Squishy ISB

Title: Squishy ISB
Author: garrett "deadbody" larson
Date: Mar 15, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting Crap 6

ISB/other side

Prepared Def

Mob. Pts


Imperial Decree

Imperial square

Locations 5

Hoth db

Yavin db

Corescant db

Generic DB


Guys 21

2x Vader (choke is personal choice)




Lt. Pol

2x 5d6

5x random ISB agents (any suggestions?)





DS 61 2

DS 61 3

DS 61 4


Blue 10


Blizzard 1

2x Blizzard Walker

Tempest 1


Boba in pimp mobile

Bossk in Grocery getter

Zuckuss in @#$% Hunter

Tempest scout 6 (gotta love that reacting deploy for 1)

Red 18

Lateral Damage

Secret Plans

Something Special planned

3x Tw’Lek

2x Operaional as Planned

2x Main Course

3x Imperial command

5x Trample

Strategy: ‘

Okay this is a variation of Deadbodys Bring him Before me (posted on my site, go rate it but bear in mind it is pre-R2) It uses the DB’s to run Imperiall Decree, and then 5d6 to eliminate drains. Runs Walkers and lots o’ pilots so I can go to DB’s and start Battles without fear of Fallen Portal. I plan on bringing this to a Tourney on Saturday. I built it to stand up to WYS better than what I had been playing. Any suggestions would be helpful.


WYS-Take over your 2 DB’s (Hoth and Yavin) then use your Walkers Tramples, and IC’s to make short work of their puny guys. Still a very tough match-up but if you play smart you should win.

AITC-See above, Squish all non-unique Aliens, and just clean up the mess. Imperial Decree will help here, since they can’t jsut out drain you.

TR Mains-a good match up, you don’t need their force, and you have lots o’ spies, drop a spy and a walker on Crix and give him the beating of his life. Your Imperail Command and squish cards should be able to handle their EPP’s.

TIGIH-leave Luke alone till you get Vader, his drains will be squat without bonuses, you should never lose a battle, just don’t be stupid. Fortify your guys

Anything Else- Play your game. Take over your DB’s and then Battle on your own Terms. Anyone who played my BHBM (at the MN grand Slam and a few Tourneys after that) knows what this can do, just don’t play stupid.

Okay for notable ommisions

Xixor, doors always seem to fall on his head, and there are better pilots

Mara, Don’t really need her, have a lot of spies, and all of them Drain plus 1, most of my battles should be walkers with pilots, and that is not where she is best utilized. Plus like xixor doors alwyas seem to be falling on her.

Empy and Friends, again not really a neccesity, there are better characters for this deck. Would liek to add them, but not at the expence of other cards..

Would LIke to adds,

Reactor Terminal (just because I like it, last thing on this list though)

Imperial Command (at least 1 more)

SA Protection (LS doesn’t really play it around here, but a good Heavuy SA deck could cause some problems)

Grabbers (really would go with above)

Nevar Yalnal, want at least 2 maybe 3, just need to find space

Any specific Questions D-mail me, otherwise be fair.

Garrett ”Deadbody” Larson ‘