Watch Your Step You Moron You Almost Stepped on me

Title: Watch Your Step You Moron You Almost Stepped on me
Author: Alexandre "Lord Kenobi" Dufresne
Date: Mar 2, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Watch Your Step


T Cantina

T Dockbay

Heading FTMF

Staging Areas


Squad Assignments

Location (7)

Moisture Farm x2

Space Port Docking Bay


Tatooine Docking Bay

Tatooine Cantina


Characters (22)

Jedi Luke

EPP Luke

Owen & Beru x2

Chewie, Protector

Lano with Vibro Axe

Captain Han x2


Artoo & 3PO

Dash Rendar x2



Talon Karde

Palace Raider x6


Vehicles (5)

Patrol Craft x5

Starships (3)

Millenium Falcon

Pulsar Skate



I’ll Take The Leader

Effects (7)

Battle Plan

Staging Areas


Squadron Assignments

Tatooine Celebration x2

Menace Fades

Interrupts (13)

Control & Tunnel Vision x2

Harvest x3

Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated x2

Houjix & Out of Nowhere

Nar Shadaa & OOS

Fallen Portal


Artoo, I Have A Bad Feeling About This

Heading for The Medical Frigate

Strategy: ‘

The startegy i simple, build up a space defense at the Tatooine System, with ability 7 or higher because of thedark side characters like Xzior and Zuckuss in ship. The deploy your grounf forces with Luke, Chewie and Tallon Karde at the Cantina. If he bulids a large force there, then spread out your raiders and patrol craft and then defeat him. About mid game, get out the Lars familiy + Their farm and start getting back your lost force, and then deplo more stuff and win the game. Once you get the Tatooine Celebration, Battle Plan and others out, then you will have no trouble winning. This deck has gone 14-0 with monster victories.

Why I’ll Take the Leader?

That is mainly to give you some imunity to attrition for your ships and can be used to also add an extra force to your drains at the docking bays.

For Tha Palace Raiders, just deploy them at the tatooine sites, and then deploy the vehicles and set of the Harvest junk and start retriving some lost force.

If you have any question feel free to email me. ‘