Throne Room Denial

Title: Throne Room Denial
Author: Stephen "Texan" Beckham
Date: Feb 26, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (5)

Yavin 4 Massassi Throne Room

Heading For The Medical Frigate


Staging Areas

Wise Advice/Do or Do Not (can be substituted)

Locations (9)

Yavin 4 Docking Bay

Home One Docking Bay

Hoth Echo Docking Bay

Tatooine Docking Bay

Rendezvous Point

Dagobah Yoda’s Hut

Endor Back Door

Characters (17)

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol x2

Corran Horn

Chewbacca Protector

Dash Rendar

Lando With Vibro Axe

Leia With Blaster Rifle x2

Lieutenant Blount

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x2

Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout

Ben Kenobi x2



Tawss Khaa

Starships (3)

Home One x2


Weapons (2)

Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Luke’s Lightsaber

Interrupts (17)

Shocking Information/Grimtaash x2

Run, Luke Run

Glancing Blow

Fallen Portal x3

Clash of Sabers

Sorry About The Mess/Blaster Proficiency

The Signal x2

Out of Commission/Transmission Terminated x3

It’s A Trap x2

The Bith Shuffle/Desperate Reach

Effects (8)

Order to Engage

Goo Nee Tay

Battle Plan

What are you Trying to Push on Us?

Bo Shuda

Draw Their Fire

Aim High

Bacta Tank

Strategy: ‘

This is what I have come up with so far to combat the four most powerful dark side decks out right now.

  1. Court Scum- More Powerful I think because of the ability to pull their ships

  2. MKOS- The swarms are very tough to combat and can lay waste to a lone warrior

  3. Hunt Down- If Luke gets turned and Obi gets circled, the force loss can be too great.

  4. BHBM- Yes this deck still sees some play. I pack Rebel Luke so they are forced to go to the Throne Room to lose to themselves. No Vader and is a huge loss for them.

I am not going to go into to much explanation of each card or the game play. I explain it all pretty much in the matchups. There are just a couple points I want to make. Harvests would be nice but the sites and Owen/Beru is too much to find room for. Retrieval will be a pain. Draw their fire will give you a little swing in your favor here and their. Bacta Tank is a must since I am skimping on the retrieval it will save my characters. Another point I want to make is the space fleet. Most decks will only pack Home One as their defense. I find this very un-reliable. Zuckuss kills this thing. I dropped Super-Falcon in favor of some more powerful interrupts. Dash and Ships will drop and save the Home One when the dark side feels too @#$%y.


VS Ties

Easily your hardest matchup. Need to get your Back Door fast so draw up when you can. I would start Battle plan and pull Aim High fast. This way they have to pay for their Sienar and Short Range crap. Infinite retrieval loops with them is a serious problem. Make them pay which will slow them down. Draw their fire will not be your friend for long if you want to take them on. Lateral Damage will be a beast. Use the Rendevious Point as your “Haven”. Run away to it so they cannot deploy in mass against you. This one will defiantly be close. Chiranue will be a bother also. Use Grimtaash as your savior. Make absolute sure Corran goes down to the Back Door. Arica and U-3PO will kick your tail if you do not put Corran there. I put the Door alone so they cannot run from you.

VS Hunt Down

I tried to hurt hunt down the best I can. He cannot deploy Vader first turn cause of the whole not enough force problem. You will get first go so take advantage of it. Do not put Tatooine Docking bay down first turn. Goo Nee Ta will be huge if you can get it. The two signals will be your shinning hope. Use your anti dual stuff the best you can and hope for a good go. You cannot win a duel outright by yourself. It will be impossible since he will most likely track a five, six and seven with the focused attack. Use Glancing Blow and Bith Combo here. Ben Kenobi and Jedi Luke each have built in duel defense so hopefully if you shuffle well enough you will get by. Your saving Grace is your three OOC/TT and your Goo. Fortunatly, players like Hayes Hunter have had good fortune with non-dueling hunt down so people are going away from it currently. That will be huge if they do not duel.

VS Scum

This is where I have always had problems so I made some built in “tech” to handle it. Bo Shuda will be huge here. So huge. Stick Tawss or Melas in the chamber once you have It’s a Trap. This way you can stop the drains and hopefully they will have committed the presence of the forces they will pack to it. With your Bo Shuda out, search for Order to Enage. Now your only problem will come against Bubo. He really is not that much since Melas and Tawss can both draw destiny and 90 percent of the time you will have at least the four power to keep Bubo from eating you. With the loss of the Chamber, the game will slip more into your favor. If they go MKOS, sniper their Leader at the most crucial time, battle and retrieve it to do it again. Even with the smaller amount of destiny you pack overall, you will draw mad destinies with EPP Han, EPP Leia and Chewie or Luke.

VS RalOps

Goo Nee Ta will hurt when they try and bring bigger guys like Vader and Emperor Palpatine. I really hate this matchup but fortunately I do not play it much. I used to be the man of RalOps until Ounee Ta came out. So I know the weak spots. Grab High Speed Tactics to keep the destiny count low. Honestly, I am a cheap bastard. If someone was bragging early on that they can kick @#$% with this deck, I would drop something for Ounee Ta. If you are going to broadcast it, be ready for people to stack against you.


As soon as Vader hits the ground throw him Rebel Scout Luke. Send them to the Chamber for the dueling to begin. You will both take losses since these decks pack a lot of Admiral’s Orders and nice little sixes. Drain them where you can and battle it out. Abuse the Fallen Portals and abuse they battle plan. You will have to pay for your drain at the docking bay, but you should be activating enough to not worry immensely about it. Goo Nee Tay will be huge if you can get it early. You go first so a first turn Goo would be great. Slowing this deck down and taking Vader out of the game is key to winning.