TIGIH by Grace

Title: TIGIH by Grace
Author: Joshua "Stormcrow" Grace
Date: Feb 28, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Purple (1)

There Is Good In Him / I Will Exploit It

Other Starting (non-purple) (9)

Rebel Scout Luke

His Saber

I Can Feel the Conflict

Heady MF

(Staging Areas)


Strike Planning

Chirpa’s Pad

Endor Landing Platform

Locations (5)

Homey DB

Echo DB


Back Door


Characters (14)

Gen. Calrissian

Gen. Madine

Gen. Solo

Nien Numb



Chewie Protector

Leia w/Gun

Jedi Luke x2

Obi w/Saber x2

Moff Wedge

Corran Horn

Ships (4)

Red Squad 1

Gold Squad 1

Red 6

R2 in Red 5

Red Stuff (27)

On the Edge x2

Tunnel Vision x2

Clash of Sabers


Wise Advice

Fallen Portal

The Signal

Battle Plan


I Know

Out of Nowhere


Shocking Info


Insertion Planning x3

A Few Maneuvers

Fall of the Legend x2

Throw Me Another Charge x2

Double Agent x2

Strategy: ‘

Well, before you all go and slam the deck, let

me just say that I’m entering it here mainly

so I can access it myself in the future. I’ve

played this deck through 5 or 6 tournaments and

for numerous other fun games. There have been a

couple of minor tweaks here and there, but the

deck has been, for the most part, unchanged

throughout. It has an excellent track record,

but, more importantly, it’s fun to play, and

that’s why I’m posting it here before I tear it

apart to build new decks.

I built this after I went 1-2 with a Jedi

Training deck at a tournament (obviously, that

wasn’t going to cut it) and decided that I was

done with Jedi Training for a long time. I then

reflected upon what it was that made Jedi

Training so much fun for me (when it worked

well), and I came up with the following answers

1) It shuts down drain bonuses, 2) It sets up

a permanent high destiny, and 3) I get to

retrieve force. Well, apart from the

cancellation of drain bonuses, this deck does

the same thing… only faster. And at the speed

this deck moves, it cancels drains by killing

the characters your opponent can use to drain.

Take a look at the destiny of this deck. After

the 10 starting cards (start Wise Advice instead

of Staging Areas if you suspect SAC), you will

have 23 cards at 5 destiny or higher, 14 of

which are 6 or higher. Nothing ought to be

immune to your battle destinies.

There are two basic game plans, and they work

as follows. The first game plan takes effect if

your opponent captures Luke with Vader; win 3

battles or duels, and turn him to the light

side. In the second game plan (mainly against

Scum or Ties), set up your Mega-Activation and

Mega-Destiny to cause Mega-Attrition with beat-

down squads that whup your opponents and control

locations. (However, be careful of Ties with

Lasers.) In the second game plan, Rebel Scout

Luke is monster. Immune to Always Thinking With

Your Stomach, he’s a drain of 2 on the second

turn and activating 5 at the Landing Platform.

If your opponent tries to battle Luke, a Fallen

Portal can take out 2 characters, a Clash can

take out another, Swing and Chop a 3rd, and kill

their destiny with Insertion Planning. Luke

lives. Kills Scum Dead.

Match-ups for the Masses


A very strategic game. You’re giving them Luke

right away, so this kills your activation for

a couple of turns. Eat the force loss, and save

for strategic battles. Try not to grin if your

opponent considers dueling. Move Vader to the

Throne Room (oops no more Vader). Try not to

look at Vader too much to indicate that you’re

about to kick his @rse with Obi w/Saber, random

spy, and Chewbacca, etc… Get 3 on I Feel the

Conflict, turn Vader.

Vs Scum.

Thank your opponent for the activation. Use your

<> DB judiciously. Control the sites he wants to

control. I wanted to fit Aim High in the deck,

but the destiny sucks. Solo with Chewie (or a

scout at an exterior stie) will take care of

their destiny. Use Insertion Planning and Fallen

Portal. On the Edges will keep retrieval even.

You have better destiny and will cause them to

forfeit everything every battle. Luke will drain

like a monster for 3 every turn at the Back Door.

Battle Plan could be used if you get early air

supremecy. (Watch out for the Rancor; don’t

deploy to the Rancor pit to attack it, you might

just draw bad destiny–see “Scrubbing Out

Hardcore” in my tourney reports for more info…)

Vs Ties.

One of the (non-tournament) losses I suffered

was to Ravelling’s Tie deck because I played

like a monkey. My advice don’t play like a

monkey. Get Battle Plan out at the first

opportunity and turn the game into a drain

race. Their early drain cancellation will be

a pain, but who cares? Eventually they will

deploy all their Ties, and you will still be

retrieving your On the Edges. You get much

more force early on, and this is the one real

chance you have to use Shocking Info for that

other ability–you know, the one that cancels

a scomp link… That’s right, Mr. Merrejk

Wait to go into space until you’ve determined

that they don’t have those nasty lasers, or

that they’re starting to get low on force.

Vs Hunt Down.

Make them lose a couple Vaders with Han/Chewie,

Wedge/Corran Horn, Blount/Cracken, and stack

cards at the same time. Don’t deploy Obi

against Vader if your opponent has been

tracking dueling destiny or if you’re unsure

if he has a dueling destiny-adder in his hand.

Deploy Obi where Vader can’t reach him, or

wait until you’ve gotten a favorable peek at

his destiny. You’re going to suffer early

force loss, again, against a Hunt Down deck,

but attrition and On the Edge will wear them

out later on.

Vs Stupid Decks.

Use Insight and Battle Plan and On the Edge to

beat stupid decks. Use Luke w/Saber if they’re

playing a stupid deck without Imperials. You’ve

got Blount if they’ve got a stupid deck that

has ISB in its Lore.

Remember, Star Wars CCG can be fun. Enjoy.

Joshua “Stormcrow” Grace ‘