Ralitir’s Having a Party

Title: Ralitir’s Having a Party
Author: sam "are_to" pradinuk
Date: Mar 6, 2001 Rating: 2.0




Ral Ops Obj.


{reppared defences


mobel points

An entire legian……


Stormtrooper Cadet x18

Major Hewex

Imperial Squad leader

Lord Vader x2


Grand Moff Tarkin x2


Prefex office

spaceport city

spaceport dock

spaceport street



Trooper assualt x9

I have you now x3

Dark jedi Presence x3

Full Scale alert x3

Well Guarded ‘

Strategy: ‘

So yo think becuase of oo ney ta raltirs dead. Well i chalennge you to find a deck that could beat this ground.

First turn pull office and docking bay.

Second set up drain and a leader at the office.

Remember your troopers are power 5 and power six if hewex is there. Cadets satisfy all remaining battle damage when forfieted at same site as a vetern imperial (sq. leader).Vader with i have u now gives you an extra destiny-two if against a luke. Dark jedi presence makes your troopers power 10-12. The onlt downfall is i don’t have muck space. But you csn still manage.I got the well guarded in here to protect your troopers.

Full scale aleart stops there movement. lol. Its great when they are about to move there last guy and boom you stop them. Then you retrieve 18 force. ‘