The Big Fat Ole Engine That Could V2 15476547864

Title: The Big Fat Ole Engine That Could V2 15476547864
Author: Lewis "Duke Devil" Blake
Date: Mar 11, 2001 Rating: 4.0



’ START(5)

Yavin 4 Massassi throne room


Strike planning

Staging areas



Yavin 4DB

Spacepert DB

Cloud City PLTFRM DB

Home 1 DB

Endor DB

Tat DB


Obi-Wan Kenobi

Ben Kenobi

Luke w/ saber

Master Luke

Son of Skywalker

Leia w/ blaster


General Solo

Chewbacca of Kash

Lando w/ axe

Lando w/ gun

Tawss Khaa

Gen Madine

Major Panno

Lt Greeve

Srgt Junkin

Corp Beezer

Corp Delvar

Corp Janse

Corp Kensaric




Home One


Tantive IV

R2 in Red 5

Lando in Falcon

Red Leader in R1

GL in G1


Traffic Control


Do or Do Not

Aim High

Bacta Tank


Smoke Screen x2

The Signal x2

Fallen Portal x2

Insertion Planning

I Have a Bad Feeling About This

Courage of a Skywalker

Swing and a Miss

Glancing Blow

Armed and Dangerous


Anikan Saber

Obi Saber

Chewie Caster ‘

Strategy: ‘

the strats for this are pretty general, not too many sections to it…)


*pull madine and solo w/ strike planning, pull home 1 DB w/ insurrection, as well as deploying all other DBs. put someone at Home 1 DB for activation first turn.

*drop madine and a scout to another DB, pump up that sites strength with a main or 2 and more scouts that madine can pull

*drop solo to endor DB, get him a scout or two, chewie w/ caster would be nice

*after this is set up, u are getting a good bit of activation, try to spread to more DBs asap, but do not get beat in battle. that is your oppenents job

*scouts have nice forfeit with insurrection, kick out their uniques with oola.


*this is obviously going to be hard against a good space deck. get the activation going as normal, drawing up as well to get a decent fleet.

*stick your guys in a strategic point or two, try to beatdown on a loner at a system with tantive 4s ability to deploy w/out icons

*put some guys on the starships to forfeit to keep your weapons of mass destruction alive

*try to drain for at least 5 a turn on the ground, you cannot get much more than that anyways, unfortunately

-delvar is good anti epp

-kensaric is good for an early game scout pull, increases opponents deploy

-ketwol is king of the docking bays

-advantage is the legendary starfighter of the ground forces

-I have a bad feeling about this is good - retargets interrupts and uttini effects away from mains

-armed and dangerous pulls matching weapons

-chewies caster is basically a wookie lightsaber (but it targets vehicles too)


-The scouts + madine are good for quick occupation of docking bays for more activation

-SOS may seem weird, but he can pull Anikans saber to help boost drains, and in this deck every bit counts ‘