Arica will you eat my taint

Title: Arica will you eat my taint
Author: Adam "Vincent Vega" Beauchamp
Date: Mar 9, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective - 1

Court of the Vile Gangster

Locations - 7

Tatooine Great Pit of Carkoon

Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber

Jabba’s Palace Dungeon

Executor Docking Bay

Coruscant Docking Bay

Death Star II Docking Bay


Characters - 23

Ak-Rev x2



Dodo Badanawieedo

Barquin Dan

Lirin Carn

Tech Mor


Lyn Me


Sy Snootles


Nizuc Bek

Arica x2

Ephont Mon



4-LOM with Gun

IG-88 with Gun

Boba Fett with Gun

Dengar with Gun

Effects - 15

Oppressive Enforcement and There is No Try

Power of the Hutt

Mobilization Points

Hutt Influence

Ability, Ability, Ability

Blast Door Controls

First Strike

Scum and Villiany x2

Search and Destroy

Battle Order

No Escape

There’ll Be Hell to Pay x3

Interrupts - 11

Prepared Defenses

Imperial Barrier x2

Masterful Move



Point Man

Twi’lek Advisor x2

Omni Box and It’s Worse

Starships - 4

Dengar in Punishing One

Zuckus in Mist Hunter

Boba Fett in Slave 1

Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

Strategy: ‘

That should say Interrupt - 10, not 11.

Basically you load up the chamber with musicians including Greeata (+3 to musician forfeit) and Ak-Rev (use 1 force, go get musician) and then you start using Power of the Hutt and Ak-Rev to make sure you can battle every turn. Arica makes this deck really good, because you can keep recycling the 2 in the deck with Scum and Ak-Rev. (Go get Arica, fight, loose Arica, next turn, get other Arica, fight, retrieve first Arica, etc.). Ephont Mon can either be used to keep anoying people out of the chamber, or pull him to a DB first turn for more activation. You could replace Mob. points and Rendili with the Sail Barge and Passenger deck, but I prefer a planet to put my BH ships at, plus it makes it where I can Play Battle Order, and get around it. If you put one of the more random musicians (sy snootles) at a DB for activation, be ready with a Ghhhhk or Barrier, cause if you can get them on the docking bays they will have to spend a lot of force to get them off, or to another one. Here is a bit of strategy for singular decks.

TIGIH - Speeders or otherwise - Start Oppressive Enforcement, Mobilization Points, and Power of the Hutt. Basically you can set up in the chamber really fast, then beat the shiznit out of Luke with everybody except Arica. Don’t go outside unless they have few cards in hand or if you have Umpas-stay, because then you will be as powerful as they are anyway. This game should be pretty much decided in one big battle, then direct damage/retrieval. Ephont Mon should probably go to a docking bay for activation this game.

Profit - I don’t think anyone plays this anymore, but this is an easy game. Signal for Blast Door Controls as soon as possible so they can’t run, and always be on the look out for an oppertunity to draw Point Man, cause it will be very good in this game. Ephont Mon will be better off in the chamber this matchup, and you should own the planet with Bossk filled with high forfeit passengers + Zuckus.

Watch Your Step - this seems to be the most popular deck for the LS right now. Load the chamber as full as you can, and don’t battle on the ground untill you can be sure they won’t react with crafts and whatnot. Eventually you will be able to play Ability, Ability, Ability to make them play some cards they wont need. Once Greeata is in the chamber you can go to space, but go hard, and with many forfeit 5-6 musicians as passengers. I thought about playing Sunsdown/too cold for speeder because of this deck, because of the -1 to spies to make Arica really cheap (-1 for greeata, -1 for scum, -1 for sunsdown) and to destroy the vehicles. If this is not a Raider/Vehicle deck, the ability, ability, ability will kill them. The raider version will be a tough match, but if you fight wisely, you should do ok. This deck is the main reason I play 3 catch cards. Ephont Mon probably goes to the chamber in this game

MWYHL - Not as popular anymore because of No Escape, but still getting played some. Basically direct damage will eat through this deck very fast. Catch It Could Be Worse, or just It’s Worse it if it’s not on a force drain (test 1). This game will be pretty fast, as they can’t keep up with the direct damage.

EBO - Probably the second most popular deck right now for the LS. Set up quick in the chamber as usual, put ephont in a DB for activation (the BH ships are the most expensive part of the deck), and go to the air when you can. Direct Damage will probably force them to come to the ground on Tat. and thats when you beat them up. Add an Imperial Decree or Resistance if you have trouble beating this deck, but I never seem to. Regular EBO will die to the direct damage, and deadbolt is just to slow, so go to the air before them.

AITC - I have really never played against this deck so I’m not sure how it would go, but I assume they would probably be playing Bo Shuda and Chadra-Fans, so Point man is very important (the chamber is very important to this deck.) so always be on the lookout for that. You will be pretty weak if they get Order to Engage out, so be very careful. If they spread out you can just keep fighting and retirieving. Basically it boils down to, if they don’t have Order to Engage, your okay, if they do have Order to Engage, you better have Point Man ready. Ephont Mon to the chamber turn one may make it really hard for them to get going, so that should buy you time to get point man.

Thats about all the LS decks I can think of right now, but if I think of a big one I forgot, I’ll update the strategy section.

Thanks for looking,

Adam ”Vincent Vega” Beauchamp