Decipher week-end Brugge LS winner

Title: Decipher week-end Brugge LS winner
Author: Julien "Dark Padawan" Riviere
Date: Mar 7, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

Watch Your Step/This Place Can Be a Little Rough (st)

Locations (4)

Spaceport Docking Bay

Tatooine (st)

Tatooine Cantina (st)

Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Characters (21)

Chewbacca, Protector x2

Dash Rendar

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol x2

Lando With Blaster Pistol x2

Luke With Lightsaber x2


Mirax Terrik

Palace Raider x4

Ralltiir Freighter Captain x3

Talon Karrde x2

Wedge Antilles

Vehicles (4)

Patrol Craft x4

Starships (3)

Millennium Falcon


Pulsar Skate

Interrupts (17)

A Few Maneuvers

Clash Of Sabers

Control & Tunnel Vision x3

Fallen Portal x2

Heading For The Medical Frigate (st)

Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated x2

Rebel Barrier

Shocking Information & Grimtaash

Sorry About The Bad English & Blaster Proficiency

The Bith Shuffle & Desperate Reach

The Signal

Visored Vision x2

Effects (9)

Bargaining Table

Battle Plan

Insurrection (st)

Menace Fades

Ounee Ta

Squadron Assignments (st)

Staging Areas (st)

Tatooine Celebration

Your Insight Serves You Well

Admiral’s Order (1)

I’ll Take The Leader ‘

Strategy: ‘

Why I think this deck is a good WYS

All the WYS decks I have seen before, had a problem they either contained too many cards to retrieve or too many non-unique cards to battle. Playing On the Edge, Harvest and Celebration takes too many cards and let not enough slots for battle cards. Playing 8 Palace Raiders and 8 Patrol Crafts is too vulnerable to Monnok. I think it is the main problem of the WYS of Steven Lewis.

In my deck, I consider that all my interrupts will be played out of play. So I just retrieve the characters, the vehicles and the starships I lose in battle. To do that the Celebration is enough. To limite the number of my non-unique cards, I prefer double the unique important charatcers. Those with weapon are necessary to clean important site like the Cantina. Chewbacca Protector is necessary to cancel the game text of Dengar w/ Gun to protect my Crafts, Ephant Mon to bring Han in Audience Chamber, Boelo or Jodo to prevent opponent from canceling my multiple destinies.


The main idea of the deck is to flip quickly with smugglers on the 2 Docking Bays. Protect your guys with a react, Rebel Barier or Fallen Portal. In this way, you can activate +4 due to Stahging Area by choking the opponent’s activation on non-battleground locations. It’s good against Hunt Down, Bring Him, Set Your Course start and Ralltiir. You are activating 11 by yourself on second turn and you can played Tunnel Vision twice. Combined with Squadron Assignement this deck is very fast to set up. You must control Tatooine system in order to win. If you do that Battle Plan, Menace Fades and Celebration make you lose nothing from the opponent’s drains. The keys to keep control of the system are Dash Rendar, I’ll Take The Leader and high forfeit. Dash and the admiral order are there to reduce power of opponent’s starships. High forfeit is necessary to handle high attrition (like against MKOS or Ralltiir). Put Wedge, Chewie or Tallon Karde with your ship and it will be good. I assure you that 3 starships are enough, unless he plays Sienar. In this case, just abandon the Celebration.

This deck is hard to play due to the fact you can make the bad decisions. Me and Jimmy have lose some games because we went battle where it was useless. The best example is the audience chamber menace fades + battle plan + celebration make useless to go battle in there. Your opponent drains only for 1 by paying and you can retrieve this loss. So don’t go battle when it isn’t necessary. Keep your characters for the Cantina. Opponent will want it for a drain of 2. Use Bargaining Table to cancel the drain in the beginning. Then go battle with Luke, Han, Chewie, Tallon Karde and some smugglers. Indeed it is a drain of 2 for you too Use wisely Sorry About The Bad English & Blaster Proficiency or Clash of Sabers to clean the Cantina. Don’t forget you can play these interrupt from the lost pile It is also hard to play because you must memorize the interrupts in your lost pile.

Now you just have to outdrain your opponent. I’ll Take The Leader adds 1 to your force drains at the 2 DB. Combined with the drain of the Cantina it will be easy.

Some explanations

I use Visored Vision instead of Grabber because I would have to pay for playing a grabber. And I can use Visored Vision from the lost pile on different interrupts. With one grabber you can only neutralize one interrupt…

Grimtash is the killer of ISB and Sienar. And I can play it twice…

A few maneuvers let me keep my starships against Cannons. Just draw it each turn with Mirrax Terrik…


VS Hunt Down

Try to cancel the Visage early with TT. You can draw them faster by using Tunnel Vision. Once you cancel one Visage, you will be safe since you can play TT from the lost. Apply the quick flip to choke his activation. Hide Luke in a Patrol Craft to avoid the duel. If your opponent comes to the Cantina (and he will come) use Bargaining Table or Control untill you have the Celebration. I think it is dangerous to battle Dark Lord with Saber + Tarkin + Evazan so ignore the drain with the Celebration and Outdrain him…

VS All kind of Scum

Keep the system and add Battle plan, Menace Fades, Celebration and I’ll Take The Leader. Spread out on the 2 DB and Jabba’s Palace protected by Fallen Portal. He must comes outside since he doesn’t drain and he wants to retrieve. Multiple destinies will clean the place and use Chewie, Sorry About The Bad English & Blaster Proficiency and Clash of Sabers to neutralize some boring alien (Boelo, Jodo or Evazan for instance). If you keep the system, you can’t lose

VS Ralltiir

Start Ounee Ta instead of Squadron Assigment (you don’t need it in the beginning because if you go to Ralltiir system you won’t flip yet). Apply the quick flip to prevent him from activating on his non-battleground DB. By choking his activation he must deploys his Ralltiir Site. Just deploy the spaceport DB on Ralltiir before him and go on it to flip and prevent him from flipping too. Once you have 2 Ralltiir sites he is dead. If he plays At-St avoid Trample by hidding your smugglers aboard Crafts. If he plays Speeder Bike avoid High Speed Tactics by not using Crafts (and don’t forget that the Captain have power +2 on Ralltiir). If he plays both (like the Ralltiir I use - see my page) it will be very hard so use your Visored Visions wisely to neutralize one of the 2 threats. Space is less important than against any other deck…

For other advices you can read the reports “Decipher week-end Brugge (BELGIUM) Day 1 and Day 2 also on my page.

Julien RIVIERE alias Dark Padawan ‘