Forbidden Cheese

Title: Forbidden Cheese
Author: Justin "MoffWicket" Alfs
Date: Mar 1, 2001 Rating: 3.0








Battle Plan

Aim High




Luke w/saber


Yoda’s Hut



Bog Clearing


Y-wing x2


Landing Claw x2


Traffic Control

Honor of the Jedi

Anger, Fear, Aggression x7

Stone Pile x2


The Signal x5

Surprise Assault x10


On the Edge x3

Misc. 6s and or 7s x10

Strategy: ‘

The goal of this deck is to either get a timed win or make your opponent give up out of annoyance. Just make sure to duck if he swings at you.

MWYHL is there for force activation and S/A protection. A Hidden Base start could get a little better activation, but it won’t protect from S/A, which may be key.

Battle Plan and Aim High slow your opponent down as much as possible. Insight is there for you to fetch Honor. Unless you know your opponnent is playing odds, get out Honor every game. It will hurt HD a little until they get Vader out. No Escape hurts of course, but that’s why there are 4 TT/OOCs. If you don’t play against HD, put lots of stuff OOP so they can’t retrieve as much. Honor also stops a multitude of other pesky things, such as Search & Destroy, Court, Abilty3, etc.

Cause damage with AFA and Surprise @ssault. Undercover spies are in there to take care of drains caused by high power guys. Likewise for the ships and Landing Claws.

Use On the Edge on your spies to make the game last a little longer. Pray that Coward isn’t out.

Stone pile is in because it’s a hella cool card that usually never makes the cut. You might get lucky with it and take a grabber or vader or something cool.

Luke is for BHBM. Suicide runs can be cool if your opponent is really dumb and leaves wusses alone, otherwise just give Luke to Vader and let the fun begin.

This deck obviously is not for everyone, i.e, people with integrity. If you use this you should be ashamed of yourself. ‘