Massassi Base Operations again

Title: Massassi Base Operations again
Author: Alexandre "Lord Kenobi" Dufresne
Date: Mar 9, 2001 Rating: 3.5



’ Starting cards (7)

Massassi Base Operations

Yavin 4 system

Yavin 4 Docking Bay

Heading for the Medical Frigate

Squadron Assignments

Do, Or Do Not & Wise Advice

Strike Planning

Locations (13)

Yavin 4 Massasi War Room

Yavin 4Massasi Throne Room

Yavin 4 Jungle

Yavin 4Briefing Room

Yavin 4 Docking Bay

Yavin 4



Ord Mantel

Death Star Trench



Death Star

Characters (15)

Luke Skywalker

Luke with Lightsaber

General Crix Madine

Rebel Tech x2

Colonel Salm

Elyhek Rue

Kin Kian

Kier Santage

Chewbacca Protector

Colonel Cracken

Lieutenant Blount

EPP Leia


Interrupts (15)

You’re All Clear Kid

It Could be Worse

Quite a Mercenary x2

Rebel Barrier x2

Hyper Escape x3

It Can Wait

Full Throttle

Darklighter Spin

Heading for The Medical Frigate

Noble Sacrifice

Houjix & Out of Nowhere

Effects (8)

Projection of a Skywalker x2

Squadron Assignments

Do Or Do Not & Wise Advice

Honor of the Jedi

Traffic Control

Strike Planning

That new Effect in the “Tatooine” Expansion

Starships (9)

Red Squadron 7

Gray Squadron 1

Red 7

B-Wing Bomber

Home One

Tala 1

Tala 2

Tantive IV

Artoo-Detoo in Red 5

Weapons (1)

Proton Torpedoes

Epic Event (1)

Attack Run

Objectives (1)

Massassi Base Operations/ One in a Million

Strategy: ‘

  • Luke with Saber, Is only in here until the Tatooine set comes out at which time, I will remove him from the deck and add the New effect in that helps out this deck. The deck list has 61 cards listed on it, but only 60 are used in the deck. The Luke with saber, was just in their until the new effect comes out at which Time the deck will be reduced to exactly 60 cards.

The 2 main systems you need to control are Coruscant & Kessel, with your objective flipped and both of those systems in your control, The opponent will lose 10 a turn, unless he has converted those sites, then it would only be 8 or 9 a turn.

Why General Crix Madine?

I use him because he helps get out Tala Squadron early in the game, so you can start draining your opponent. Vs. Decks that use the DSII, Moff Jerjerrod and the other stuff like That Things Operational, you can get your ships out and put them on Endor, move them to the DSII and then start draining him for 5 a turn at the DSII until he gets some ships there or gets That Things Operational on table. That always hurts your opponent early on as he is forced to get his ships and DSII stuff out faster than normal. With Strike Planning, you can also cancel his drains at Endor unless he is using the Endor Operations objective. That way he only gets 3 force on his first turn and not 5. Also with Tala Squadron Out early, you can move into the DSII and destroy it the turn after he deploys it. Them about 3 turns later BANG. Bye Bye DSII.

While doing that, Have your other ships knock out the Death Star 1, flip your objective and star the huge draining. With Tala Squadron going after the DSII, your opponent will be preoccupied trying to save the DSII and won’t be able to stop your drains unless he spreads his forced real thin.

Vs. other decks, just deploy your stuff, flip your objective and then destroy the Death Star and drain him to death. The drains should kill him pretty fast, say 2-4 turns. With the massive Kessel/ Coruscant drain for 10 a turn he will lose fast. I doubt your opponent can retrieve 10 plus force every turn That 10 force is just from the big drains at Kessel/ Corsucant, not to mention the drains of 3-4 at your other systems. You will usually be able to out drain him and win the space battles.

Why EPP Leia, EPP Han and Chewie?

They are just in there to defend Yavin 4 from attack as your opponent can deploy to the docking bay and if he plays a Rebel Base Occupation deck he can deploy those Generic sites to the Yavin 4 system 9. (The generic sites are the ones from the Special Edition starter decks)

The rest of the deck should be self explanatory.

This deck is currently 12-0

I have also considered taking out Tantive 4 or Home One for Lando in Falcon.