The Day is MINE

Title: The Day is MINE
Author: Silent "Silent Bob" Bob
Date: Mar 4, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starships (7)

   Bossk In Hound’s Tooth 

 2 Chimaera 

   Dengar In Punishing One 


   Flagship Executor 

   Zuckuss In Mist Hunter 

Characters (24)

 2 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle 

   Admiral Chiraneau 

   Admiral Ozzel 

   Admiral Piett 

   Bib Fortuna 

   Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle 


   Captain Gilad Pellaeon 

   Colonel Davod Jon 

   Dengar With Blaster Carbine 

   Ephant Mon 

   Grand Admiral Thrawn 

 2 Guri 

   IG-88 With Riot Gun

   Jabba’s Prize 

   Jodo Kast 

 2 Lord Vader 

   Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand 

   Mighty Jabba 

   Prince Xizor 


Weapons (3)

   Mara Jade’s Lightsaber 

   Vader’s Lightsaber 


Devices (1)

   Carbonite Chamber Console 

Effects (6)

   Crush The Rebellion 

   Mobilization Points 

   Power Of The Hutt 

   Secret Plans 

   Something Special Planned For Them 

   We’re In Attack Position Now - Admiral’s Order 

Interrupts (10)

   Defensive Fire & Hutt Smooch 

   Evader & Monnok 

   Ghhhk & Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us 

 2 Imperial Command 

   Omni Box & It’s Worse 

   Point Man 

   Prepared Defenses 

   Sniper & Dark Strike 

 2 Twi’lek Advisor 

Vehicles (1)

Jabba’s Sail Barge

Locations (7)

   Cloud City Carbonite Chamber 

   Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay) 

   Cloud City Security Tower 


   Tatooine Docking Bay 94 

   Tatooine Jabba’s Palace 

   Jabba’s Sail Barge Passenger Deck


   Carbon Chamber Testing/My Favorite Decoration 

Strategy: ‘


Remove a Twi’lek Advisor to add a Security Precautions. This is for the resurgence of HB decks.

Tatooine Jabba’s Palace is Jabba’s Palace AC




Cloud City Carbonite Chamber

Carbonite Chamber Console

Cloud City Security Tower

Jabba’s Prize

Prepared Defenses

Crush The Rebellion

Mob Points

Power of the Hutt.

Turn 1


Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber


Ephant Mon to the Security Tower using Power (Protect JP from Spy deployment/gamblers/thieves

Use Crush to pull Evader/Monnok

Turn 2


Tatooine Docking Bay

(Mighty Jabba/Boelo *See tech below)

Turn 3


Cloud City Docking Bay

(Barge *See tech)


There are many ways to get Han to the audience chamber. Here are the best ways

  1. Use Ig-88/4-Lom/Guri to move Han to the audience chamber. Pros Can’t be battled unless Artoo/Threepio is out. Cons Can be targeted by Sorry about the mess. Dismantle on sight hurts droids.

  2. Deploy Prince Xizor and Guri. Use Xizor to move Han with protection from Guri. Pros Xizor can’t be targeted by weapons (including Sorry about the mess). Cons Waiting to get Xizor/Guri out.

  3. Deploy Ephant to the tower first turn. This protects from spies dropping down to get Han. On your next turn, deploy Mighty Jabba and Boelo (audience/power). Make sure you end the turn with them at the docking bay. Next turn, deploy the barge to the Docking bay. Have them all jump aboard the barge. Move to cloud city docking bay. Have them jump off the barge. Move them over to the tower. Have Jabba grab Han. Make your way back on the next turns.

Pros Jabba can’t be hit by weapons. Boelo Cancels destiny. Ephant protects from spies and is a built in ghhhk.

Cons Slow, but reliable. If any of these cards get activated on their deploy turn, there could be problems and slow the process down. If they do get activated (hope they all do except for Ephant) just pick up. Then deploy Jabba/Boelo combo to the tower. If one, but not the other gets activated, you might have problems to slow you down.

I would try to use this step. If there are more Tatooine sites beside yours, here is what to do. Just deploy Mighty Jabba and Boelo to the AC and move them towards an exterior location (Keep them inside if playing against Speeders). Wait a turn. Next turn, deploy the barge to the nearest exterior location. Have Jabba and boelo get aboard. move them to the DB. If Jabba and boelo haven’t moved, use the DB gametext to move to CC. Then next turn, just move into the tower.

Keys to remember

*You might want to have more characters to back up boelo and Jabba.

*Any smoe can deploy to the Passenger Deck to make the barge immune to alter, not just aliens. If the Barge isn’t immune to alter, don’t leave any characters on the barge. If a destiny or two does get by Boelo and Jabba, use the barge as fodder. That way you won’t lose your characters aboard.

*Mob Points helps to get out Rendili. Don’t worry about sticking some smoe at a DB to increase activation. You will be fine. The activation can come at a later point in the game.

*If you have enough force/characters, support not only Jabba, but Ephant.

*Don’t leave Han in the AC without someone there to stop the opponent from getting him out

*Han is removed from the game for Watch you step. No supper Falcon.

*Evader/Monnok is there to keep a control on the opponent’s hand size.

*Defensive Fire/Hutt Smooch protects from UC spies when you drain. It also returns a card of the opponent’s to the used pile to keep control of his hand size.

*Secret plans and Something Special Planned for them is for all those stupid retrieval cards.

*Clash protects you from multiple destinies. As does Jodo.

*Super Chimaera protects you in space.

”Oh, I’ll Play your game you rogue.”

”I’ll Take Swords for 200.” ‘