Bring Him Before Me So Luke Can Get A Spanking

Title: Bring Him Before Me So Luke Can Get A Spanking
Author: Cole "Rabid Wookie" Roche
Date: Mar 10, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (8)


D2 Throne Room

Your Destiny

Insignificant Rebellion

Prepared Defenses

There Is No Try & Oppresive Enforcement


Mob. Points

Locations (5)






Characters (16)

Emperor Palpatine

Lord Vader x2


Mara Jade x2

Janus Greejatus

Grand Admiral Thrawn


Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Piett

Commander Nemet

Grand Moff Tarkin

Dr. Evazan

Fett w/ Rifle

IG w/ Gun

Starships (5)



Bossk in Bus

Dengar in Punishing One

Zucky in Mist Hunter

Effects/Admiral’s Orders (10)

Grabber x2

Emperor’s Power

Lateral Damage

No Escape

Secret Plans

Come Here You Big Coward

Reactor Terminal

We’re In Attack Position Now x2

Interrupts (14)

Ommni Box & It’s Worse

Sniper & Dark Strike

Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down

Endor Occupation

Twi’lek Advisor

Force Lightning

Imperial Command

Operational As Planned

Weapon Lev.

Dark Maneuvers

Evader & Monnok

The Circle Is Now Complete

Oo-ta Goo-ta, Solo?

Masterful Move

Weapons (2)

Vader’s Saber

Mara’s Saber ‘

Strategy: ‘

Ok, first of all, this deck tracks like mad and has very high destiny. You can pretty much own space with Super Chimaera, unless you’re playing against a VERY space-heavy deck. You want to start dueling Luke as quickly as possible and start the opponent losing force. Now, on to the “turn-by-turn”.

First turn Before activating grab Rendili, or if you have it in your hand grab Executor. Activate, then grab D*2 DB and Emperor and Emperor’s Power and Force Lightning. Drop Empy at the DB. You can Lightning any spies that deploy before anyone else has a chance to deploy there. Deploy any other locations you got in your hand and draw the force you have left (If any).

Second turn You’ll be getting at least 9 force. That’s enough to get Vader and a buddy out and nab Luke. Make sure, of course, that you can get Vader and son back to the Throne Room, or else you’ll be sitting there losing a force every turn for the rest of the game, which is not good. (Duh…). Lol. -P

Third turn By this time you should have started some tracking via Janus or Reactor Terminal or just playing the used interrupts. You’re getting a pile of force now and can pretty much deploy anything you want if you save up for a turn. So, now you can start ruling space Executor or Chimaera with some pilots aboard. Save the bounty hunter’s ships for beatdown or if they have hardly any space use them to drain as well. Chiraneau will make your drains massive at Sullust and Endor. Get Vader, Luke and Emperor to the Throne Room and duel Luke’s @$$ off. Bam Three force, GONE (If Honor is out play No Escape)

Rest of Game Keep dueling Luke, win 3 battles, track two low destinies and a bunch of 6’s underneath, duel Luke, lose, shuffle, draw a 6 anyways, win the game. Or, just duel Luke and drain the opponent to death. Either way works VERY well.

Reasons for Certain Cards

Dark Maneuvers- A Used 6 that can cycle by being used on Zuckuss or Dengar, plus it can prevent them from getting shot by an X-wing Cannon.

Endor Occupation- A used 5 that cancels Tatooine Celebration? You betcha (If this appears obvious to some people, I appologize. But, I have rarely seen it played in my area of 32 players).

Masterful Move- Just another Used 6. Plus, if you don’t mind the opponent seeing your Reserve deck later in the game, you can use it to search for a Dejaric or Hologram. (There are none in this deck though).

Come Here You Big Coward- This card screws MWYHL over so badly it’s not even funny If they are training to 5 or 6 then they will desperately need to get back that 10 force, so keep Coward in your hand till they are at Test 5 and then deploy it before they get a chance to realize their peril. It may sound like you’d have to be playing someone that’s very confused to pull this off, but it works against more people than you’d think.

Commander Nemet- If you are playing against a deck that uses Arconas to run and hide or they want to deploy Leia with I Know to complete the Super Falcon deploy this guy and beat the living cr@p out of them. Laugh as their eyes widen in horror as they realize their carefully laid plan has just blown up in their face Mwa ha ha ha (I appologize for that).

What to do Against Certain Types of Decks

TIGIH- Be smart. Don’t start dueling Luke until you KNOW you can win, or be prepared to lose. Go into space and drain them for tons if it doesn’t look like you’ll have too much resistance. Above all, don’t let them win battles or duels.

MWTHL- Some of the strategy against this is above in the “Come Here You Big Coward” part, so I won’t bother retyping that part. If anyone is crazy enough to train Luke you have a pretty much garaunteed (sp?) win. But, if you’re playing a sane person you’ll want to get Secret Plans out really quick to slow their retrieval. And, for a really nasty surprise, save up a pile of force and make them lose force somehow and then play Ommni Box & It’s Worse to make them lose an obscene amount. This shouldn’t be to hard of a matchup.

WYS- This really shouldn’t be to hard. This deck has very high destiny, good tracking, lots of ground power and decent space power as well. What you want to do is get Luke, start dueling him and send Mara and some flunkies to deal with the smugglers on the ground. Executor or Chimaera with Thrawn and Commander Nemet or Imperial Command will be more than a match for Super Falcon with I know.

EBO- This is going to be ugly. First of all, they can drop Luke at the outermost marker and make it nearly impossible to get to the Hoth DB. And even with the fair amount of starships and pilots in this deck you’re no match for a swarm of power 7 X-wings.

RST- This won’t be hard. Rule space. Give them Endor ground. Duel Luke. Send Mara and some buddies to drain or battle.

Hidden Base- As long as it’s not X-wing swarm your space power is enough to deal with this.

This is only my second time writing anything for Decktech, so if I have forgotten anything or done anything impropperly i appologize. Plus, I give a special thank-you to Mr. No Cheeze for helping me playtest this deck and and fine tune it.