Black Leader´s Agents of the Sun

Title: Black Leader´s Agents of the Sun
Author: Alexander "Black Leader" Schwarz
Date: Feb 28, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (7)


Imperial City




CC.Downtown Plaza


Characters (19)

Xizor x3

Guri x2

Vigo x3

Boba with Gun x2

Jodo Kast

Iggy with Gun

4Lom with Gun

Bane Malar

Djas Puhr

Dengar with Gun


Emperor x 2

Starships (5)

Zuckuss in Misthunter

Bossk in Hounds Tooth

Dengar in Punishing One

IG88 in IG 2000


Vehicles (1)

Blizzard Walker

Weapons (1)


Interrupts (17)

Hidden Weapons x2


Imperial Barrier

Twilek Advisor

Sniper/Dark Strike

Control/Set for Stun



Masterful Move

Force Lightning

Jabba´s through with you x2

Shut him up/down


Prepared Defenses

Effects (9)

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

Battle Order

Search & Destroy

First Strike


Secret Plans

Hutt Influence

Opressive Enforcement/There is no Try

Objective (1)

Agents of the Black Sun/Vengeance ….

Strategy: ‘

Control/Set for Stun should be Control/Set for Stun x2 .

Setup You always start with IOA and Mob.Pts.

    The default choice for third effect is

    Battle Order, or OE/TINT, if u think

    of moderate to heavy sac.

    On your first Turn, use Imperial Arrest

    Order to look for your Coruscant Docking

    Bay and Rendili. If the DB is not in 

    there, grab the Cloud City one instead.

    Use Mob.Pts. for Rendili.

    You should immediately deploy some

    characters to Xizor, Vigos and Emperor

    at best, because you deploy them for

    free. Move your characters over to the

    Coruscant DB for more force on turn two.

    Turn two  deploy either the Tattoine

    DB or the Cloud City DB (if you don´t 

    already have it on table), deploy some

    more guys to this DB, move your guys

    via transit over and flip.

    The next effect to get would be OE/TINT,

    followed by Search&Destroy and Hutt


    Usually you will want to concentrate on

    one site first, then slowly spread out

    to cover two, then three BGs to satisfy

    HotJ. When draining at the docking bays

    be aware of Fallen Portal.

    Should your opponent deploy Luke, you now

    have several choices to deal with him 

       You can track one of your docking bays

       still in reserve, or - what will be

       common at this stage - your drain

       location, the Downtown Plaza to Over-

       load his weapon. You can use Palpy´s

       Lightning to kill him, or if your 

       opponent was stupid enough to draw

       twelve cards, Set for Stun him and

       Monnok Luke to the used pile. Of 

       course, that only works with a Luke of

       Ability five - then, you can kill him

       in a good, old-fashioned battle.

When flipped, you can use the objective´s GT to

get a card in used pile, good for tracking,which

helps counter Grimtaash, btw. and in addition to

that, you can look at the cards in your force -

pile, knowing exactly which card lies where, and

how many you should draw.


WYS Control of the Tattoine System, is what can

  win you game. Without it, he can´t use

  Tattoine Celebration and its a sure bet,

  he will have to pay for each drain via

  Battle Order - most players agree, that

  including additional space locations would

  be counteracting the force-choke.

  So, you should use all of your vessels to

  hold the system. If he comes to you, you

  can Overload any starship weapons, use

  Set for Stun on Dash or Han, to reduce his

  destinies. If he isn´t playing with 

  Raiders and Patrol Crafts , you can get

  Guri up there, too. Use Dengar on the ground

  for pest-control and the Walker to protect

  from EPP Weapons, Sandwhirl and Lost in the

  Wilderness. You can counter Bacta Tank,

  and the high attrition, combined with some

  multiple destines/character removal can

  win you this - just beware Lando´s Vibrator

  and Luke, who can trash Guri.

  If this deck is very popular in your area,

  switch the Masterful Move, Monnok and Ghhhk

  for two Grabbers and Ghhhk/These Rebels ...

  Oh, watch their Lost-Pile for interrupts.

  EBO  Probably one of the hardest matchups.

        How you play it, depends on the

        version youre facing - i believe, the

        X-Wing Swarm version will be the most

        dangerous, because you cannot really

        contest in space here. Dengar in Boat

        really is an asset here, you will

        need Guri and Xizor here, as well.

        Hutt Influence will ensure, that your

        drains and DD comes through.

        Try not to burn your barrier too

        soon, wait till the number of x-wings

        reach a critical level, watch their

        force-pile for a possible Spiral.

        Deadbolt could kill you, if he does

        the lock - for this you could switch

        in one Omni-Box and Main Course.

        Wait, till they play Assets, use

        Main Course, and shuffle their Lost

        Pile, so that no Docking Bay or the

        Assets itself come up.

        With the Baragwin-Retrieval Version,

        you have to be careful. Expect lots

        of high destinies in the seven-range,

        therefore, be mindful of Superfalcon

        and other stuff.

        Overall, with EBO, you have to play

        very smart, or the drains, combined

        with the high battledamage/retrieval

        will do you in.

End of matchups. I will add more, once i get to

playtest this deck fully.

Some card explanations

Resistance better than Imp.Decree in here, cosz

i have to occupy three BGs anyway, and i won´t

risk holding two systems, that would leave me

too vulnerable.

Overload kills EPPs, Luke, Intruder Missiles and

X-Wing Cannons.

Control/Set for Stun Keycard. removes unwanted

threats and stops Icestorm/Sandstorm - cancels

some high drains.

If i had room, i would try to fit in

Lateral Damage, a second Sniper/Dark Strike,

a second Barrier and perhaps an AO to counter

I´ll take the Leader. Fighter Cover, would be

nice, because i still could retrieve with First

Strike and get a drain bonus at the DBs.

Why no Sec.Precautions Hidden-Base Flip is not

very popular right now, even though, if i wait

and concentrate my forces, i should be able to

do without it.

Why no Projective Telepathy Mainly, cosz there

is no room. I would have liked one, but then …

Oh, if those dammed HDWGITM decks are played in

your area, add a Shocking Rev, some grabbers and

Look Sir, Droids.

Hope you like the first deck.

Feel free to comment on whatever you want.


Black Leader