ROPS2K- The Bittch Is Back

Title: ROPS2K- The Bittch Is Back
Author: Alex "george3785" George
Date: Mar 17, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (6)



Prep. Def.


Mob. Points


Locations (6)





Exec. Docking Bay

DS2 Docking Bay

Characters (18)

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Sergeant Elsek

Emperor Palpatine

Colonel Davod Jon

Epp Vader

Grand Moff Tarkin

Corporal Avarik

Lieutenant Arnet

Janus Greejatus

Biker Scout Trooper


Mara Jade TEH

Iggy With Gun

Admiral Ozzel

Sim Aloo

ATST Pilot x2

Admiral Piet

Vehicles (7)

Speeder Bike x3

Tempest Scout 3

Tempest Scout 5

Tempest Scout 6

Blizzard 2

Starships (5)



Zuckuss in ship

Bossk in ship

Boba in ship

Effects (7)

Search And Destroy

Therell be hell to pay x2

First Strike

Reactor Terminal

Secret Plans

Lat Damage

Interrupts (10)

Masterful move



Omni Box/Its Worse

Imperial Barrier

High Speed Tactics x2

Trample x2

Imperial Command

AO (1)

Battle Deployment

Strategy: ‘


I have now taken this deck and converted it to a BHBM deck. I think this deck is good but please review and tell me which is better. My BHBM deck is called ”Bring Her Before Me The Virgin Penetration. Please review both and tell me which is better.

UPDATE- This deck is original. I originally got the idea for some of the aspects of the deck from the DS Brugges deck, by dark padawan. I used my deck that i had been using for a while now (with high speed tactics and bikes) and added some new cards and ideas i got from him. I do give him credit for a great deck and the inspiration to post a ROPS deck on here after such a long absence from the top 10.


take out jungle for Desert. This will scare them if they expect sandwhirl. Take out tempest scout 3 for tempest scout 1.

Why is there once again a resurgence of the all mighty ROPS?

The answer to that question is simple WYS. The objective WYS is by far one of LS most powerful tools. It is a very powerful objective, and nowadays you have to be ready for it. Well WYS uses palace Shiiters and Patrol Crafts. So I thought of a way around those pesky destiny adding mongrels. HIGH SPEED TACTICS, and TRAMPLE. These two cards can easily get rid of the palace raiders and patrol crafts leaving the WYS objective with little ground protection. Also the biker scouts do not let harvest occur. ANOTHER +.

The Strategy of the deck

You should start usually the same cards, but if you know something is up with retrieval, you may want secret plans. You should get Carida before you activate. You should try to flip as fast as you can, because when your objective is on the side you will most likely win with ease. First turn you should get out either exec. Or DS2 docking bay and forest. Deploy a guy at the docking bay (preferably ozzel) and if you have force left over a guy at the forest. If you are having trouble getting imperials after you have your sites out, remember your biker and his hog, can be pulled from your deck for a cheap deploy of 2. You should also not deploy to space until you are flipped, because you want to avoid a beatdown by super falcon and outrider. The only way I would go to space if is you have to because they are controlling raaltiir and you are ready to flip. You should deploy a ship there, then maybe another and battle with your battle destiny +3. You may also want to go to carida if battle plan is on table so that your drains can eat him up. You also later want to reinforce your troops on raaltiir with some forces and some reacts in case a mad beatdown comes along. Then you want to deploy and battle opponent, using trample, high speed tactics, and imperial command to win you battles and clear opponent off of the board. This deck is very powerful and can easily beat almost all light decks out there. You should be able to win may games with it.

Reasons for some cards

Colonel Davod Jon- This guy is a beast. He is power 5 immune to attrition less than 3 and is a perfect guard for a raalttier location.

Sites- These are the best sites. Swamp is awesome at stopping battles because of the plus 3 text. They also cant react to there.

Battle deployment- This AO also helps against WYS. It will stop multiple destinies and maybe make opponents starships –2 power. It can also be used to get out the atsts.

Why my atst- I use the ones that already have permanent pilots, incase I cant find an atst pilot. These ones can all also react.

Blizzard 2- I use this instead of tempest 1 because they are basically the same except double the destiny. ATAT is a Beast.

Reasons I do not have certain cards

Imperial Decree- I have not ever played with this, and I have never lost a game to EBO. Just take control and you will not need this to win.

Sec. Precs- I have not seen a flipping HB for a while now. This is also not a needed card to beat a HB deck.

Guri and Stinger- I would love to have these in here, because the are great against WYS. I just couldn’t find the room.

Sp. Docking bay- I have used this and it has almost cost me a few games. I Do not want opponent to have a way over to raalttir except by deploying. This card does not help all of the time so I do not use it.


WYS (Satans OBJECTIVE)- This is a tough game even with all of my precautions. He will want to flip so most likely he will not go to the Raalttiir system and will stay at tattooine. You should flip fast so that you can start your assault on Tatooine. You should deploy a biker scout squadron to tatooine and some backup beats at cantina. You can High speed tactics all of the patrol craft and react away from the battles. This way he will not be able to use Harvest and you should be able to force drain for tons, at cantina and at Ralttier. You will also want to try to control the tatooine system so Celebration cannot happen. Just go there with Thrawn+IC+CHIMAERA+ BOSSK and wipe his ships out of the water. If you can hold tat. With Battle deployment out you should have this game won. My advice- Play smart and Ruthlessly. Grab Fallen Portal and ON THE EDGE.

MWYHL- You want to flip fast and protect your sites. Deploy to the air so that you can drain with battle plan out. Get out S+D and make them lose force. If you can make them lose a lot before they flip you should be able to hold them off for the rest of the game. Grab ON THE EDGE.

These are about all that I have seen recently. If you have any questions, opinions, or Thoughts review my deck so that I can improve it. Thanks. CYA ON THE FLIP SIDE