Mikes Endor Ops v 2 0

Title: Mikes Endor Ops v 2 0
Author: Mike "Mikey P" Panayotou
Date: Mar 12, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Endor Operations/Who Flips This?


Endor Landing Platform (DB)

Endor Bunker

Prepared Defenses

Something Special Planned For Them

Secret Plans

Mobilization Points

Locations (5)






Characters (15)

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Admiral Piett

Admiral Ozzel

Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Motti

Commander Merrejk

Commander Igar

Captain Godherdt

General Veers

Captain Gilad Pellaeon


Officer Evax

Darth Vader w/Lightsaber



Ships (12)


Flagship Executer







Victory-Class Star Destroyer

Dengar in Punishing One

Bossk in Hounds Tooth

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Vehicles (2)

Blizzard 2

Tempest 1

Interrupts (12)


Imperial Command x4

Tarkin’s Orders x2

Shocking Revalation

Ommni Box/It’s Worse

Twi’lek Advisor


Point Man

Effects (4)

Ominous Rumors

Lateral Damage x2

Blast Door Controls

Admiral’s Orders (2)

We’re In Attack Position Now x2

Strategy: ‘

**Response to Comments 15 March 2001****

** A very eloquent person wrote

idiot retirval, u have 4 effect, 4 u idiot. nothiung against retreival , u lose


dvmaba22, you are wrong. I have Something Special Planned for Them AND Secret Plans. That is enough to slow down any retrieval deck enough for me to win. Try reading my deck before rating it. Thanks.

**End Response 15 March 2001********

**Response to Comments 14 March 2001****

MWYHL is 1) Too slow. 2) Too weak. So what if they bust through my immunity? I forfeit a guy. I still drain for 2 at Sullust and Endor. I’ll drain for 1 at Kashyyyk and Fondor and Rendili. Drain of 7. Test one is a mere inconvenience. I will overwhelm them in power and unless they have power 25+, they will lose a LOT of force when they confront me, even with Dash and Han + Crew. They WILL only get one destiny (due to Command) and I will punk them the turn after with Lateral Damage, or just a lot of ships. Plus, with 8 Used 4s, and a few used and lost 5s, I consider my destinies pretty good.

why do I need SAC protection if SAC is not played? It seems pointless to me. Of course, in areas that play SAC, I will definitely need TINT/OE (and probably grabbers) and thanks for pointing that out. Here, right now, it is not necessary.

I don’t consider pulling Rendili useless. The primary function is two force generation for me. The retrieval is secondary at best and can be tech, though I have never needed to do it in a real game. Yeah, I can’t move there with my fleet, but I can sure as hell deploy there and beat the piss out of the opponent there. If I don’t, my opponent has a drain of one. I am not too concerned. I think I may pull the VCSD in favor for another SD. Need to see. I will post a deck update here soon. Thanks for the comments.

**End Response to Comments 14 March 2001*****

**Response to Comments 13 March 2001****

Commander Corran Horn TIEs are ok, but I 1) Personally do not like them, 2) They are susceptable to dirty things like the opponent dropping early to Wakeelmui making them deploy +2, 3) I’ll Take the Leader WRECKS them. Yes, you can counter the AO, drop a ship down so they don’t control Wakeelmui and the beat down bla bla bla. When it comes to FD damage, Star Destroyers are the way to go, especially with Admirals. Plus, the Commands help vs. WYS and EPP multiple destiny drawers.

Teacher – I know what the text is of Ominous Rumors. How many people are going to play TR, activate their 5 force and deploy to the Endor DB to stop it from hitting? Not many. I will crush them if they do. That is why I drop Ominous on 1st turn. And if I play TIGIH, I won’t drop any Imperials down until I have Vader in my hand to pick up Luke. It’s that simple. I don’t see the point of your comments.

**End Response to Comments 13 March 2001****

Ok, so I got tired of Hunt Down. I wanted to try something new. I had a SYCFA Big Blue deck a few months ago. I thought about resurrecting it now, but I didn’t because of WYS. A 1st turn flip WYS deck turns the Death Star into a big nutsack that generates one force for you. This is a huge advantage for the Light. Endor Ops is a better platform for Big Blue, IMO, with 1st turn flip WYS decks. Plus, I can pull/deploy Ominous Rumors on the first turn, unless my opponent is playing TIGIH, and then it doesn’t matter because I already have won because that objective is BAD. )

Anyway, here’s the basic strategy

What I like best about this deck is that it totally plays its own game. Every game has a similar start – play on your own terms and you should easily win.

The starting effects never change. Grab Rendili before activating. Activate and search for Ominous Rumors. Deploy it that turn if possible. Pull Shock. Drop your system(s) and draw. Usually, you will have an Imperial Command. Play it and grab an Admiral (Piett if you want to pull AO, or Merrejk, Ozzel for cheap deploy). Try to begin to build your fleet at Kessel. Get systems out with Merrejk, drain with Ominous and Chiraneau. Walkers are for Endor DB control. Drain, battle, win. Hey, it’s the Dark Side, right?

Explanation for cards

Something Special Planned For Them – this card is HUGE. It screws X-Wing swarm/evasion decks who like to Hyper Escape and make you lose to OTE. How will your opponent save up 18 force to move his 6 X-Wings away every turn? ) Also, it puts annoying cards like Harvest, On/Off the Edge and OMDH out of play. Coupled with Secret Plans, retrieval is really tough for the Light Side.

General Veers – I can pull him with Imperial Command. With him in battle, I can add/limit destiny. Good Walker Pilot.

Vader w/Saber – Suicide run.

Arica/U-3P0 – Undercover spies to block drains. Remember, Arica can move for free from the Endor DB since she is an Imperial. Also, you can always break her cover and beat on a lone character (if your opponent forgets).

Accuser – Reacts. Surprises the sh*t out of opponent.

Thunderflare – cheap deploy, big power. Most of the time I am between parsecs 6 and 8, so the lack of hyperspeed isn’t a problem. Same with Flagship Executer.

Victory-Class SD/Dominator – I can retrieve these with Rendili’s text.

BH Ships – The best three, IMO. Bossk for extra destiny, Zuckuss for beatdown when opponent is careless and doesn’t have 7 ability, Dengar to cancel attrition.

Tarkin’s Orders – Tech cards. If I control a system such as Tatooine, and they are draining at the Cantina, I can play this Used, cancel it and track it again for next turn. Also cancels Hyper Escape, It Could Be Worse and Surprise Assault.

Shocking Revalation – After seeing the DPC winning deck, I knew I had to put in something vs. Artoo/3P0 How Did We Get Into This Mess x7 decks. Turn of scomp links every turn and laugh. Just don’t forget.

Overwhelmed – Tech Card. Put annoying ships away in the Used Pile. Great with Lateral Damage.

Point Man – Cancel OTE and other nasty cards.

Blast Door Controls – Cancel Barriers

Cards I want to put in

Tie Downs x2

First Strike

Endor Occupation (cancel Tatooine/CC Celebration, used 5)



TINT/OE are not necessary because, believe it or not, SAC is almost dead in Albany. If I were to add tie downs, I probably would add this too, so I can play them for free. This is 3 cards slots though. Tough call. IAO would be nice for the +2 bonus to forfeit, but fluff. Pellaeon also does that. I’ve never even had to lose a Star Destroyer off of the table in this deck, other than the Accuser after I reacted (only because it was not immune). Endor Occupation would be a nice touch vs. WYS, Profit, QMC, or anything else that Celebrates.

If you have suggestions for cards I should be playing, please tell me what I should take out. Otherwise, it doesn’t help me much.


EBO/Hidden Base Flip Your power will overwhelm theirs. You also can get things rolling faster than them. If they swarm and try to evade, cancel Hyper Escape and enforce SSPFT. Should be a win.

TIGIH Be careful that Lukey doesn’t get picked up by anyone but Vader. Other than that, avoid battling on the ground and you shouldn’t lose a battle. Drain, drain, win.

Mains (Hidden, Y4) Mains decks don’t pack the space to take you down. You will wreck them. I have played several and the best they could do is convert my Kessel in the mid-game. Ooooh. Drain, Drain, Drain. Layeth the smaketh down on a lone roody-poo if possible, just for fun. Don’t do anything stupid and it is an auto-win.

MWYHL This deck starts out too non-interactive to put up much of a fight. Even cancelling the drain bonuses won’t hurt me that much. If you feel the urge, land a BH ship and punk Yoda and whoever is being trained.

Profit ) Whatever. Play Arica there and keep her Undercover. Let them flip. Block a drain with Arica and another with Tarkin’s Orders. Not enough draining power to beat your drains in space. Auto-win.

AITC Yeah, ok. Watch out for Utinni or something.

WYS Tough matchup. Punk Dash with Overwhelmed or Lateral Damage. Don’t let those rebels escape with Hyper Escape. Rather than chancing it on the ground, control Tatooine to prevent Celebration and play/track Tarkin’s Orders to cancel their larger drains. Play smart and you will come out on top.

Overall, it is a fun, solid deck. Try it out; Star Destroyers are really fun. Thanks for reading and please give me some constructive comments.

-Mikey P