So you want to deploy Obi do you

Title: So you want to deploy Obi do you
Author: Andy "Solo337" McClure
Date: Nov 26, 1999 Rating: 4.0



’ Locations (6) Executor Holotheatre Executer Meditation Chamber Endor Back Door Endor Dark Forest Tatooine Cantina Cloud City Downtown Plaza

Characters (14) Darth Vader Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith x 2 Darth Vader with Lightsaber x3 Grand Moff Tarkin x3 Commander Igar Brangus Glee Djas Puhr Admiral Ozzel DS-61-2

Starships (5) Dreadnaught x2 Bossk in Hounds Tooth Executor Devastator

Interrupts (18) Vader’s Obsession x3 The Circle is now Complete x2 Elis Helrot x3 Torture x2 You Are Beaten x2 Twi’lek Advisor Masterful Move x2 Ghhk Focused Attack It’s worse

Effects (10) Visage of the Emperor x3 Closed Door Security Precautions Come Here You Big Coward Secret Plans Reactor Terminal Battle Order Macroscan

Vehicles (2) Tempest 1 Flare-S Racing Swoop

Weapons (3) Intruder Missle Vader’s Lightsaber x2

Epic Event (1) Epic Duel

Objective (1) Hunt Down and Destroy the Jedi/ Their Fire Has Gone Out of the Universe

Strategy: ‘

I have never lost a game with this deck, though it’s been in only 2, 4-game tournaments. I have extensively tested it outside tournaments with my friends, and it does VERY well against most deck types, ESPECIALLY beatdown (mains and toys). All you have to do is get Vader out Early, and Elis or use the 0 side of the objective to get him where you need him to be. Then, when they try to fight you, duel Luke and Obi out of the battle (using Tarkin to cancel a duel destiny, if need be), and choke or saber any other characters. If they won’t fight, you can just make them lose to Visage and Force drains all day. All sites in the deck drains of 2, and Vader’s Saber adds one.

Vs. Beatdown Just beat them down. What can they do against Vader without Luke and Obi? Not much. And if they do put out Luke or Obi, duel them right off the table. With all the 5, 6, and 7 destinies in this deck, you should win EVERY duel, but it has it’s share low destinies, also. So, I like to use Tarkin to cancel their highest duel desiny to make 100% sure you win, or use Macroscan to check what one of their destinies is before you even initiate the duel.

Vs. Hidden Base Start with SP and get out in space probing. Make them lose to Visage the whole game. It’s never had much trouble with HB.

Vs. LS Ops This is this deck’s toughest game. You should win EVERY battle, and choke Ops left and right, but you’ll lose due to those nasty force drains. Start with Battle Order to slow them down, and beat them down in battles. The Flare-S Racing Swoop will help you greatly, making it so they can’t run away from you. Use support characters like Igar, Ozzel and Tempest 1 to beat the little forces that Vader/ Tarkin don’t kill themselves.

Vs. MWYHL This deck has no problem with it. If they’re training all the way up (which I’ve NEVER seen happen effectively), you should be able to destroy them before the get to #5. If they’re only training to Jedi Test #2, then they still can’t hurt you badly. Your 2/2 sites give you a 2 drain w/o modifiers, and Visage is still there.

The only big loss I’ve ever had with this deck was when a guy got Oola in a starship 1st or 2nd turn, and killed the on-table Vader. From then on, if I ever got a Vader, he went right back to my Used pile. Why Vader can’t control himself when it comes to the ladies, I will never know. ‘