There is profit on Tatooine without being a smuggler

Title: There is profit on Tatooine without being a smuggler
Author: Andreas "Eldorian" Petz
Date: Mar 6, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (2)

Owen Lars Moisture Farm

Tatoine Docking Bay

Charachters (23)

Master Luke x3

JPSD Lando

EPP Han x2

General Solo

EPP Chewy x2

General Madine

Corporal Kensaric

Corporal (seargent?) Beezer

Ben Kenobi x3

that search for an exterior site scout?

Dash Rendar

r2 & c3po

Owen & Beru Lars

Corran Horn

Nien Numb

Starships (2)

Gold 1


Interrupts (20)

Heading for the medical frigate (hey the USED part won me a game lately)

Signal x2


Obj Profit obviously

Sniper Combo Card

Control/tunnel vision x2

Slight Weapon Malfunction x2

Bith shuffel combo

Rebel Barrier x2

Fallen Portal x2

On the Edge x2

Harvest x4


Honor of the Jedi


there is no try combo

What are you tryin to push…

Strike Planing

Squadron Assignments

Aim High


obi LS

Anakins LS


Mercenary Armor ‘

Strategy: ‘

you know what i hate most about watch your step? that whenever i try to build a profit deck i end up with the clue, that it would just be much better with WYS…well maybe its because i don’t build my deck around characters but around effects and interrrupts…well with other words i already don’t like this deck (back me up ;))

but still thats what i thought

start with epp han in audience chamber, frigate strike planing, there is no try, and aim high or squadron (i like squadron better…but against an obvious sienar i’d start aim high)

deploy luke, ben stuff as usual, free han, drain and make him loose…

here the FUN part (combos)

harvest/on the edge for retrieval (clear) harvest for on the edge(tunnel vision) and high destiny(track), as backup ther is electtrobis in there…i like it sometimes when i’m searching a lot with a deck and have to shuffle it though…

madine get madine with strike planing, search for kensaric (against opponent deployment), beezer (against reacting AND to search for devices => electro and merc armor [i love that card]) and that nameless scout to search exterior sites => moisture farm and docking bay…i like a character more better then a second moisture farm (=> zero destiny)

i thought about throwing in Artoo i have a bad feeling or more starhips…but its senseless without own systems…they are just for a quick hit

oh nice trick…you have one ’pull a general out’ left after getting madine…you can always search for general solo if its more important to CANCEL a BD then to add one…that happens often enough plus if he kills han you search for him and flip back the next turn…

i’ll work on a WYS again with similar theme…any comment more then wellcome, i’d love to play a profit deck again over a WYS…

cheers ‘