Hunt Down Fake Down (a k a FlOps)

Title: Hunt Down Fake Down (a k a FlOps)
Author: Michael "Longshot" Mendoza
Date: Mar 14, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (10)

Exec Med Chamber (starting)

Exec Holotheater (starting)

Exec Docking Bay

Exec Comm Station

Exec Main Corridor






Characters (7)

Admiral Piett

Commander Gherent

Commander Merrejk

Admiral Chiraneau



Baron Soontir Fel

Starships (17)

Flagship Executor


VSD x3

TIE Interceptor x9

Emp’s Sword

Emp’s Shield

Saber 1

Interrupts (13)

All Power To Weapons x3

Short Range Fighters x2

Imperial Command x2

Twi’lek Advisor x3

Prepared Defenses (starting)

Tarkin’s Orders

Ghhhk/Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us

Effects (10)

No Escape

Visage of the Emperor (starting)

Flagship Operations

Sienar Fleet Systems

Dreaded Imperial Starfleet

Come Here You Big Coward

Imperial Arrest Order (starting)

Mobilization Points (starting)

Something Special Planned (starting)

Lateral Damage

Weapons (2)

SFS Cannons x2


Hunt Down and Destroy the Jedi ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is the deck I used at Enduro. I used it for all

8 dark side games. See my TRs from Enduro if you’d

like to see how it fared. Since people requested a

decklist I just decided to post it. It went 5-3.

There is a lot to gain by playing this deck. It can

really fake out your opponent into thinking you are

playing Hunt Down. Of course, sooner or

later your opponent will figure you aren’t playing

a lot of ground power and will get wise. But those

few extra turns where he didn’t spread out and drain

you can be big. So here’s the strategy

Deploy someone 1st turn to the Exec DB (either

someone you had or someone you pull w/Imp Command).

Hopefully you get Piett, then pull Gherent. Use

Gherent to pull your other 2 Exec sites. Use Mob Pts

to pull Wakeelmui. If you drew it, then pull Rendili.

If they don’t cancel Visage, get SFS setup fast.

Twi’lek for SFS before FlOps, and retrieve some lost

force. If they get out HoTJ, Twi’lek for No Escape

1st, then SFS.

Believe it or not, Visage really helps this deck. It

destroys fragile decks like EBO (they don’t want to

lose an Echo site off the top), and can make other

decks lose important cards (like starships).

Realistically, Visage gets cancelled rather quickly

though. Spies or OOC/TT kills it, then you just

retrieve it and keep that 7 floating in your deck.

FlOps can go on any Star Destroyer. Ideally you want

it on Executor to make it immune to attrition, but you

won’t always draw the Executor. Whatever ship you put

it on, be sure you escort that ship w/TIEs so it isn’t

lost. Typically, FlOps is out between the 2nd and 6th

turns, depending on whether you had to Twi’lek for

stuff like SFS & No Escape.

FlOps really does nothing unless the opponent battles

you, so go to them and bring the beats. Your TIEs have

big forfeit and good destiny, and deploy for -1. Abuse

FlOps. Its great when you are battling at a system and

can deploy your VSDs for 3 force each, and each TIE for

1 force. Its great when you draw one of the Emp squads

for destiny since they are destiny +6. But FlOps does

not add to drains, so if they don’t battle you but

would rather drain you, you need to spread and use

Chiraneau and VSDs to win the drain race.

Obviously, use Merrejk to pull your systems. This deck

has no trouble at all with generation. I’ve even had

the Executor destroyed and I still had enough force to

work with. Plus, FlOps isn’t cancelled if the Executor

is destroyed (unless it was deployed on Executor), so

if the opponent has overrun the Executor, try to destroy

the Executor somehow.

Obviously ground power is a weakness of this deck, and a

smart player will take advantage of the big drains on

the Executor. So play CHYBC to kill those and force them

to occupy some battlegrounds. Against I Hope She’s

Alright I look for a place to move a few of my pilots,

but if not then I just eat the damage and drain wherever

I can. Notice I don’t play the Exec Control Station

because you don’t want the Light player to take control

of the Executor and move it around. On to the matchups.


You should have no problem taking over Tatooine. Visage

usually gets cancelled quickly since many WYS decks play

OOC/TT. Celebration shouldn’t be a worry. Harvests will

be OOP due to Something Special PLanned. Use Tarkin’s

Orders to cancel Surprise Assualt, or cancel a ground

drain while you control Tatooine. I used to have Battle

Deployment in here, but I took it out. But Battle

Deployment could be big against WYS if they get out

I Hope She’s Alright and you need to occupy a BG site.


Hopefully you can deploy CHYBC, Arica, U-3PO, or

Imperial Fleet to cancel Luke’s drains. Setup FlOps and

get you drains going. Watch out for the spy beatdown on

Executor. Once Executor is out, move your guys to its

bridge. If they play space, wait until you can get a

good beatdown on them. Lat Damage and SFS Cannons can

do that for you.

v Profit

Start Arica, and just block what drains you can. Setup

your drains and with Arica and Imperial Fleet blocking

drains (and U-3PO), you should win the drain race. If

they come in space, blast ’em away in a big beating.

If its a good Profit deck, it’ll be a tough matchup for

you, but you get to retrieve w/SRF and SFS too.

v HB flip

Auto-win. You’ll generate so much force it won’t even

be funny. Your stuff goes down so cheap and your TIEs

will recycle to your used pile. FlOps will save you

time and time again because you will draw high destiny

every draw and your forfeit will be HUGE.

v HB non-flip

Same matchup as TIGIH basically. They’ll come to the

Executor, so play CHYBC to kill the drains. Hope they

come to space so you can get a good beatdown.

Otherwise, use your spies and Imp Fleet to cancel

drains and your big drains should win.


Same as TIGIH and HB non-flip. Hopefully they’ll play

Tatooine system so you can take it over and get a big

drain there. Tessek + Chandra-fans can actually out-

drain you under the right circumstances, so get those

space drains going. Against ground decks (HB non-

flip, TIGIH, AITC, etc), FlOps is secondary priority.

Setup your drains and SFS to start retrieving. Use

the spies and Imperial Fleet.


Depends. Battle Plan will be a pain, but you activate

plenty so it won’t be that bad. Eventually they’ll

come to space (most likely), so kill ’em in a big

battle. Cancel Landing Claw with the Ghhhk combo.


Both players will be deploying really cheaply, so

there’ll be some good battling. But you retrieve

when you deploy, the EBO player won’t be retrieving.

Plus your TIEs will go used, so you will outlast EBO.

Hyper Escape is hurt because you start Something

Special Planned. Plus you can cancel Hyper Escape

with Ghhhk combo and Tarkin’s Orders.

So there it is, my FlOps deck. Review it, rate it, &

give me some comments. Thanks for looking at it. ‘