CPI Navy v4 1

Title: CPI Navy v4 1
Author: Nick "JediBrain" Stefanko
Date: Mar 14, 2001 Rating: 4.5





Death Star




Yavin 4

Death Star Central Core

Death Star Conference Room

Death Star Detention Block Corridor

Death Star Level 4 Military Corridor

Death Star War Room


Darth Vader With Lightsaber

Death Star Gunner (x4)

Navy Trooper (x7)


Emperor Palpatine

Barquin D’an

Ephant Mon

M’iiyoom Onith

R3-T6 (Arthree-Teesix)

U-3PO (Yoo-Threepio)


Superlaser (x2)


Commence Primary Ignition (x3)


A Day Long Remembered

Ability, Ability, Ability (x2)

Battle Order

Come Here You Big Coward

Crush The Rebellion

No Escape

Reactor Terminal

Secret Plans

Strategic Reserves (x2)


Abyssin Ornament

Defensive Fire & Hutt Smooch (x3)

Evader & Monnok

Force Lightning

Ommni Box & It’s Worse

Prepared Defenses

Put All Sections On Alert (x2)

Shocking Revelation

Trooper Assault

Twi’lek Advisor (x2) ‘

Strategy: ‘


  1. v4.1. I’ve had the deck designed for 2 years, and every new expansion is +1 to the version number.

  2. SYCFA is crap when actually blowing up planets. The point of this deck, as those that say SYCFA is better have obviously missed, is to lock your opponent down, rendering him/her to be able to DO NOTHING. With SYFCA, I can’t blow everything away, and the deck would constantly lose.

end reponses


Death Star, Prepared Defenses for Crush The Rebellion, Battle Order, and Secret Plans


Get Superlaser out fast, and start moving the D*. Get out as many sites as possible, and set up for A Day Long Remembered (if Obi is out, then get rid of him) on Yavin 4 or Hoth (if LS deployed it). Blow away all the planets you can, primarily those that your opponent is set up on or is generating/draining the most Force at.

Deploy your Navy Troopers sparingly (save them for cancelling drains w/ Strategic Reserves) to protect your Gunners on the Death Star. Use Arica and U-3PO to block ground drains (Arica to Endor Landing Platform to choke TIGIH), and EPP Vader for suicide beatdowns. Get out Ability x3 after taking out some of your opponent’s generation and getting a lot more cards w/ ability on table.

If your opponent gets by the Defensive Fire & Hutt Smooches, Ephant Mon, and Palpy’s Force Lightning, and comes to the Death Star, play defensively since that’s how the Navy Troopers power up. Use Put All Sections On Alert and Trooper Assault to get rid of them.

Why no ships? If LS has any space, then they’re prepared for anything. Anything that goes down will get owned. Better to let them have space while it’s still around, then once its all gone, they’ll have nothing.

Since Honor Of The Jedi kills this deck, No Escape is vital to get out. Also, it can be deployed after blowing away a planet to get the CPI immediately back into hand.

Use Defensive Fire combo and Monnok combo (pulled with Crush) to constantly manipulate your opponent’s hand. Use Secret Plans to pull Shocking Revelation, then play it immediately. This allows you to scan your Reserve every turn and plan out your next few moves based on what you do and do not see in there.

Use the Reactor Terminal to set up high destinies for use with either Vader, Barquin D’an, or CPI; endgame, drop your entire hand.

Lategame, use Abyssin Ornament on the Navy Troopers for mass retrieval and send your Gunners to Used Pile. ‘