One Eye & His Amazing Flying Machines

Title: One Eye & His Amazing Flying Machines
Author: Mike "SpaceSlug" Shumaker
Date: Mar 1, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting ? 8

My kind of Scum/Fearless and Inventive

Tatooine Deserts Heart

Tatooine Jabbas Palace

Prepared Defenses

Well Guarded

Secret Plans

No Bargain

Power of the Hutt

Locations ? 8

Jabbas Palace Audience Chamber

Jabbas Palace Entrance Cavern

Jabbas Palace Lower Passages

Clouds x3

Tatooine x2

Characters ? 21

Jabba the Hutt

Ephant Mon



Mara Jade




Myo x3 (my rep)

Abyssin x7

Tibana Gas Miner x3

Ships/Vehicles ? 6

Combat Cloud Car x3

Bossk in HT

Zuckuss in MH

IG-88 in IG2000

Effects ? 7

Hutt Influence

Scum & Villainy

Presence of the Force

Expand the Empire

Den of Thieves

Reactor Terminal

Tatooine Occupation

Interrupts ? 8

Abyssin Ornament x2

None Shall Pass x2

Imperial Barrier x2

Twi?lek Advisor x2

Weapons ? 2

Mara?s Saber

Vibro-ax ‘

Strategy: ‘

UPDATE - Thanks to ”el-diablo” for pointing out a dumb mistake. Drop the Cloud Cars and add Fett in Ship, Dengar in Ship and one more Abyssin. Sorry.

I have played five games with this deck against various decks and players and it is 4 and 1. Any ideas to make it better would be great. Thanks for any help and for your time.


Very basic. Enhance your drains and get Tatooine occupation going.


First turn, pull Audience Chamber and Hutt Influence. Don?t deploy first turn if you don?t have to. Draw up first turn. Next turn, pull Lower Passages, Jabba, Ephant and deploy. If you have Jabba in hand, get Gailid. If you have Ephant in hand, get Boelo. Within 2 or 3 turns, you should have the AC secured. Don?t deploy any clouds until you have something to put there. As soon as you get the Tatooine system and some ships, try to get Occupation going. Deploy your Miners to your secure sites and your Cars to the clouds and get the drain machine going.

Card Choices

Cloud strategy- When my opponent sees me start MKOS they will not suspect it.

What About?

What about Menace Fades?- Yes , Menace Fades will limit my drain bonuses in the sky but not on the ground. Clouds work around Menace Fades by adding one to force drains on the ground where my drains are protected by Hutt Influence.


VS. Hidden Base - Depending on the style of HB they are playing, this could pose a problem. When playing against a swarm deck, ditch the whole Occupation strategy and stick to clouds and ground. Hutt Influence takes care of the flip side of HB in regards to drain cancellation. They can still cancel some in the clouds but you still get the benefits for drains. If it is a Hidden Mains, just fortify the JP sites and hold on to the None Shall Passes and Imp Barriers.

VS. WYS - I have not played this deck against this type yet but I think it will do nicely. WYS is usually pretty light on ground forces so securing your sites won?t be hard. Most WYS decks I have seen are best in the sky with all those nasty smugglers and thier ships (Dash & Outrider being most notable) so you may want to drop the entire cloud and Occupation deal and concentrate on the sites. Secret Plans will help with all those Kessell Runs and Rycars Runs.

VS. MWYHL - Very easy matchup. Just play your own game and let them play thiers. They will be slow in getting going so take advantage of the early game. By the time Luke becomes The Almighty Himself, your opponent will already be low on force. This really is a sure win.

VS. RST - This could be a problem. This deck also plays the drain game on Endor. If your opponent seems content to spread and play the drain game and not come to Tatooine, save a couple of heavy hitters for a nice suprise at the end of the game. You may just win the game with battle damage.

VS. AITC - Be sure the palace sites are fortified well. Don?t leave the palace unless you have to. If they are using speeders, they usually don?t have a lot in space so the clouds and Occupation should kill them off.

VS. Mains and Toys - This could be bad. If they can hit you with one big battle when you are not prepared, they can clean your clock. Make sure you hold on to None Shall Pass and Imp Barrier or else you are asking for a beatdown.