The Stereotype Beatdown

Title: The Stereotype Beatdown
Author: Evan "fizz247" Clemens
Date: Nov 28, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (3) Death Star Twi’lek Advisor Battle Order (usually)

Locations (6) Endor Kiffix Kashyyyk Cloud City Downtown Plaza Endor Back Door Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber

Characters (20) Darth Vader EPP Vader x2 Grand Moff Tarkin Commander Igar Captain Needa General Tagge Admiral Motti Admiral Ozzel DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Officer Evax Jabba x2 EPP Fett Zuckuss Boelo J’Quille Dr. Evazan

Starships (6) Thunderflare Vengeance Devastator Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser Death Squadron Star Destroyer x2

Vehicle (4) Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 6 Blizzard 2

Interupts (12) Limited Resources Elis Helrot Always Thinking With Your Stomach Monnok It’s Worse Torture Masterful Move Alter x2 Sense x3

Effects (7) There’ll Be Hell To Pay Lateral Damage Bad Feeling Have I Come Here You Big Coward Oppressive Enforcement Security Precautions Presence Of The Force x2

Strategy: ‘

Well the premise of the deck is pretty simple kill anything they put on the table and have some drains on the side. Starting the Death Star start will give you a heavty activation as well as protected activation from Revolution. The starting effect can be modified, but I feel Battle Order prepares for a wide variety of light side strategies. Perhaps Bad Feeling may serve better against a tosche mains sort of deck, come here you big coward against MWYHL etc. You decide based on your knowledge of your opponent’s deck. The locations in the deck are my favorite part. They give you substantial activation, and Kashyyyk is the only one that is revo-able, as far as force denial goes. The ‘natural’ force drain of two at four of the sites will help you against MWYHL, and all the locations are battlegrounds. The characters in the deck are typical of beatdown. The two Jabbas and Fett/Boelo could be better than Vader/Tarkin, and J’Quille can often eliminate a destiny draw or forfit fodderr. Goo Nee Tay will always be a problem, but a huge activation and alter will help. I think six capital starships is plenty for space domination, as long as you stick pilots on them. The vehicles provide some lightsaber immunity and add to the ground power. The interupts are mainly suger and spice, none necissary but all useful, most notably as good destiny. Tracking the sixes can be quite deadly. A small sense/alter package can prepare for unforseen light side strategies. The effects are mostly for prevention, use lateral damage to add to space beatdown. The POTFs can do wonders for draining against MWYHL and get you into covert light side instilations. Against operatives, a beatdown on their planet may prove bennificial, and if operatives keep coming up in your arena, replace one of the POTF with a bright center to the universe. Against an EPP beatdown deck, chances are you will have a good time, with lots of battles, but domination of both space and ground will win you the game. Against hidden base, keep up a steady force drain while you can, then probe with security precautions if they flip. Again, control of both theaters will give you an edge. Most decks based on hiding somewhere will be overcome by force drains, but undercovers/landing claw might be trouble, setting up one good beatdown may help. If these decks are prevelent in your area, you might add a sniper, those rebels wont escape us, and a first strike. Have fun tearing apart my first submision to decktech, and i would like all the help you could give. Thanx’