Madskills’ Huntdown Drain

Title: Madskills’ Huntdown Drain
Author: Michael "MadSkills84" Pistone
Date: Mar 5, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Unknown Type


Cloud City Downtown Plaza

Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay)

Cloud City Port Town District

Executor Docking Bay

Executor Holotheatre

Executor Meditation Chamber

Characters (19)

4-LOM With Concussion Rifle

Commander Igar

Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x2

Dr. Evazan

Emperor Palpatine x2

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Grand Moff Tarkin

IG-88 With Riot Gun

Janus Greejatus x2

Lord Vader x3

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2


Navy Trooper Fenson

Vehicles (2)

Blizzard 2

Tempest 1

Starships (4)

Boba Fett In Slave I

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth


Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Interrupts (10)


Force Lightning

Prepared Defenses

Sniper & Dark Strike x2

Twi’lek Advisor

Weapon Levitation x2

You Are Beaten x2

Effects (14)

Battle Order

Crush The Rebellion

Imperial Arrest Order

Lateral Damage

Mobilization Points

No Escape


Search And Destroy

Secret Plans

There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Visage Of The Emperor x3

You Cannot Hide Forever

Weapons (3)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Vader’s Lightsaber x2

Unknown Type

Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe

Strategy: ‘


Hey gseiva your review makes a lot of sense. This is exactly the reason I stopped posting stuff to the idiots on this site in the first place.

One-Arm. I told you why I use Fenson, to subtract from On and Off the Edge. You should do what G.W.Bush is doing and learn to read.

Hey everyone it’s been a while since I submitted a deck, but I thought I’d submit my latest Hunt Down deck.

Basically I made this deck because it can hold it’s own against anything the light side player can come up with and it has the power to beat mains.

You start most games the same, with the two docking bay effects and crush the rebellion. If you are playing a quality player who starts your insight serves you well (meaning they will pull honor to screw you over) you start no escape instead. Most people don’t remember that dark side is supposed to reveal their starting first, well you can take advantage of this.

Now on to a few matchups


Set up visage and drains and make them come to you on cloud city, be careful battling them at docking bays because of the ever powerful fallen portal and use weapon levitation on your turn before you battle, because it is unique. Play smart and your drains will overwhelm them. Use navy trooper fenson to hurt their retrieval with on and off the edge.


If you suspect the variant with Palace Raiders pull the evader/monnok combo and time it well to hamper them. Your drains and well timed battles in space will win you the game.


Outdrain them and use Mosep early to hurt them. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve played against EBO and they never even set up.

I can’t think of any more matchups right now, if you want more explanations on cards or matchups let me know.
