watch mark hamil float around in a diper all game hehehe


RTP is just such a strong obj aggainst every deck, but with mains thrown in, its even betta. this deck packs huge retrival, great power, and tech to completely shut down scum. i built this deck to counter most all meta decks which are hunt down, and scum(also BHBM, but i didnt have to put anything extra in for that, hehe ;-]). this isnt an rtp that focuss’ on 1st turn flip with 10 ronto’s and and bunches of lift tubes, i can take my time and flip on 3-5. basically set up like this get EBG out(should be easy to get out all your effects with 5 signals), pull 8d8, drop him to Y4 d/b, transit to death* and lift to detention block. might sound like thats gonna take a while to get the cards but i get it turn 1-2. i usually dont free leia until my control phase making sure she doesnt get beat down and also getting her drain bonus in so i drain 4 at the corridor.drop a couple o’ mains to her site, just to give her some support. bring her home to papa and flip. then move prisoner(might want to persona replacement in epp leia if it is going to be a battling game) to the Y4 d/b along with a Chewbacca protector and epp han. that site is stable with 13 power +4 destiny’s if your usin the epp leia. spread the rest of the mains out ot the docking bays and corridor to finish off draining all the while sending 8D8 running back and forth from the death star to yavin getting huge retrieval with death* plans. so this deck is very solid, can handle most anything ive seen by me, i dont know about those f’ed up DPC decks, some of those were a little strange for me. must be the canadians(j/k, i love you guyz). if any of you guys doubt this deck, first read the obj, cause its just the sweetest ever, then try this or any other RTP,its just that good.


SCUM well this deck is semi built to pick apart scum, either the species, or ’fortress’ as somone called it in a TR, i forget who, but anyhow. its also good against the mains style MKOS. against the species style, drop an alien preferably harc seff to the AC, then deploy bo shuda and order to engage. that will force them to clear the chamber, taking away galids bonus and the reps bonus. also with harc there, you can use force to cacel the drains at the adjacent site to the AC. as for the mains style, your mains will outdrain on Y4/ death *, and you can retieve whatever you lost to drains. i wouldnt go to tatoonie personally becuase i have just had too many bad experiences of the power of their swarm. relativly easy with this deck.

Huunt down non-dueling, no contest, just flip and send them all out of play, its just that easy. as for dueling, dont deploy a ben until you have the duel cards in your hand, and only deploy a ls, jk if you dont have the duel cards, your destinies alone will protect lsjk. also, many hunt downs by me dont play alot of lord vaders, thats the only reason i have uncontrollable fury in here, it can help a lot for that. also flip fast here and send people other than ben to go after vader, he loses immunity to attrician, so go put him out of play. also, drop the YISYW for honor if they didnt start no escape, and if they did drop it for launching the assault and go beat up with the home one.

BHBM seriously, this has to be the easiest cause their is no chance in……..er well they wont win battles. again, i know i have said this a bunch of times but……….JUST PLACE THE LORD OF THE SITH OUT OF PLAY. its really easy. you will feal the ease when you play this deck.

well scum and and vader decks are all the goods, so thats it for matchups.

now for the illusive PROPS AND SLOPS

props to britney spears’s breastes’s

props to RTP for being a sweet obj

props to you for repaing all my good reviews(all 5’s) to all of you for 5’s in return right, j/k.

slops to jennefir lopez for looking ugly in the J-LO cd, how could you.(puffy go get your gun)

slops to KUPERMAN for falling from 4th

props to TJ for wearing a bandana, and i heard he won some tournamnet too ;-].

thanks for reading, keep it real - spirajira ‘