I Know Everyone Agrees Katie Holmes is just AMAZING

Title: I Know Everyone Agrees Katie Holmes is just AMAZING
Author: Matt "TmastamattC" Ehrhart
Date: Mar 6, 2001 Rating: 3.0




Set Your Course For Alderaan/The Ultimate Power In The Universe

Death Star


Death Star Docking Bay 327

Prepared Defenses

You Cannot Hide Forever

Power Of The Hutt

Mobilization Points


Death StarDocking Control Room 327

Death StarWar Room

ExecutorDocking Bay




Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Piett

Arica x2

Commander Merrejk

Ephant Mon

Grand Admiral Thrawn x3

Grand Moff Tarkin x2

Lord Varder x3

U-3PO x2


Vader’s Lightsaber x2


Boba Fett In Slave 1


Death Squadron Star Destroyer x3

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter


We’re In Attack Position Now x3


Ghhk & Those Rebels Wont Escape Us x2

Gravity Shadow

Imperial Command x3

Masterful Move

Ommni Box & It’s Worse


Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down

Twilek Advisor x3


Battle Order

Kuat Drive Yards

Lateral Damage x2

Presense Of The Force x2

Something Special Planned For Them ‘

Strategy: ‘

Well the title was a last idea, i just couldn’t think of anything better at the time… ok on to the deck…

First to be explained is how to set up, i think to play this deck well you have to set it up fast enough. Before you activate search for Kuat. First turn you search your deck for a card with Death Star in the title. if you see the Docking Control Room 327, and the Executor Docking Bay, and Ephant Man pull them all and deploy them, along w/ Kuat. after you deploy them move Ephant Man over to the DS docking bay, next turn you move him to the executor docking bay. As sick and twisted as this sounds, that is the reason i made this deck. Its a activation of three force that light cant stop (unless they move my presense or they play Watch Your Step). If all three arent there just deploy the war room. The next thing you do is worry about getting Kiffex out, via Commander Merrijk (which is found from Pietts once per game, which is found w/ imp. command). Not that hard right, i mean sounds easy enough? Ok from there you look to set up a drain in space, while dropping the undercover spies to their sites. Space is taken care of by Grand Admiral Thrown in a destroyer, that’s why i play three. Three equals easy to find, and easy to replace when he dies. Now why pull Kuat and not Rendili, well b/c its not in here. No just kidding, b/c Kuat Drive Yards is a great card… When you get KDYs in your hand, either draw it up or use a Twelek drop it and search for a star destroyer from reserve deck and deploy it. Of course there is a draw back, you have to deploy it to Kuat. After that all you do is sit back and let them either try to fight you, or drain them to death. Drop a presense on Kuat and the Death Star, then drop Admiral Chiraneau on a star destroyer and you drain in space for a total of 7. Keep in mind that you can react for free to a battle at Kuat, which means you can leave a empty star destroyer there and just react over there when they battle you. Im tryin to work a Officer Evax into the deck so that i can do the same thing at the Death Star. Vader and Tarkin are always a good thing for back up anywhere. Up in space just to cancel a draw, or even on the ground for a good beating. Whichever works best for you, and dont forget about vaders saber.

You have a Masterful Move in there to cancel Savrip, SHUSHD to kill the Bacta Tank, Imp Commands cause well they kinda are great in the deck, Gravity Shadow is a true way to keep them from running away from a beating up in the sky and so is Ghhhk & Those Rebels Wont Escape Us. Then theres the great combo known as Lateral Damage/Overwhelmed, the true way to kill the Super Falcon. Battle Plan is in there to slow up some quick drainage by a light ground deck.

Its a cool deck, and lots of fun to play. It hasnt suffered a lose yet. Now i know this aint the greatest deck in the world, and all but its just something out there for fun. ‘