Dagobah Beatdown (Brentson s Beats)

Title: Dagobah Beatdown (Brentson s Beats)
Author: Michael "rayc" Hawley
Date: Nov 27, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective MWYHL/SYIC 1

Locations(8) Dagobah (start) Dagobah Yodas Hut Dagobah Bog Clearing Dagobah Jungle Dagobah Swamp Cantina Mos Eisley Jabba’s Palace

Characters(15) EPP Luke 3 EPP Obi 2 Epp Han 2 Epp Leia 2 Chewie 2 Orimarko Harc Seff Wedge Yoda

Starships(3) Falcon Spiral Tantive 4

Effects(10) Mechanical Failure Descent into the Dark 2 The Planet That It’s Farthest From Battle Plan Draw Their Fire Beggar 2 Frozen Assets Traffic Control Battle Plan

Interrupts(23) Transmission Terminated Shocking Info 2 Tunnel Vision 3 Out of Commision 3 Courage of a Skywalker Jedi Presence Bith Shuffle The Signal 2 Nabrun Leids Gift of the Mentor Don’t Get Cocky Life Debt I Know Skywalkers The Force is Strong with This One Don’t Forget the Droids Star Destroyer ‘

Strategy: ‘

Here is a cut at Brentson’s Beatdown. I posted a version of this before but someone gave it a half star for its third review and I figured no-one will look at it again. I tooks some of the suggestions made by the other reviewers. I did not put in Yoxgit and the Landing Claws because this deck is about attacking, not hiding. Please let me know what you think. Normally, start Draw Their Fire. Against Ops start Battle Plan. It’s pretty standard fare. Play your recycling destiny 5 cards. Use Descent Into the Dark to immediately recycle the force you pay to deploy back into your reserve deck. This gives you plenty of cards to draw for multiple destinies. Your only dueling protection is your high destiny and one Courage of a Skywalker. So you have to be patient if dueling is a possibility. Draw until you get what you need and beat them down. You need a Tatooine site for Beggar. So there is one Frozen Assets in there in case you can’t get one when you need it. With all of the Big Blue out there now, Star Destroyer seems like a good choice. Mechanical Failure also looks good against the current meta. It’s kind of vulnerable to 3720 to 1 so, if they are popular in your area, switch out a Bith Shuffle or an Out of Commision for Don’t Forget The Droids – it’s a better destiny anyway, just not as easy to recycle. ‘