spirajirasendor ops anti mains

Title: spirajirasendor ops anti mains
Author: Zach "spirajira" Cute
Date: Feb 27, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Endor OPS




prepared defenses

mobilization points









lord vader x3

mara jade x2

admiral piett

admiral chiraneau

grand admiral thrawn

commander igar

commander merrejk


colonel davod jon



dr. e

iggy with gun

boba with gun

dengar with gun

princess xizor





VSD x7


imperial command x2

twilek advisor x3


perimeter patrol

bad feeling have i

ominous rumors

somthing special planned for them

lateral damage

secret plans

imperial decree

battle order

first strike


vaders shiny sword

maras glow stick

vibro ax

combat vehicles(2)

blizzard 2

tempest 1

Strategy: ‘

cards i would like to fit in

battle deployment-so they cant draw more than 1 battle destiny on endor, the reason it isnt in is cause my ships would be power -2 each.

bounty hunters in ships-cause they are more powerful than vsd’s but not in because most are stronger on ground, not in cause i like a destiny 2 to a 1, and cause star destroyers get a drain bonus with chiraneau.

navy trooper fenson i think it is- cause they deploy +2 to endor, not in cause i dont have him, but mostly cause if i did have him in, there is no card that can pull him out so it seems like a waiste of a spot.

CARD BY CARD(telling you right now im trying to make this deck more serious not like the funny ones)

sullust-cause i was looking for a drain 2 system in my box o’ commons and it was the first i saw.

U-3PO-cause i like to stay on endor so he can go block drains

bounty hunters and aliens-cause this was built to beat mains decks, and they do a good job at it

admiral piett-to pull out merrejk

merrejk-to pull out 2 systems

y only 2 systems?-cause i only play the 2 endor sites i start and it is just easy this way, i still get a solid drain of 5 each at sullust and kashyyk, and a drain of 3 at endor system.

first strike-cause if they either deploy a rebel or move people to endor I get to battle them so i retrieve and they lose and it requires them +1 force to play an interrupt and they might not have left the force.

somthing special planned for them-cause they prob dont have enough force left to run away from my VSD/ISD/SSD’s

perimeter patrol-cause they have to lose a force to deploy a rebel to endor and cause they are barriered there for a turn.


set up like thisdrop YCHF for perimeter patrol, deploy that on the bunker, deploy omnious rumors to endor before they get a force on endor, get 1 of your docking bays out. after that start stackin all you characters at your endor docking bay, and some space at endor system, since this was built for mains, they will have to come to you cause they dont play many battle grounds. but this deck works aggainst much more than mains cause of the drains. get an imperial command or piett or merrejk so you can star getting your systems out. it usually takes me about 4-5 turns to get full drain of 14-16, but by turn 3 you should have a drain of 7-8.


throne room- same as above, stack at your endor docking bay and endor system and get space drains up fast because throne room plays 1-2 starships you can leave about 1-2 ships at each system. should be easy because the space drains will deplete them. if worst comes to worst and they take the endor docking bay(they cant move int the bunker, only from back door) you are still draining for 10 in space with the help of chiraneau and 1 endor site for ominous. shouldnt be hard

hidden mains- harder. same as before but keep your space tight so they cant beat you down with superfalcon.

MWYHL- very close, lose about half of the time depending on what type cause they cancel your drain bonus’s. but you could still win by draining at every possible location, cintrolling space, and beating them off the ground.

WYS- i have no clue how to play aggainst this because i nevr have, it wasnt popular at last tournament, but i have an inkling that many people will be bringing it to next so i have to playtest aggainst it.

well thats it for matchups

since this was a little more serious, i am only having two props and no slops.



well im done, so try it out if mains are pop in your area, cause it works well


(and sim aloo, back off cause i never rated any of your decks at all and you gave me a .5 for no reason.)