
Title: DS2Ops
Author: Patrick "Fiftytwo" Mathieson
Date: Mar 17, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Starting (8)

Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost


Endor Bunker

Endor Landing Platform

Operational As Planned

Death Star II

Moff Jerjerrod

Imperial Arrest Order

Locations (11)

Tatooine x2

DS2 Docking Bay

DS2 Capacitors

DS2 Coolant Shaft

DS2 Reactor Core

Tatooine Docking Bay

Tatooine Cantina

Tatooine Mos Eisley

Tatooine Tusken Canyon

Tatooine Jundland Wastes

Starships (6)

Bossk in Bus

Boba Fett in Slave 1

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Dengar in Punishing 1

The Emperor’s Shield

The Emperor’s Sword

Characters (16)

Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith x3

Emperor Palpatine x2

Grand Moff Tarkin

Mara Jade x2

Commander Merrejk x2

IG-88 with Riot Gun

4-LOM with Concussion Rifle


Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba

Prince Xizor


Vehicles (2)

Tempest 1

Blizzard 2

Weapons (3)

Vader’s Lightsaber

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Superlaser Mark II

Effects (6)

Battle Order

Search & Destroy

Overseeing It Personally

Presence of the Force x2

Secret Plans

Interrupts (7)

Twi’lek Advisor x4

Imperial Barrier x3

Epic Events (1)

That Thing’s Operational ‘

Strategy: ‘


Take out Mos Eisley, add Spaceport DB so I can pull a second Tat site from deck.

End change

Before you rate this deck low because it builds the Death Star take a look at it. This deck kills the opponent so quickly and easily that it’s not funny. Ever heard of 7 direct damage a turn?

How to play

First turn you get 5 force to play around with. Put down the DS2, IAO, and grab the DS2 DB. Put Jerjerrod there for 3. Use him to get the Coolant Shaft. Next turn you’re getting a whopping 9 force. Deploy the capacitors and the Tatooine DB. Start deploying characters to Tatooine, and spread them out over the planet. Third turn you get 11 force. Deploy the Reactor Core and That Thing’s Operational. During all this you’ve been dumping your Tatooine sites, and possibly deployed either Tatooine or Merrejk to search for it. You should also have been Twi’leking for important effects. If Tatooine is out (which it should be normally) move the DS2 over there.

At this point you are direct-damaging for AT LEAST 3 a turn from TTO, usually more if you’ve got more Tat sites down. You have good enough ground power to control all 5 Tatooine sites, and the Barriers will help you if a mains beatdown comes along. Overseeing It Personally and 2 Presences help even more. Your six ships are more than enough to control space, but the major worry is them blowing up the Death Star. Put the Sword and the Shield there for protection, and let the bounty hunter ships drain at Endor and Tatooine until they’re needed. If you want, grab the Superlaser for protection against Home One/Tantive IV, etc.

End How To Play

To sum it up

Seven force loss a turn from That Thing’s Operational if all 5 sites are out

Drains of up to 17 on ground

Drains of up to 3 in air

Now for the matchups…

Vs. WYS - This could be a problem deck, seeing that we’re fighting for the same turf. All I can say is play your game, not the opponents.

Vs. Hidden/Throne Room Mains - Beatdowns = bad. Bunch up your guys and save your Barriers.

Vs. EBO - Forget about space draining and just control the DS2. Even if EBO is draining at its best (like 12-15) you’ve still got an advantage with the direct damage + force drains.

Vs. HB Flip - Same thing as EBO, except that their drains are gonna be even lower, so you’ll win faster. Simple as that.

Vs. MWYHL - Fine, so no Overseeing it Personally. Otherwise, just play it like a Mains deck.

Vs. Anything else - Just play your game. You’ll win )

Patrick “Fiftytwo” Mathieson ‘