No Way Out

Title: No Way Out
Author: John "Parn12" Digiovanni
Date: Mar 12, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Watch Your Step/TPCBALR


Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Tatooine Cantina

Prepared Defenses

Staging Areas

Squadron Assignments


Locations (1)

Spaceport Docking Bay

Characters (19)

Jedi Knight Luke

Luke with Saber

Protector Chewie

Chewie with Gun

Captain Han

Han with Gun

Wedge Antilles x2

Artoo & Threepio



Talon x2

Palace Raider x2

Lando with Axe x2


Corran Horn

Vehicles (2)

Patrol Craft x2

Starships (5)

Outrider x2

Millennium Falcon

Pulsar Skate

Red Squadron 1

Interrupts (15)

Control & Tunnel Vision x3

Fallen Portal

Old Ben

Run Luke, Run x2

Rebel Barrier

The Signal x2

OOC & TT x2

Bith Shuffle & Desperate Reach x2

Noble Sacrifice

Effects (5)

Bacta Tank

Battle Plan

Menace Fades


Tatooine Celebration

Weapons (1)

Anakin’s Saber

Orders (4)

I’ll Take The Leader x2

No Questions Asked x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

8-0 in tournament play, that’s all there is. Its taken down most any deck out there, versues better players and scrubs alike. All about style and finesse, if you have neither, its not for you, lol.

It plays rather simple, however. The whole 4 locations in the deck are easily covered with what the deck has, with some to spare for backup. Pull the SP Docking Bay out first turn, drop and flip if possible, get some mad generation going for you. The goal is to get flipped early and then staying flip will fall into your lap. Holding the docking bays has numerous handy advantages, that with a tricked out deck makes it next to impossible to effectively ’beat’ this deck down, permanently.

Docking Bay Gamble

Okay, a theme that is all too present in this deck, as a lot of the game will revolve around keeping a hand on the two docking bays and working between them. Most notably is I’ll Take The Leader, hold Tatooine, drop this on the table, and drain +1 at both bays, making them a nasty 2 each. Then combine that with Staging Areas to mass some activation (up to +2 at each bay). Mush all of that together with typical WYS style (multiple crushing destiny draws and high forfeit) and there’s nothing much that can be done. Of course there is always a threat from crazy cards that should always be watched out for, but there is pleanty of ’guard’ tech too (though I’d love to squeeze more into it, its overly unrealistic). Between Fallen Portal, Rebel Barrier, Old Ben, Noble Sacrifice (wonderful defensive tool), Rune Luke Run, and Bacta Tank, there shouldn’t be too much of a problem keeping the bulk of the characters alive, and those that die (unfortunately) can be retrieved, so they’ll make their way around again. So this deck plays heavily on a “gamble” with a pair of docking bays.

There’s enough space packed in to effectively hold the Tatooine system (in most instances), but as with everything, there will come a time when its better to bail and run for the time being. Though between everything, damage should be kept at minimal (high forfeit, good ships, good destiny, and recurring characters and starships due to ITTL and Tatooine dbs). Pretty much from there its a matter of draining and wise play.

Specific Card Detail

No Questions Asked

It can be used to cycle multiple I’ll Take The Leaders back in, always better to keep any ’useless’ 6’s in the deck where they should be. Also in a pinch it can be used to drain more effective with fewer characters (as well as retrieve with Celebration). Also a pretty useful spy killer if you got a prep with a gun on the ground.


This has been my favorite play in a WYS deck, it allows a Leia to play, a buff Lando that has awesome power on Tatooine, and Corran Horn (who conveniently eliminates undercover spies around him). All of these characters drop for free too, what more could you desire? Oh, and it adds more power, especially if you can track worth half a damn and his destiny are usually crap (or you Bith Shuffle away all his tracking).


Retrieval, typically 2-3 per turn as opposed to the 4 off of each Harvest. The beauty is its not prone to grabbers or Something Special, that and getting it out and set up (at bare minimum) gives you three drains of 1, retrieve 2 per control phase, etc. But each to his own, I found Celebrating to be more than enough retrieval to pull through a game. If things get ugly, Noble Sacrifice at the perfect time can turn the game over for you.

Noble Sac

Easy retrieval if you can get the one shot interrupt for a good bit. I’ve also used this card defensively many times. If you can predict your opponent and what he will play, you can get out of a random beating (with a LOT of luck and a bit of foresight in a grim situation) by just saccing the character that’s about to get creamed. I’ve done it before, I’ll probably do it again.

Battle Plan

Trump card in a close game (usually against a strong space deck). If it gets incredibly narrow, dump and dodge tactics can often win a game. Especially when mostly your drains come for free, and his will go about costing. This card wins games.

Run Luke, Run

Have more fun with Luke, and keep him safe from Vader’s Obsession, enough said.

Menace Fades



Matching pilots, and immunity (all except for the Falcon, RS1 has practical immunity) from Talon Rolls, I hate those decks with a passion.

Deck Matchups

To be honest, this deck is the most consistant playing deck I’ve ever made. Overall it is just common sense that makes the difference between decks you face. Don’t rush to space against Big Blue and Tie decks, EPP Luke probably won’t survive against Hunt Down Duel, don’t break Boushh’s cover to drain when he’s flipped on Hunt Down. I mean aside from the blatently obvious things, play as the deck was designed and you’ll win. This deck has done it so many times, it only goes to prove it. Hit the ground hard, drain like there’s no tomorrow, persist and overcome. Its that simple. Good hunting ‘