Hidden Jedi Mains

Title: Hidden Jedi Mains
Author: Alex "BaneMalar1" Thompson
Date: Mar 14, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Hidden Base Mains Deck

  1. Starting7

Hidden Base

Ren. Point


Heading for the frigate

Staging Areas


Strike planning



Yodas hut

Home 1 docking bay

Endor docking bay


Home 1 war room

Tatooine DB

Characters 18

Luke Jedi Knight

Rebel Scout Luke

Master Luke

Ben Kenobi

Obi w/saber

Han w/gun

Gen solo

Gen crix

Chewbacca protector

Chewie of kashyyyk

Leia w/gun x 2



Lando w/axe

Corran horn


Grand moff wedge leader


Merc Armor

Obi’s saber

Lukes Saber

Vehicles 1



Jedi Presence x 2

The signal

The Bithe Shuffle/Desperate Reach

Control/TV x 2

OOC/Trans Term x 3

Wookie Strangle

Run Luke Run

Fallen Portal

Weapon Lev

Courage of sky




Battle Plan

Order to engage

Ounee Ta

Aim High

Your Insight

Our Most Desp.Hour x 3

Strategy: ‘

Please do not rate this deck unless you understand that OMDH can be completed without the tatooine system. Also, substitute the third OMDH for Home 1.

Please rate version 1.1 instead.

This deck has huge activation and owns the ground. Turn one get out Home 1 DB, Dagobah, Yoda’s hut,anc put Crix at the H1 DB. Turn two you are activating 10 force. Then bring the beats with your mains and go to tatooine DB and put a skiff there. When you want to retrieve deploy Alderaan, Home 1, and target your rebel with OMDH. You can move the target in the skiff to the H1 DB and disembark and move to the bridge in 1 turn without barely touching space. Here is a description of various match-ups

Hunt Down

This deck can beat hunt down. A couple dueling cards as well as plenty of OOC/TT. You can ooc vader. When they are about to duel you play the shuffle to mess up their tracking and then play courage and you can win that thing with Ben Kenobi w/saber easy. Plenty of ground force to take on the nasty Dark mains.


Get the skiff and deploy your guys to the pit and try to lock that site down fast. There are good tatooine guys in here(Lando, Ben, and Master) that can go down cheap. Stack your mains at that site. Get two copies of jedi presence and Protector in your hand. Order to engage and move your guys over. Then if they try to hit you surprise them with jedi presence. If they draw mad destiny then play protector and lose kashyyk chewie from your hand and keep all your mains at that site Then you can retrieve Kasshyyk chewie and Protector with OMDH and pull chewie into your hand again with crix.If you can you are beaten then you can own the game from here.


A tough matchup. Start Aim High to slow retrieval. Then use a similar offensive strategy as to court. This deck is usually no problem against ground decks. But watchout for None shall pass. Play ounee ta and save enough force to deploy at least 4 or 5 strong mains. That way if they none shall pass then they can only stop one guy. Jedi Presence helps against them with no bargain out.


A severly tough matchup but I maintained a 22 point victory against ties with this deck. Start Insurrection, Battle Plan, and Aim High. Get Gen solo, home 1, leia w/gun, and hasshn if they refuse to come to ground. Wait carefully for them to move. If they come to the ground to satisfy battle plan then smack em and start your retrieval engine. If they refuse to come to ground then hit em hard with home 1, hasshn,leia w/gun and han w/blaster and any other pilots you can. Then play order to engage and go to their weakest systems. The protector card as defense works especially well for this matchup. You dont want to lose Home 1.

Bring Him

Master Luke can get to Tat. DB cheap and fast. Then you can persona replace him with Rebel scout Luke. Then when vader comes down to take Luke hit em with Obi and your other mains and OOC vader. Try to bring a beat to the emperor with your spies and ooc emperor. You can remove Vader from battles with Rebel Luke. This should be a fun game.


Ounee-TA start. Ahhhhh, the magic bullet.

Card Choices

Protector-I usually don’t use this card for the added destiny. Jedi presence adds enough power. Always use the defensive value of this card to keep your mains on the table. That way OMDH works good.

Jedi Presence - Two copies is good . That way if you got them both you can wait to use one when they attatck you then hit em with on their turn, and your turn. The finish them off with order to engage when they are terrified to attack you again.

Aim High

This card is huge. Helps for the ground and against ties. What more could you want.

Ounee ta

Helps against MKOS and ops. A good choice for this deck. The ability to place lost card in hand is good too. ‘