Filthy Daves Trooper Takedown

Title: Filthy Daves Trooper Takedown
Author: Preston "Bravo 3" Stahley
Date: Mar 14, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

My Kind Of Stormtroopers/Who cares you don’t flip

Locations (2)

Desert Heart (s)

JP Lower Passages (s)

Characters (26)

Mosep (rep)

Mara Jade, TEH

Vader w/ Lightsaber x2

Darth Vader x2

Major Hewex

Navy Trooper Fenson

Trooper Davin Felth (Filthy Dave)

Sergeant Wallen

Stormtrooper x16

Weapons (1)

Maras saber

Interrupts (19)

Trooper Assault x4

Elis Helrot x2

Operational As Planned x2

Full Scale Alert x2

Dark Jedi Presence x2

Twilek Advisor

Masterful Move

Abyssin Ornament

Unexpected Interruption

Perepared Defenses

Ghhhk/Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us

Ghhhk x2

Effects (10)

Well Guarded (always S)

TINT/Oppresive Enforcement (always S)

First Strike

Imperial Decree

Secret Plans

You Cannot Hide Forever

Reactor Terminal

Strategic Reserves

Search And Destroy

Ability, Ability, Ability ‘

Strategy: ‘


Ok, since everyone seems to think this deck will atomatically lose to any space deck, I’m going to explain in greater detail what to do against space decks. I’m not saying it will always beat space decks. In fact, if they are a very good player and play smart they can easily take you out. But 90% of the time they will make the mistake of messing with your drains and/or S&D damage. This is when you win.

vs ALL space decks except EBO

Deploy your 2 storptroopers to your sites and pull Search and Destroy. They are playing space so unless they have a death wish they will not be able to occupy a battleground site and will be losing 1 EVERY turn from the very start of the game. This hurts A LOT and they may even lose somthing critical off the top. Next you get Mosep and Mara + saber out to boost your drains. If you want to switch the Lower Passages out for Audience Chamber you could just pull Mara or Mosep depending on which you need. You will be draining for 3 and they will be losing 2 from S&D. If they just take the damage they probably will win, but unless they are a really good player they usually will get annoyed by the drains and especially the 1 every draw phase and come down to stop you. Thats when you ghhhk any damage and win the game the following turn.

vs EBO

This is not as bad a matchup as it seems. Set up on tatoine with Search And Destroy first turn, then invade Hoth to get Imperial Decree in effect. They are draining for what 3 or 4 A turn? You can handle that. And if they come to play on Hoth, which they most likly will, you win.

—-End Update


This deck is so unexpected and so lethal it isn’t even funny. It has won many a tournament game by huge differential. Here is how to play it right…


Always start your immune to Alter Well Guarded and TINT/Oppresive. Your second and thrid effects depend on the matchup.

vs EBO start Imperial Decree and You Cannot Hide Forever

vs Hidden Base start Secret Plans and You Cannot Hide Forever

vs everything else start just Secret Plans. You can start YCHF if you are afraid of numbers but most of the time you won’t need a third effect.


First turn…

See if you have a Ghhhk in your hand. If you do, drop 2 stormies to your 2 sites. If not draw up to find one.

Second turn and mid-game…

If they don’t mess with your troopers just have them drain away while you draw to build your hand. If they take the bait just Ghhhk away any damage and keep building your hand. Use the 2 Operational As Planned and the Terminal to keep your hand to 12 if you fear Grimtassh. Once you have a beatdown squad ready go for the kill. The troopers deploy free with Imperials of ability >2 so drop a Vader and a load of Stormtroopers to wherever he is. Then Trooper Assault and Dark Jedi Presense for major damage.

Finish Them Off…

After the beatdown if you didn’t whipe out the site wait till AFTER their deploy phase and play a Full Scale Alert to block their movement. Then on your turn drop more guys and battle them again. Now you can use your A,A,A and/or S&D to cause more even damage. This is also a good time to play your Abyssin Ornament for some insane retreival.

vs EBO, HB, or other space decks

Deploy your 2 storptroopers to your sites and pull Search and Destroy. Get Mosep and Mara and her saber quickly to help with drains. If its EBO, then invade Hoth to get Imperial Decree working. If they ever decide to come down to ground and mess with your drains you know what to do.


Full Scale Alert - man this is awesome in this deck. Just play it and see how fun it is to block ALL movement. hehe.

Hewex - adds 1 to total power for each trooper present. cool.

Sergeant Wallen - power 2 stormtrooper that deploys free to a battle you just inisiated.

Navy Trooper Fenson - power 2 trooper that subtracts 3 from On AND Off The Edge. Come to think of it, this deck really limits ALL forms of light side retrival. Secret Plans will slow them and best of all they can not even play Harvest

This deck is really strong and I thought I would post it now before Tatooine expantion ruins non-unique characters. Oh well. It is a evil deck that everyone will hate you for playing but it also wins games and is actually quite fun to play. Thanks for reading ‘