Squadron Attacks v3

Title: Squadron Attacks v3
Author: anthony "yodap" payne
Date: Mar 4, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (5)

Rendezvous Point

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Battle Plan

Draw Their Fire

Squadron Assignments

Locations (6)



Home One War Room



Rendezvous Point

Characters (25)

Admiral Ackbar

Biggs Darklighter

Bren Quersey

Chewie With Blaster Rifle

Colonel Salm

Derek ’Hobbie’ Klivian


Elyhek Rue

General Solo

Hol Okand

Jek Porkins

Keir Santage

Lando With Blaster Pistol

Lieutenant Lepira

Lieutenant Naytaan

Lieutenant Telsij

Luke With Lightsaber

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber


Ryle Torsyn

Theron Nett



Tycho Celchu

Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Vehicles (1)


Starships (19)

Gold 1

Gold 2

Gold 3

Gold 4

Gold 5

Gold 6

Home One

Millennium Falcon

Red 10

Red 2

Red 3

Red 5

Red 6

Red 7

Red 8

Red 9

Red Leader In Red 1

Red Squadron 1

Red Squadron 4

Interrupts (5)

A Few Maneuvers x3

Balanced Attack

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Effects (5)

Battle Plan

Draw Their Fire

S-Foils x2

Squadron Assignments

Strategy: ‘

Ok…..i changed a few things, i added some cards, and took others away, and the result, is the deck you see before you so here is the strad

The deck uses “Heading For The medical Frigate” to pull 3 effects at the begiing of the game; Squadron assigments, Draw their fire, and Battle plan.

their uses

Squadron Attacks

text= Deploy on table. During your deploy phase, you may reveal one unpiloted starfighter from hand to take its matching pilot character into hand from Reserve Deck (or vice versa) and deploy both simultaneously| reshuffle. (Immune to Alter.) 

use= All ships/pilots in this deck have the matching pilots/ships as well. therefor, you get one, you can get the other real fast.

Draw Their Fire

text= Deploy on your side of table. Whenever a battle is initiated, player initiating battle retrieves 1 Force and defender loses 1 Force. Also, during a battle you initiate, each time opponent plays an interrupt, opponent must first use 1 Force. (Immune to Alter.)

use= basically this just helps you retreive some of your lost force, as long as you start the battle, but you have to be careful, cause this card can be used by your apponent against you, if he/she starts alot of battles. If you have a better effect, then let me know and ill change it.

Battle Plan

text= Deploy on table. You may initiate battles for free. Also, for either player to initiate a Force drain, that player must first use 3 Force unless that player occupies a battleground site (except a holosite) and a battleground system. (Immune to Alter.)

use= this will stop force drains at least momentarily, so that you can build up a powerful fleet in space. and it helps if your trying to use ’Draw Their Fire’ in the game.

Rendezvous Point is your starting locating, because it allows you to deploy -2, and gives them hyperspeed +2 when going to or from it. then i have dantooine for the same reason, capitol starships are deploy -2, and starfighters are -1. Endor because you can move starships from Rendezvous Point for -1 force. Hoth and kiffex are basically just for more force, and more places to battle/drain. And Last but not least Home One War Room because if you can get this out before Home One, and get a rebel leader on it then Home One is deploy -5 and power +3. (yeah, probably unlikely tht you’ll get that one done, but if you do its an added bonus, and either way you get power +3 as long as you have a rebel leader here.)

Now i know some of you are thinking “what about land? what if the opponent never goes to space, then they could drain this deck to hell and back” well, my answer to that is this EPP’s thats why they are there…if your opponent goes landwas, and trys to drain you to death, then you use your epp’s (luke, obi, han, chewie) to battle them, and take out the threat…use the skiff to keep them all together, and make quick battles…if you need more than those to do the job, then use some of the other pilots…this deck’s people are interchangable (most of them anyway…) But my suggestion is use EPP’s on land to fight, and keep the pilots ith the ships (red/gold squadrons) drain up in space, fight on land. If you dont need the land fights then two things are true first, your opponent didn’t make a very good deck, and second, you dont need to fight You can then chose to either drain on land as well, or keep the EPP’s in your hand, and deploy them as needed…

I hope you all see these changes as for the better, as i do ‘